
Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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I should not have to give you a monologue of my life to ask a question.
Asking questions about peoples overall set-up and their tortoises usually leads to good results, providing a good overall picture about where the poster is coming from. If we notice something we believe to be harmful we comment on that. Everyone has their own style of going about this. Depending on the situation, some styles may work, some don't.
I was merely curious if anyone here knows if those types of worms or other poop eating organisms were known to be parasitic or harmful to tortoises. If you don't have working knowledge of that or whatever, then carry the **** on man.
This is what I initially decided to do, until the discussion took a bad turn.
As stated previously, I am not so sure that I will be so willing to come back here to ask more questions.
This is not the outcome we hope for, and I am sorry for you feeling discouraged.


New Member
Mar 25, 2024
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New Jersey
Asking questions about peoples overall set-up and their tortoises usually leads to good results, providing a good overall picture about where the poster is coming from. If we notice something we believe to be harmful we comment on that. Everyone has their own style of going about this. Depending on the situation, some styles may work, some don't.
I fully get that and understand the point of the open dialogue. The question I had about poop eating organisms in water have literally zero to do with lighting, living arrangements, humidity, temperature.. etc etc...... The wellington person was asked politely more than once to stay on topic. I am not looking to thwart a healthy dialogue in anyway I am just looking for something specific, and aptly named the thread for this topic and as we all know like any topic, that if not kept on aim it gets lost to garbage talk.

This is what I initially decided to do, until the discussion took a bad turn.
I don't know what your experience was there, what you were aiming to do with what and what feedback from what experience those that gave the feedback have on the topic, and more importantly don't want to make assumptions.

I have a few larger concepts in mind but for right now am looking to move the water cycle to a monthly one similar to my cooter. While I work on.. other projects.

As the other person.. zero(something) stated I also don't think there is a fully self contained solution that doesn't involve cycling the water nor am trying to accomplish that. Just trying to move it from a weekly cycle to a monthly, so that all the water changes can be managed holistically.

This is not the outcome we hope for, and I am sorry for you feeling discouraged.

Me neither, this has been a great resource, frankly the only one with pretty accurate information.
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Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
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I fully get that and understand the point of the open dialogue. The question I had about poop eating organisms in water have literally zero to do with lighting, living arrangements, humidity, temperature.. etc etc...... The wellington person was asked politely more than once to stay on topic. I am not looking to thwart a healthy dialogue in anyway I am just looking for something specific, and aptly named the thread for this topic and as we all know like any topic, that if not kept on aim it gets lost to garbage talk.

I don't know what your experience was there, what you were aiming to do with what and what feedback from what experience those that gave the feedback have on the topic, and more importantly don't want to make assumptions.

I have a few larger concepts in mind but for right now am looking to move the water cycle to a monthly one similar to my cooter. While I work on.. other projects.

As the other person.. zero(something) stated I also don't think there is a fully self contained solution that doesn't involve cycling the water nor am trying to accomplish that. Just trying to move it from a weekly cycle to a monthly, so that all the water changes can be managed holistically.

Me neither, this has been a great resource, frankly the only one with pretty accurate information.
Like The Four Toed Edward I have no relevant experience so was just reading this thread. And I was somewhat unpleasantly surprised when your clear statement to stay on topic has been ignored.

Your paludarium project sounds interesting and rather complex. And if you don't mind to share some details and photos, I would be happy to learn how you set up the things. You can drop me a PM if it seems more appropriate for you.


5 Year Member
Jan 1, 2019
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The worms will not be parasitic. However, I think the only ones with a chance of survival would be black worms given a deep enough gravel bed. But the guppies would eat them. Guppies and black worms don't eat poop though. They both need to be fed actual food. They are not clean up crew, rather additional animals that will need care (feeding, filtration, clean up, etc)


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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No one has yet told me if they knew about if these worms are parasitic or generally harmful to tortoises.
We have all answered your original question. Feeder worms will not do what you are trying to accomplish there. No these are not parasitic, but they will add more waste to the system. And brine shrimp won't survive in fresh water.

Both you and Tom made a lot of assumptions of what you guys thought I was doing or aiming to do with nothing more than a little bit of an overview from me. You and Tom both sound very arrogant.
No. This is false. I made zero assumptions and went ONLY by what you said.

