Cheet Grass season! Watch your torts eyes!

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10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2010
Not sure if everyone else has Cheet Grass in their area but here in Eastern Washington, it's everywhere. It starts out green then dies and goes to seed. The seeds get stuck in everything! They are about 1/2 inch long.

I'm in the process of building new and improved pens so they are hanging out in temp areas and I hadn't cleared one all the way yet. I found Rizzo cheet grass.jpghad one in her eye. They get between the lid and eyeball and get stuck causing lots of irritation. I'm pretty experienced at getting Cheet grass seeds out of animals eyes. My chickens and dog used to get them a lot when I was a kid.

Anyway, got it out and treated the eye and she's no worse for wear!

I attached a pic in case no one knows what Cheet grass is!
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Never heard of it, don't have it in our area, but sure nice of you to give a heads up.

BTW, maybe explain how you do get it out. It might help others and me, for anything small like a seed that our torts may end up with in their eyes.

Levi the Leopard

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Oct 1, 2012
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We call them foxtails here in southern California.

Hate that stuff... I live next to an empty field full of it. It gets suck in the kids socks so we avoid it as best as we can.
Luckily I don't have it in the pens.

sent while on my purple android TFOapp


New Member
5 Year Member
May 8, 2013
I love playing with those growing up... If you pull from the bottle root up, taking all the seeds with you it becomes a missile bundle to throw at the back of someone's shirt >=]

My tortoise Peach hates apples
Mario loves Peaches
0.0.2 redfoot


The Dog Trainer
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We have that one and many others here too. They can be a serious problem for dogs with longer coats, but I've never had it be a problem for the tortoises. Entire hillsides are covered with the stuff in my enclosures. It grows here in our "winter" months when the rains come, and it usually dries out and goes to seed like in your pics in early to mid March. The tortoises gobble it up when it's green and growing, but once it starts to dry out, I have to weed whack it all down.


Active Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 1, 2010
Tom said:
We have that one and many others here too. They can be a serious problem for dogs with longer coats, but I've never had it be a problem for the tortoises. Entire hillsides are covered with the stuff in my enclosures. It grows here in our "winter" months when the rains come, and it usually dries out and goes to seed like in your pics in early to mid March. The tortoises gobble it up when it's green and growing, but once it starts to dry out, I have to weed whack it all down.

I wish my torts would eat it! They won't touch it even when it's green!
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