Affordable healthcare act upheld

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The member formerly known as captain awesome
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So to say I am shocked does not begin to describe how I feel right now. I feel like I missed something in the constitution. So thoughts, concerns, rants?
Please keep any debates civil.


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I saw that today. It definitely will affect us. My wife currently has no insurance because no companies will pick her up due to a pre-existing condition. This reform might actually be a good thing for us, but I would still rather get a better job that she could get on the group plan, than have it this way. But I can't because the economy sucks! Thanks once again know who!

Arizona Sulcata

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dmmj said:
So to say I am shocked does not begin to describe how I feel right now. I feel like I missed something in the constitution. So thoughts, concerns, rants?
Please keep any debates civil.

I'm not shocked one bit. The Constitution was thrown out the window close to 4 years ago on day 1. Sad day for the USA.


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I haven't really been able to decide if it is a good thing or not. I do think something needs to be done. I also think there is a better way, even a simpler way. However they (government) can never do things simple. I get his (Obama's) point in a way. I don't get the tax thing. I heard, but from my sister inlaw, who doesn't always get things right, that the tax set on those who don't get insurance, won't have a penalty to pay if the tax isn't paid. If that's true, nothing will change. If the plan drives health insurance policy to be more affordable, well then, it will be a good thing. I still think there is a better, easier way.


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Arizona Sulcata said:
I'm not shocked one bit. The Constitution was thrown out the window close to 4 years ago on day 1. Sad day for the USA.

I think it was in the process of being thrown out before then, but it got exponentially worse around the time you are referring to.


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The one thing I really don't understand. How is it that Obama is blamed for the economy? Has everyone forgot that idiot Bush ruined us! With the way Bush done this country in, something has to be done. The job situation sucks, which in turn makes a whole lot of people out of work and out of insurance. I don't mind my tax money going to help those who have tried to help themselves, but I am really tired of my money paying for the lazy SOB's that just want to sit on their asses and collect a check. That's where most of our over paying for insurance and health care goes, the lazy. The lazy that rolls up in a limo at Cook County Hospital(now Stroger hospital) in Chicago for their hospital appointments, we are paying for. Also the lazy person from Indiana, that some how gets away with going to that same hospital on my dime. Personally, we can all blame Bush for this mess and be thankful that at least Obama is trying to get it straightened out. Good or bad plan, I think a little of both. Is there a better plan, most likely.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Arizona Sulcata said:
dmmj said:
So to say I am shocked does not begin to describe how I feel right now. I feel like I missed something in the constitution. So thoughts, concerns, rants?
Please keep any debates civil.

I'm not shocked one bit. The Constitution was thrown out the window close to 4 years ago on day 1. Sad day for the USA.

You have got to be kidding???? It was thrown out long long before that.

wellington said:
The one thing I really don't understand. How is it that Obama is blamed for the economy? Has everyone forgot that idiot Bush ruined us! With the way Bush done this country in, something has to be done. The job situation sucks, which in turn makes a whole lot of people out of work and out of insurance. I don't mind my tax money going to help those who have tried to help themselves, but I am really tired of my money paying for the lazy SOB's that just want to sit on their asses and collect a check. That's where most of our over paying for insurance and health care goes, the lazy. The lazy that rolls up in a limo at Cook County Hospital(now Stroger hospital) in Chicago for their hospital appointments, we are paying for. Also the lazy person from Indiana, that some how gets away with going to that same hospital on my dime. Personally, we can all blame Bush for this mess and be thankful that at least Obama is trying to get it straightened out. Good or bad plan, I think a little of both. Is there a better plan, most likely.

Pretty well said there!


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StudentoftheReptile said:
Arizona Sulcata said:
I'm not shocked one bit. The Constitution was thrown out the window close to 4 years ago on day 1. Sad day for the USA.

I think it was in the process of being thrown out before then, but it got exponentially worse around the time you are referring to.

It got thrown out way before the time you are referring to. Like 8 years before.


