African Sideneck Turtle

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Aug 8, 2012
Hey guys I have a 50 gallon tank with about 10-12 fish. I really want an African Sideneck Turtle. Do you think the turtles and fish can live together without the turtle killing any of the fish? If so, what do I need to care for the turtle?


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Nope not a chance, if you add a predator into a tank you have to be ready for fish to die.

Saying that.... I have a tank with turtles in it and fish, and it's been two months and only 2 fish have died. I keep them well fed so that probably helps, but I'm still waiting on more to die. My turtles are young too so they are at a disadvantage older they get the fish will probably start disappearing.

In short term. No it won't work. Gotta choose one or the other. Lol but never know maybe your fish will last longer the. You think.


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Oct 25, 2012
Millerlite said:
Nope not a chance, if you add a predator into a tank you have to be ready for fish to die.

Saying that.... I have a tank with turtles in it and fish, and it's been two months and only 2 fish have died. I keep them well fed so that probably helps, but I'm still waiting on more to die. My turtles are young too so they are at a disadvantage older they get the fish will probably start disappearing.

In short term. No it won't work. Gotta choose one or the other. Lol but never know maybe your fish will last longer the. You think.

Depends on the fish and the turtle species. For instance, I have kept Emydura subglobosa and Elseya novaeguineae in with various rainbow fish and they have done fine. The fish are much faster than the turtles. This tank has been established for over 3 years and the only fish that we have lost are fish due to old age. Now granted this is a large tank (~1500 gallons) but it also had a lot of turtles (4 Emydura and 1-2 Elseya) at any one time.


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That's a huge tank lol. 1500 gallons! Pictures that would be awesome.

It's funny because from keeping turtles for me I found this to be true. And this is for me. Anytime I had fish in a tank before the turtle. Like kept fish then added the turtle less fish died and tuetles almost are fine with them. When I add fish they are automatically targeted and usually don't make it. Now I don't know if it's cuz the fish learn the hiding spots and by the time the turtles in there have the advantage, or of the turtles are like they were here first. Who knows but I've had a tank set up for 2 years only 3 fish died that originally started in there, almost every fish I added is dead except two.

But over all, don't be surprised if a fish gets eaten, 55 gallons is a small space, it's no 1500 gallons lol. I would recover a lot of plants hides for the fish, that's how mines set up right now and my fish are surviving


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Oct 25, 2012
I maintain it at the Fort Worth Zoo. I definitely think hides will help, but if your putting in goldfish, or some other slow fish, I almost guarantee they'll be eaten.


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Oct 25, 2012
I would think the mollies or the angel fish may be too slow. Guess you will find out.


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russiantortoise said:
I have angelfish, mollies, gouramis, are they slow?

Gouramis might do ok. But angelfish tend to have flowy fins, which makes them easier to nip. Mollies are basically feeders to many turtles.

In my experience with the Pelusios and Pelomedusa species, any fish COULD become einner in a hurry. They are generally carnivorous and will probably decide to eat the fish.


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I breeds mollies just to feed. Also give a bunch away. They are way to curious not to get eaten lol
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