
Len B

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10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
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Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
I have another thing to worry about that I've never thought about in my many years. It's buckeyes brought into the yard by squirrels. A few days ago I noticed Rachel one of my pups chewing on something under the table at my feet. It was a buckeye, I recognized what it was immediately so I took it from her and gave her a treat. She brought it in unnoticed by me which is common when she brings other things in like a vole or mouse she's captured hidden in her mouth. She doesn't eat the rodents but will protect them from the other pups until I give her the traded treat for them. But she was chewing on the nut to the point I could see the inner nut inside the dark shell cover. Saturday I found a still green husk from another buckeye but no nut outback. If you don't know every part of the buckeye tree is toxic to humans and dogs but not squirrels even the tree bark.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Well heck! Just one more thing for you to have to worry about. I've never heard of buckeye, so I doubt there are any here where I live.


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Sep 6, 2011
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I never heard of them either. Is the tree in your yard or someone else's?
Might have to start a daily morning walk around the property looking for them. That would suck though.

Len B

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
I'm not sure where it's growing and never thought about buckeyes until last week. I knew the nuts were toxic but didn't know what the tree looks like. So I did a search so I could maybe find the tree and found that the whole tree is toxic not just the buckeyes. So now I have another nut along with walnuts and chestnuts that squirrels will plant in the yard. They plant a couple acorns each year too.

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