A very heart wrenching subject.


5 Year Member
Oct 29, 2013
I recently looked on Google to examine what metabolic bone disease looks like in reptiles other than tortoises as I have never seen it before.
Seeing how deformed and truly unhealthy some of the animals where stuck a knife deep in my chest. I keep a wide variety of animals and I have a lot of them, but each animal is one of my children and is part of my family and seeing how someone could just destroy an animal like that kills me.
They depend on us to provide for them and I feel if you can not provide the food, care, love and attention they need you should not be keeping that animal.
What really hit home for me was the iguanas, geckos, chameleons, and beardies. Some of those animals did not even have the strength to lift their heads. I must have cried forever after seeing that.

I spend more time with my reptiles than I do with humans, they're my best friends and I wouldn't be the person I am now if it hadn't been for them. They give me comfort when I am feeling down and they are a pleasure to have around.

I guess the main point I am trying to get across is anyone out there reading this if you want a reptile or any animal research is key and make sure you can provide for that animal. They depend on you to give them what they need so nourish them, keep them clean, keep them warm, and spoil them rotten.


5 Year Member
Jul 27, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Glendale, Arizona, USA
i do..i have to. i have a deep understanding as to how crucial it is for me to give them the best care. my reptiles get me through my day..without them i would be bitter and mean ALL the time. another reason i keep my reptiles in the best condition, is because if i didnt my family would further ridicule me.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
It is very sad. However, don't forget, most didn't know any better. I lost an iguana years ago at a very young age, due to the lack of knowledge from the pet store that sold it too me. They were probably just passing on the bad info they received. We only found out about his poor diet after speaking to Michigan State University Veterinarian department. I was told to only feed greens.:(. Way back then, there was no Internet either. Luckily today we have the means to learn more and hopefully find the right info. and do much better then years ago.


5 Year Member
Jul 27, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Glendale, Arizona, USA
wellington said:
It is very sad. However, don't forget, most didn't know any better. I lost an iguana years ago at a very young age, due to the lack of knowledge from the pet store that sold it too me. They were probably just passing on the bad info they received. We only found out about his poor diet after speaking to Michigan State University Veterinarian department. I was told to only feed greens.:(. Way back then, there was no Internet either. Luckily today we have the means to learn more and hopefully find the right info. and do much better then years ago.

im not blaming people for the bad care of animals, most commonly that is the case (they were given incorrect information). i understand it, this happened to a friend of mine with a snake of his. however, when im just considering an animal, i look up every bit of info i can find about them. then talk to people about it. read some more. talk again. i want the care for them to be a daily routine drilled into my head BEFORE i even get the reptile..and can simply adjust accordingly if needed. thats just me though.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oh, I understand. That's me too. Probably most of us on a forum like this. It's too bad more don't want to learn everything about their animals, but unfortunate not everyone does. With the Internet and forums like this, with more and more correct info getting out and able to be found, maybe one day, animals will look like they are suppose too and be kept in the manner that is good for them.


5 Year Member
Jul 27, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Glendale, Arizona, USA
wellington said:
Oh, I understand. That's me too. Probably most of us on a forum like this. It's too bad more don't want to learn everything about their animals, but unfortunate not everyone does. With the Internet and forums like this, with more and more correct info getting out and able to be found, maybe one day, animals will look like they are suppose too and be kept in the manner that is good for them.

not only do i do it for the sake if the reptile, but i thinks its interesting..i love learning about the needs of animals and why this is so.


5 Year Member
Oct 29, 2013
I remember getting my first snake ever when I was about 13. My little normal ball python girl. I sat up for hours reading every book I could find about the care of ball pythons, the general behavior of ball pythons, their history, and where they originated. Not to mention talking to multiple breeders to check and make sure my feeding routine was good and that I had the perfect set up for her. Now she's my old gal but she is and has been my best friend.

It makes me so happy when people do their research on their reptiles before they get one, and this counts for any animal!

I take pride in my HUGE family, I love seeing babies hatch each year and seeing all the new morphs I create. <3


5 Year Member
Oct 29, 2013
My favorite teacher in highschool that was also very into reptiles has had several iguanas for a very long time. One being 27 years old named girl. She hatched with scoliosis and has just the general problem with her spine, but she is a pleasure to be around and does she love that man!
Every time he goes to school to teach she doesn't eat she won't poo or move. She sits and awaits his arrival home. He takes her to school with him one day during the spring to let the students enjoy her and she loves being out in the courtyard sunning. I remember last year when I came with him to help him keep an eye on her she ruled that courtyard!

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