30 lb sulcata on craig's

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New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 15, 2010
i just found this i'm so excited it's my first sulcata find in oklahoma!!!! he's right here in tulsa and i just shot her an email to see if i could stop by. i'm going to give him a temporary home if he needs one but i know there are several people on here who want big sullies, if he is indeed $1 or cheap i would love to meet someone halfway if i end up with him. here it is:



New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 15, 2010
actually, update: the woman who is giving this guy up (his name is sunshine, how cute!!!) thinks of him as her baby, says he's completely healthy, but she's been keeping him in her second story appartment, and says she's getting too old to carry him up and down the stairs to their park.

so that's why she's giving him up, and she only wants to give him to a woman because women can love him better than a man will, so i told her i was just going to give him a temporary home to keep him out of a bad situation etc etc...

but i'm actually really suprised she wants to meet the person and see where sunshine's going to be living, she asked me if i have dogs! so actually, if i end up getting him i will not be able to give him to another man lol!

i really respect what she is doing in trying to give him a good home, and she's not charging anything for him, she just wants him to go to a good home. so if i don't get him i'm confident she's going to find the right person for this big guy, not the first $100 that comes her way!

also she got him when he was three yrs old so that might explain the pyramiding. but, i don't know how old sulcatas are when they reach 30 lbs? he might be older than richard fife's "humid hide" theory.

so updates, if any FEMALE wants him you should contact her, or if i get him, we can talk lol!
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