Amazon or Google?


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Jul 8, 2017
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I just ordered a couple of those Smart Power strips that @Markw84 uses. They work with Alexa or Google.

I also ordered a couple Smart outlets for general use.

So does anybody have a smart home? I don't want to end up with a basket full of systems and apps. Let's see...Alexa (Amazon), Google Assistant, Nest, Phillip's Hue...does one work better on all of the smart home?

And anyone who is already doing this...what do you have on your system? How do you use your smart capabilities? Is there anything you wish you had done differently?


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I just ordered a couple of those Smart Power strips that @Markw84 uses. They work with Alexa or Google.

I also ordered a couple Smart outlets for general use.

So does anybody have a smart home? I don't want to end up with a basket full of systems and apps. Let's see...Alexa (Amazon), Google Assistant, Nest, Phillip's Hue...does one work better on all of the smart home?

And anyone who is already doing this...what do you have on your system? How do you use your smart capabilities? Is there anything you wish you had done differently?
We use Amazon in our home and have a show and an echo and echo dot. I also have all my Tortoise enclosures, night boxes, pool pump, pondless waterfall, and many of the lights in the home on smart outlets - 30-40 of them. All can be controlled from our smart phones or by voice by telling Alexa to turn on or turn off, or simply say "Alexa, good night" and a series of lights will be turned off, etc. We do have a Rhomba smart vacuum that is also controlled by voice or auto schedule. I have all my sprinklers on a smart system and can control any valve by my smart phone or by asking Alexa.

We find many features very useful. Working in the kitchen, preparing or just getting something it is nice to simply tell Alexa to "add bananas to my shopping list", and it is added to a list that is on our smart phones for the next time we go to the store. Asking Alexa to play some nice dinner music, or some soft jazz, or country music is a nice feature and is easily done while anywhere in the house or outdoors - even while sitting in the pool sipping wine! (If I could just get her to get me more wine when my glass runs empty!)

It seems most all smart devices are made to work with Alexa now, so it does seem a universal choice without having a bunch of apps you need to open for various features.

Krista S

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I have Amazon Alexa (Echo) and Google in my house. Both are good for different things, but I run my tortoise room off of Alexa. The smart power/surge protector, cameras, UV, night heat, lights, humidifier, etc. I couldn’t live without it. I’ve got an Echo on the main floor and a few Echo Dots in other rooms. My tortoises bedroom is on the 2nd floor, but if I’m on the main floor I can still tell the mail floor echo to “turn on Dozer’s light” and it’ll turn it on. You don’t have to be in the room that you want the action to happen in. You will love how much easier it will make your life.

Besides the tortoise room, I use the Echo a lot. When I’m cooking or baking, I ask her to set a timer for x minutes. I ask her to remind me of certain appointments and birthdays. I’ve converted a lot of the lightbulbs in my house to smart bulbs, so I ask Alexa to turn on/off the lights. It’s life silly as it may sound.


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Jul 8, 2017
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simply tell Alexa to "add bananas to my shopping list"

Thank you, Mark! Very informative!

I'm not generally paranoid or a conspiracy nut, but doesn't it bother you at all that something is listening to every word you say at home? I've already been having a conversation with someone and suddenly Google Assistant talks from my phone and has researched what we're discussing! I have no idea what either one of us said to trigger it.

jsheffield - In Memoriam

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I made the decision to go sorta low-tech with my tort enclosures. I use thermostats and timers, but not the smart devices because of peculiarities of our location... our access to the www is severely limited and prone to failure, and I had used a few smart power strips and when the signal went out, they would often and sometimes not come back on... because of that I prefer sticking with the timers and thermostats.



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Thank you, Mark! Very informative!

I'm not generally paranoid or a conspiracy nut, but doesn't it bother you at all that something is listening to every word you say at home? I've already been having a conversation with someone and suddenly Google Assistant talks from my phone and has researched what we're discussing! I have no idea what either one of us said to trigger it.
I dont need to add to you being paranoid but have you seen where people can hack the smart stuff and talk and see thru the cameras into your home. You can't see them but they can see you. That's thru the cameras but who knows what else they can listen thru. Oh the one hacker did turn the babies room thermostat up too 90 and the father luckily checked in on the baby that was sweating like crazy. I dont even like the fact that my smart phone will show things I just googled onto my FB. I think the smart stuff is creepy and invasive. Just something to consider.
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The Google home devices have a physical switch that disables the microphone and a LED status indicator that will show you if the mic is disabled. I don't think the Amazon devices have any physical toggle for the microphone.


The Dog Trainer
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The Google home devices have a physical switch that disables the microphone and a LED status indicator that will show you if the mic is disabled. I don't think the Amazon devices have any physical toggle for the microphone.
Right. They want you to think its disabled so they can listen in while you speak freely...

The machines, I mean...


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That said, we too have a few “smart” devices to auto turn on/off lights, regulate heat & cooling in the house, and of course, monitor both heat & humidity in our Sully’s outside night box. 93 out there already...

My Dashboard



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We had amazon, but I made my husband move it out to the garage. Alexa would randomly start listening to us without us addressing her. We had a party (pre-covid) and were using her to listen to music, she stopped the music and made fart noises for 15 minutes straight not listening to turn off etc. My friends swear no one set it up to do that it was so bizarre!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
We had amazon, but I made my husband move it out to the garage. Alexa would randomly start listening to us without us addressing her. We had a party (pre-covid) and were using her to listen to music, she stopped the music and made fart noises for 15 minutes straight not listening to turn off etc. My friends swear no one set it up to do that it was so bizarre!
SEE????!!!! Skynet is messin' with us to see what we do. Compiling data on human reactions to various stimuli so it can work out a plan on how to most effectively eliminate us when the time comes...


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Jun 28, 2018
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Philadelphia, PA
SEE????!!!! Skynet is messin' with us to see what we do. Compiling data on human reactions to various stimuli so it can work out a plan on how to most effectively eliminate us when the time comes...

Given the way the world has been going this is completely feasible! #offthegrid2021

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