Ants in indoor tortoise enclosure

Michael Bird

Active Member
10 Year Member!
Jun 25, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Salt Lake City, Utah
I suspect that there is an ant nest hiding somewhere in the substrate in the indoor enclosure for my Hermann's tortoise.

I have been trying to watch to see exactly where they are coming from but haven't been able to track it down yet. All I know for sure is that they are occasionally crawling over the top of the side wall and out and a bunch of them have ended up on my desk (and crawling on my arms/hands when I'm trying to work) as the exit line they are following is in the area where the tortoise enclosure extends above the corner of my desk.

I don't think these small black ants would actually be harmful to the tortoise or to me or to our cats, but I really don't want them crawling on me or on my computer, and I'd prefer not to have them in the enclosure or the house at all.

One option is to completely remove all of the substrate, scrub the whole enclosure, and then replace the substrate with new stuff, but I actually only did that about a month or so ago and I'd prefer not to spend lots of money to replace it all again.

Ant bait/traps would also work, but I'm concerned that when they carry the bait back to the nest to kill off the whole colony, that could present some potential harm to the tortoise. I haven't found any that are pet safe. A few say it in the "advertising", but the fine print says to keep away from children and animals...

The tortoise is spending most of his time outside right now but I do bring him inside if the overnight temperature is going to drop too low.

Any suggestions how to deal with this nuisance without hurting the tortoise or the cats? And preferably without spending a lot of money since I'm pretty much broke right now. :(


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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I use diatomaceous looks like flour but it's made up of shelled creatures,dead ones, and they kill ants. I put a small line around the legs holding up the table...won't hurt cats or torts...DSCN2636.JPG


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Several points:
1. The ants CAN harm the tortoise and frequently do.
2. You don't have to replace the substrate. Just dig around in there and see if you can find them. Just remove the trouble area if you do find a nest of them. Its most likely they are coming from somewhere else.
3. Terro ant baits are just boric acid and sugar water. Not harmful to pets or kids. Place a bait station in the path of the ants and let them swarm it. Don't disturb them. You want them to carry the bait back to their colony and queen.