Assorted ponderings


New Member
Mar 13, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
New Hampshire, USA
Some questions and current products.

I'm currently researching what sort of amendments I can make to encourage my hatchling Leo to eat the Mazuri pellets and the soft Fluker's diet. I soak the dry Mazuri pellets briefly, but not so long as to cause them to lose their shape. I sprinkle them into his morning mix of greens. Thoughts?


Dusting supplements; how often and how much should I actually be providing for proper growth. So far I've been lightly dusting his food daily with a pinch of both. I feel maybe there's a more dedicated routine I could implement?


Misting: do tortoises enjoy a warm shower with a mister? Is it more appropriate to mist the general enclosure and plants and not gently spray him? Perhaps they're indifferent? Some may enjoy it? I assume if it is a soft mist of adequate temperature (i.e not cold) that there may be a better response than a more harsh spray. Below is the mister I use, purchased from Home Depot for $4.99.

Screenshot_20210423-215207_Samsung Internet.jpg

How does a tortoises hearing compare to my own? I'm not sure if I'm overthinking it, but I leave music softly playing for my other pets in the kitchen when I leave the house for general ambient sounds. Would Bishop benefit from some kind of nature sound on so it isn't so deafening? Maybe it's a human thing to focus on deafening silence, but I can't help but think in the wild he would be hearing other animal noises, perhaps the wind or even crickets at night? I am immensely curious. From what I've read so far, they can generally feel loud vibrations and such may stress them out for the duration. So far I've been cautious with the vacuum but he hasn't responded in any obvious way to the experience. Can I make his solidarity time more engaging?

I have his timer set up to come on at 7AM and turn off at 8PM; I am going to do more reading on what the best duration of basking time should be for his species as well as his current age.

Lastly, how long is best to allow him to settle into his new environment before interacting with him outside of his 2x daily warm water soaks? Should this handling be sufficient for now till he is larger and much more well started? The weather in NH (USA, East coast) has been incredibly batshit recently. Snow yesterday and 70°F tomorrow. I am wicked excited at the prospect of letting him safely graze outside in the future. Realistically I believe I should be waiting for temperatures of at least 80°F before venturing out with him(?)

I went for a hike yesterday and spent a lot of quiet time thinking about when Bishop is older and well-established enough to start adventuring outside with me. I have so many sunny adventures planned. I want him to bask in true sun, feel the breeze in the grass and graze naturally. I'm beyond excited.

Here's another link to my Google photos scrapbook/journal for him. New stuff is always at the bottom.

With these questions I am actively researching on my end for information.
Much appreciated!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Soak the Mazuri until its mushy. Then you can pile it on the greens or mix it in. Many of them don't like the LS type at first. It takes time to get them used to it. Start with small amounts at first. One pellet. I usually feed the regular Mazuri and I usually feed it by itself.

I don't know the Fluker stuff, but I've not had anything good about it. I'd use something else instead. The ZooMed pellets are great. Either type. I also like the Herbal Hay from and has lots of good dried leaves to mix in.

Once a week in the vitamins. Twice a week on the calcium. Very small amounts.

Spraying the enclosure doesn't do much. Spraying the tortoise can help prevent pyramiding, but you need water with no minerals in it to avoid hard water stains. Reverse osmosis, rain water, or distilled for spraying. Regular tap water for drinking and soaking.

They don't hear well at all, according to what I've read and seen.

7am - 8pm is fine.

Two weeks is a good amount of settling in time. No need to soak more than once a day. More than once a day doesn't hurt anything, but its not necessary.

Outside time is fine when its above 70, warm, dry, not windy, and sunny. Use an enclosure. Your talk of "adventures" is alarming. Keep the baby contained in a safe enclosure all the time.

I looked at the photos in your link. I see some problems.
1. Get rid of the moss. They eat it. It does nothing and its an impaction risk.
2. Never use the plastic bakelite fixture for your lights. Get a ceramic based on from Home Depot.
3. A closed chamber would make it easier to maintain the heat and humidity you want.
4. I don't even need to read those books to tell you they are probably full of all sort of wrong info.

In case you haven't seen it already, here is the care sheet:


New Member
Mar 13, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
New Hampshire, USA
Thank you Tom! I do have a closed chamber planned but am awaiting arrival. I checked around locally for a few hours the first day he arrived and no one carried hydroponic tents outside of the internet.

I'll switch the lamps today and dig out the moss. My hope was that by covering it thickly enough in bark that it would hold more humidity until the chamber arrives and he wouldn't sample it.

As far as adventuring, I had meant safely enclosed in a pet-carry type backpack and then also transporting a wire, foldable circular pen that is open on the bottom for him to graze from approved grass/weeds and made from metal with a supporting cover. I would never let him out of my sight. I'll consider the hazards before ever venturing out when he is older.

Good to note on the books. It makes sense given when I've been reading and learning here that older books would have much outdated information.

I will pick up distilled water for spraying today as well as the ZooMed.

Thank you!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
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New Jersey
Usually, soft-moist foods are shelf stabilized with sugar. Fluker's uses sodium alginate gel.

BUT. It does contain a large number of fruit ingredients. It is not appropriate for species that cannot digest sugars.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Tortoises don't like change so taking him out and about will be very stressful for him. You will probably enjoy it a lot more than him.
Also you would have to be sure that where you take him hasn't been treated with weed killers, pesticides etc. and that the ground isn't contaminated with pathogens from other animals or that someone's dog doesn't attack him.
Best to leave him in his own safe, familiar home.


New Member
Mar 13, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
New Hampshire, USA
I had a complete brain fart moment and had someone point out to me that my full name and address were in clear view of the unboxing video so I needed to retract my photo album link.

Thank you for all the responses!

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