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wellington said:
The one thing I really don't understand. How is it that Obama is blamed for the economy? Has everyone forgot that idiot Bush ruined us! With the way Bush done this country in, something has to be done. The job situation sucks, which in turn makes a whole lot of people out of work and out of insurance. I don't mind my tax money going to help those who have tried to help themselves, but I am really tired of my money paying for the lazy SOB's that just want to sit on their asses and collect a check. That's where most of our over paying for insurance and health care goes, the lazy. The lazy that rolls up in a limo at Cook County Hospital(now Stroger hospital) in Chicago for their hospital appointments, we are paying for. Also the lazy person from Indiana, that some how gets away with going to that same hospital on my dime. Personally, we can all blame Bush for this mess and be thankful that at least Obama is trying to get it straightened out. Good or bad plan, I think a little of both. Is there a better plan, most likely.

Trying to get it straight? He hasn't done much his entire term, then out of nowhere starts making random changes at the VERY LAST MINUTE to hopefully get re-elected for another 4 years of nothing? you're very right about lazy people taking advantage of the system, and the system being a sucker enough to encourage MORE people to be lazy, but what has Obama done besides sit on his pedestal and take a load of vacations? When the economy goes down he blames it on how it "already was" (when he said he was going to make changes he never implemented..), and when economy goes up he takes all the credit? Gas prices aren't down because he did something right, it's because no one can AFFORD gas so demand has gone down! *sigh* now this bill he has passed is just the cherry on top of his little campaign scheme... Instead of pointing fingers and blaming, why don't we just fix the damn problems without all the games??


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I have to say, I actually approve of most of this rule. My health care insurance costs will and have consistently been going up since I starting working almost 40 years ago, so using that ploy does not hold water with me. Last year, my husband and I paid an average of $250 dollars a week for our insurance. and that was only for the two of us. I love the fact that my children who are in there 20s can still be covered under their father's insurance a bit longer. They work and go to college all four of them (okay so one has graduated college), but none of their jobs have insurance coverage and none of them even make enough to pay premiums let alone paying for other things like food and shelter.

Yes it really ticks me to see those who CHOOSE to not work, getting free health care handouts. It ticks me to know, how rarely I or my children will use insurance, yet those folks go in every time their children has a single sneeze or they (the adults) get a sunburn.

For me, I actually feel like somebody is listening to me and my needs for a change, not the needs of the selfmade poor or the rich. Like I am getting a bit of a reward for working, paying my bills and taxes, and for giving up so many luxuries in life to pay them.


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Guys...guys...I have a solution. Everyone eat right, exercise frequently, live a healthy life style, sleep well, and be cautious when engaged in physical activities. Then we won't need health care. :p


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Neal said:
Guys...guys...I have a solution. Everyone eat right, exercise frequently, live a healthy life style, sleep well, and be cautious when engaged in physical activities. Then we won't need health care. :p

Boooorrrriiiinnnngggg. :p:D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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KimandKarasi said:
Trying to get it straight? He hasn't done much his entire term, then out of nowhere starts making random changes at the VERY LAST MINUTE to hopefully get re-elected for another 4 years of nothing? you're very right about lazy people taking advantage of the system, and the system being a sucker enough to encourage MORE people to be lazy, but what has Obama done besides sit on his pedestal and take a load of vacations? When the economy goes down he blames it on how it "already was" (when he said he was going to make changes he never implemented..), and when economy goes up he takes all the credit? Gas prices aren't down because he did something right, it's because no one can AFFORD gas so demand has gone down! *sigh* now this bill he has passed is just the cherry on top of his little campaign scheme... Instead of pointing fingers and blaming, why don't we just fix the damn problems without all the games??

When was he given a chance to do anything?? OF course sadly he did start to act like the other guys like Bush with all those vacations and things your right. If we had let him try, perhaps he could have gotten us out of the crap we were in when he was elected, but no we had to act like a bunch of spoiled little brats who did not get their person elected and made sure this one could not live up to his full potential. I for one am very ashamed of how we as Americans, behaved so poorly. We do not deserve to even be called Americans any more.

So true stop pointing fingers and allow the person WE VOTED IN TO STAND FOR US do his job.