Yes, I am aware that tortoises like other turtle's bask from heat above them. Which is why there is a basking spot with an actual lamp. I overtly stated that the heating pad wasn't directly under the basking spot in the hopes that this little bit of detail would be enough to signal there was a distinction between the basking area and where the heat pad was as to not have to go down another rabbit hole of things other than what the ******* post is about. The under the environment heater is not for them to bask, it is to maintain a constant and over-night ambient air temperature from below. This way if either of them want it to be warmer at night or while in the cooler part of the tank they can easily just move to the warmer area in the 'warm' hides which is moreso in the low 80s at night. What is the deal with you two? It's like.. let me see what small detail is not explicitly stated in monologue form and then assume they are a retard and try to shame them.
Under tank heat mats are dangerous for tortoises. They get burned on them because it goes against their instincts. Using them is a mistake. It's a common mistake that a lot of people make. No one has done or said anything to shame you or assume your state of intelligence. Nothing. We are only pointing out dangerous harmful mistakes that YOU are making in an effort to help you learn, and help your tortoises have a better, healthier life.

Everything I'm doing for the tortoises is from best practices I've gotten from reading through this very forum. This is my first time asking a question. And feel like maybe I shouldn't have even bothered.
This makes no sense. You are doing several of the key things that we constantly tell people not to do. If you learned tortoise keeping practices here, you would not be:
1. Mixing species.
2. Keeping tortoises in a pair.
3. Keeping a leopard tortoise with low humidity.
4. Keeping a leopard tortoise too cold.
5. Using an under tank heat mat with tortoises.

I'm making no assumptions here. Only going by what you said. We've not even inquired about other common mistakes that you are likely making. We have only addressed the problems they YOU brought up and explained. I don't know how you could have been reading and learning here and not know the most basic assertions that we make every single day all day long. This doesn't add up.

Yep.. the general ambient air temp at night in the enclosure is around 72-75.. is all I said.

Assumptions.. assumptions.. assumptions...

I have a few warm hides closer to the basking area with a heating pad under them... the warm hides it is in the low 80s at night.

This is my point. All you are doing is looking for things to be like **** you you suck. Yes you are being arrogant.

This is a rabbit hole that has nothing to do about what question I am asking.

Are you done gatekeeping?
Rabbit holes and gatekeeping? Where are you getting these armchair psychologist terms? Are we also gaslighting you? Am I a narcissist? We simply care about the well being of your tortoises and are trying to help you. That's not "gatekeeping". You are making some grievous errors that are likely to lead to sickness or death, and we are politely and tactfully telling you so. No one is attacking you, insulting you, or calling you names. It is completely unrealistic to come to a community like this, full of all sorts of people who care about tortoises and have the experience to know what works and what causes problems, and expect us to sit by silently and ignore the things that YOU told us you are doing that could cause harm to the animals that you obviously care about. I don't know what purpose it serves for you to label us caring about your tortoises the way you have, but it won't help you do better, and it won't save your tortoises. Suppose Wellington and I are both guilty as charged. You are still engaging in harmful practices. Whether you like us and how we talk or not, your tortoises are in danger of harm. That is what is germane here. If you don't like my manner of typing on the internet, that's fine. Flip off my post and ignore me, but fix the problems for the animals in your care. I'm not your enemy. I'm not making assumptions about you or insulting you. I'm very plainly trying to help you take better care of your tortoises.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
This poster wanted ALL of us to ignore their bad practices and JUST answer the questions they wanted answered .... Life don't work like that! We are all here because tort and Turtle health is a real concern and we want to help. We are not here to ignore whatever the person doesn't want addressed and only answer isolated aspects of the whole picture.
My comment ....
I would like to keep my horse and guinea pig together any advice? They both eat hay so hey it should be fine. Any suggestions?
Was made to try and highlight the absurdity of the question. Once highlighted it then turned into "you don't have the right to question anything I don't want addressed."


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Mar 25, 2024
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New Jersey
This poster wanted ALL of us to ignore their bad practices and JUST answer the question.
Yes, I had a specific question. And I brought it to what appeared to be a good community. I just wanted information about an aspect of what I am building. That was all.

Sorry that this doesn't fit into some predetermined cookie cutter image of how people ask a question here.

I'm very plainly trying to help you take better care of your tortoises.
You did answer my question eventually Thank you.

Not after you somehow tried to use my age as a way of belittling and making accusations about me sharing that I have extensive experience dealing with aquatic environments. I am not looking for a ******* job here, I am not giving you advise about anything. Lay off pal.

Not a very friendly community.

Please stop engaging with me. I am sorry I ever posted anything here.

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