Bamboo or something similar


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Key West, Florida
Hello everyone! New to the forums and about to get my firsr tortoise next week! Im going to be getting a baby sulcata and while decorating his new tub I thought some bamboo or another similar standing plant would look great in there. Im really looking for an edible plant, or at least one that wouldnt be harmful even if its not a staple diet plant, that looks like a miniature tree. Any suggestions or information on the safety of bamboo?


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10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
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yep, real bamboo as you prob know is just another grass.... all good to eat. I used to cut nice long soft bamboo shoots for our Sully to munch on.

The Tort Table has this..
  • Common Name: Bamboo
  • Latin Name: Fargesia spp., Phyllostachys spp.
  • Family Name: Poaceae/Gramineae
Bamboo is a large group of plants within the grasses, consisting of over a thousand species. We have listed the two genera most commonly grown in the UK under 'Latin name' above.
Some others commonly grown are:
Arundinaria, spp., Bambusa spp., Chimonobambusa spp., Chusquea spp., Indocalamus spp.,
Pleioblastus spp., Pseudosasa spp., Sasa spp., Semiarundinaria spp., Thamnocalamus spp.

There are no known health hazards, although many tortoises will not find them palatable. They are very fast growing and make good shelters and hides for tortoises.

✅ If you are looking to plant a bamboo in your enclosure then do your research carefully and choose one of the 'clumping' varieties, rather than one of the 'running' varieties, as the 'runners' are too invasive and will soon colonise the whole enclosure. The smaller bamboos can be grown in containers.


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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Hello everyone! New to the forums and about to get my firsr tortoise next week! Im going to be getting a baby sulcata and while decorating his new tub I thought some bamboo or another similar standing plant would look great in there. Im really looking for an edible plant, or at least one that wouldnt be harmful even if its not a staple diet plant, that looks like a miniature tree. Any suggestions or information on the safety of bamboo?

If you are talking about putting it in a tub/smaller enclosure, you may be thinking about 'lucky bamboo'. This is not a true bamboo; it's Dracaena sanderiana, and is considered toxic.

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