Neal said:
Guys...guys...I have a solution. Everyone eat right, exercise frequently, live a healthy life style, sleep well, and be cautious when engaged in physical activities. Then we won't need health care. :p

Neal, wasn't your wife just currently in a hospital? Don't you have a baby currently going for well infant check ups? So we don't need health care at all? Hmmm interesting. Even living "well" does not mean your not going be needing health care.


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Jacqui said:
Neal, wasn't your wife just currently in a hospital? Don't you have a baby currently going for well infant check ups? So we don't need health care at all? Hmmm interesting. Even living "well" does not mean your not going be needing health care.

Psh...we could have handled it just fine without any health care.

(I'm being sarcastic hence the :p in my original post...but still. It's good advice considering the cost of obesity in America)


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Jacqui said:
When was he given a chance to do anything?? OF course sadly he did start to act like the other guys like Bush with all those vacations and things your right. If we had let him try, perhaps he could have gotten us out of the crap we were in when he was elected, but no we had to act like a bunch of spoiled little brats who did not get their person elected and made sure this one could not live up to his full potential. I for one am very ashamed of how we as Americans, behaved so poorly. We do not deserve to even be called Americans any more.

So true stop pointing fingers and allow the person WE VOTED IN TO STAND FOR US do his job.

He's had a democratic majority congress, yet STILL nothing got done, it had nothing to do with the republicans being "sore losers.".. He chose not to do anything, no one held him back. Then when he needs the Hispanics vote he goes OVER congress to make a new law, when before he said himself it "wasn't how our government works" when they asked him to do that years ago.. It's all a big game, no matter who is in office, they don't care about making things better in this country they want the power, and it will never change. I for one am even more ashamed that we as Americans continue to segregate ourselves into republicans and democrats, when shouldn't we all be working together for the betterment of the UNITED states??


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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What I would really like to see, is the senate and congress having to live like the rest of us do. Meaning giving up their special health insurance, retirement plans, ect.., Once they come down to the normal Joe Blow's level perhpas real change and good change could happen. ... Then again, I really want us to lose the party system and just start trying to hire the best man/woman for the job regardless of their party beliefs, their color, creed, sexual preference, ect.., Why do we think so little of those we hire to make the laws of our country, then we do about other business with less importance to our lives and futures? Seriously, can you imagine if all business hired with the main reason to hire somebody being what party they belong to?


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I am not sure what people expect Obama to do, perform miracles? Bush used all of his 8 years to ruin us! Yet everyone expects Obama to fix it in less then 4 years. Every president takes the glory and passes off the bad, everyone of them takes a lot of vacations. I do feel things have gotten better. There are jobs again, not the best ones, but they are jobs. Gas has come down, construction and home buying has gotten better and most of us has benefited some by it. Lower interest on my mortgage then the Bush times. Obama is for everyone, not just the rich. If you listen, he includes himself in his tax hikes for the rich. Bush just includes himself in getting richer. The two sides will never agree, unfortunately, that's this countries biggest problem. However, at least Obama is trying, has been trying and hopefully gets the next four years to continue trying. No one can undo in four years what Bush did. No matter who was president, democrat or republican, I feel they should get the 8 years. Another new president now, is just going to set us back again, no matter what party she or he was from. Also, no law will ever make everyone happy. However, if it benefits the majority, that's a move in the right direction. I do think all of us will see a relief in the amount we pay for health insurance. I am looking forward to it. My husband could retire young if the insurance were more affordable.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Neal said:
Jacqui said:
Neal, wasn't your wife just currently in a hospital? Don't you have a baby currently going for well infant check ups? So we don't need health care at all? Hmmm interesting. Even living "well" does not mean your not going be needing health care.

Psh...we could have handled it just fine without any health care.

(I'm being sarcastic hence the :p in my original post...but still. It's good advice considering the cost of obesity in America)

Oh yeah pick on the fat folks!

KimandKarasi said:
. I for one am even more ashamed that we as Americans continue to segregate ourselves into republicans and democrats, when shouldn't we all be working together for the betterment of the UNITED states??

Hey my thoughts exactly!


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Jacqui said:
Oh yeah pick on the fat folks!

It's time for us fat folks to get off the couch. Who's with me? :)
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