Advice needed. I feel like a failure.


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Oct 26, 2018
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North Las Vegas
I have sulcata that I raised from a hatchling. We kept him in a fairly small enclosure with a heat lamp and no humidity for about a year. He is now outside all the time as he is fairly large. We're live in the desert and rarely have any humidity. Based on my experience the lack of humidity had no effect on him. We have a baby desert tortoise and when his shell became soft we changed the heat lamp and started leaving him in the sun for several hours which helped. I hope your tortoise pulls through

Mel from hell

Sep 28, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Adams Center. Ny
Thank you. I will read both of those articles. So my humidity was about 20% off from optimal. That’s disappointing as I could have easily raised it but was scared seeing so many articles about respiratory infections from humidity being too high.

He is still clinging on. Is there anything I could possibly do to save him at this point in time or is he just destined to pass from living in too dry of conditions.

I have also still not heard back from the exotics vet in our area. I was prepared to take off work and take him in but they have not yet responded.

Hello. Yikes, I’m feeling terrible for you. You, did not cause this.
It won’t do him any more harm, so try my liquid vitamin B drops solution? I’ve given near dead snakes n water turtles this over the last, few decades. I also, give it on a regular basis to my snakes, my llamas n my birds. It just plain, has never let me down. At least, u can feel like there’s even a tiny chance.
I also soak my tortoises, 1/2 hr a day in quite warm water. People would cry if they saw my set up!
But it works for ME. He could just have been sick? To begin with and this could just b bad luck. Please, at least try, liquid vitamins. Is there. Can no Vet, See him right away? Where
Do u live?
Keep him very warm, too. I used to moisten a heating pad n put the babies on a thin towel, too. I’m trying. I hope he will pull thru. Don’t quit trying. Best of luck

Big Charlie

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Jul 28, 2015
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I have sulcata that I raised from a hatchling. We kept him in a fairly small enclosure with a heat lamp and no humidity for about a year. He is now outside all the time as he is fairly large. We're live in the desert and rarely have any humidity. Based on my experience the lack of humidity had no effect on him. We have a baby desert tortoise and when his shell became soft we changed the heat lamp and started leaving him in the sun for several hours which helped. I hope your tortoise pulls through
I have had a similar experience with my sulcata. Charlie is 19 years old and has a fairly smooth shell. Back when I got him, no one mentioned that humidity was important. They said that growing too fast caused pyramiding.


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Sep 24, 2018
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baldwin park
1. Why can’t we see your enclosure? We need to see your set up to find out the problem caused
2. The only picture you have right there. Looks like he is already lost strength. Can be already visceral injury.
3. The safe way to wake him up again, keep him in a warm(80f) high humidity plastic box(drill some hole),with some soil or moist substrate.
4. vet may not help you save it’s life cuz it’s too small and they won’t give you a “try out” option.
5. No food no soak for 48 hrs let him sleep. Hopefully the magic will happen.


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Nov 6, 2018
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He’s still clinging on today. I put out some Romaine for him last night before I went to bed, and it appears that he has eaten something (I meant to count the leaves so I could check) hopefully I’m hoping he makes a poop for me so I can get it sent out.

I completely agree with Otrcoyote - you must go call to the reptile vet and say that the animal is in severe condition and its a question of life and death. It is worth pushing them over there. Call several times if needed.
Please, let us know how is your sulcata doing right now? Did you manage to see a vet?


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Nov 2, 2018
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I spoke to the tort vet and he said that there wasn’t much anyone could do at his size, but we tried to get a fecal sample to send it for testing but he was too far down the tubes to get one out of him.

He passed away Tuesday night.

We’ve completely revamped our enclosure and bought some new equipment to ensure we don’t make the same mistakes again.


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Nov 6, 2018
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I spoke to the tort vet and he said that there wasn’t much anyone could do at his size, but we tried to get a fecal sample to send it for testing but he was too far down the tubes to get one out of him.

He passed away Tuesday night.

We’ve completely revamped our enclosure and bought some new equipment to ensure we don’t make the same mistakes again.

Dear Snorkelshark,

I am so very sorry for your loss. Hatchlings are quite fragile (adults fragile too, but younger tortoises show illness faster and more rapid), these things happen. I am very sorry.
However, I hope you stick around and we will hear a lot of good news about your future animals.


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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2017
So sorry for your loss.
Read up the care sheets and buy from someone on the forum. I do hope you try again with a baby that's had a good start.

Cheryl Hills

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I spoke to the tort vet and he said that there wasn’t much anyone could do at his size, but we tried to get a fecal sample to send it for testing but he was too far down the tubes to get one out of him.

He passed away Tuesday night.

We’ve completely revamped our enclosure and bought some new equipment to ensure we don’t make the same mistakes again.
Did Bob Ever call you about the babies? He has contacted me and mine will arrive on Tuesday. I think he had the two of us mixed up. Mine are coming by southwest and I will pick them up at the airport so, only about a four hour flight.


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Sep 13, 2018
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
Hi, you need to soak your tort twice a day in warm water adding carrot baby food and some pedialyte. This will keep him nourished while he is not eating properly. If you don’t have sunlight do it inside the tank in a plastic container under the light, water should be kept warm at all times. Best of luck, hang in there!!!


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Nov 2, 2018
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Did Bob Ever call you about the babies? He has contacted me and mine will arrive on Tuesday. I think he had the two of us mixed up. Mine are coming by southwest and I will pick them up at the airport so, only about a four hour flight.
He did! And he did have us confused. I ended up ordering from Andrew (who has Bobs babies) new baby is strong and happy. I’ve got all kinds of new stuff and a giant tortoise table :)


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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2017
He did! And he did have us confused. I ended up ordering from Andrew (who has Bobs babies) new baby is strong and happy. I’ve got all kinds of new stuff and a giant tortoise table :)
Hope all goes well. Enjoy your new addition. I'd love to see pictures. [emoji4]


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Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
So sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you


New Member
Nov 2, 2018
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Hope all goes well. Enjoy your new addition. I'd love to see pictures. [emoji4]

He came in weighing 67g and he’s so cute, much more alert and moving around more than the last one ever did.

I’m wondering now if he was sick the whole time and I just didn’t know any better about the behavior because he was my first.


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Active Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2017
He came in weighing 67g and he’s so cute, much more alert and moving around more than the last one ever did.

I’m wondering now if he was sick the whole time and I just didn’t know any better about the behavior because he was my first.
He's beautiful [emoji4]


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2018
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He looks feisty! The key to a happy tortoise is to spoil your tortoise. [emoji4]


5 Year Member
Aug 24, 2018
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New Hampshire, USA
I spoke to the tort vet and he said that there wasn’t much anyone could do at his size, but we tried to get a fecal sample to send it for testing but he was too far down the tubes to get one out of him.

He passed away Tuesday night.

We’ve completely revamped our enclosure and bought some new equipment to ensure we don’t make the same mistakes again.
I'm sorry for your loss. :(

Exotics are tricky. When they aren't acting right, it can be incredibly tough to get them on the mend. I know when I brought Archimedes in for a checkup early on, the vets said if they ever needed to do tests, they'd probably have to sedate him to get samples. Just the tests alone would cost me about $500 (USD). There aren't any other vets in the area that handle exotics.

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