Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Yesterday, daughter's best friend spent the day with us. (How exhausting! :rolleyes:) I took them to a park and later to Roskilde Museum. It's a very nice, interactive museum with lots of sounds and mood lighting, and the girls were startled more than once by sudden church bells or ominous music. (Fun for mom! :cool:) I have free entrance because of my collaboration with the city tourism office. I brought my tripod this time to get the light right.

Here are some skulls from a sacrificial site almost 2000 years ago:

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A legend has it that once upon a time, Roskilde was a small village with a giant Serpent coiled around it. The Serpent required its occasional meal -- a human sacrifice. The villagers then raised a special Bull to fight the Serpent. It's all a parable about Christianity versus the pre-Christian times, but here's an auroch, which may have sparked collective imagination:

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Roskilde rose to be the most important Nordic city in the Middle Ages, with the seat of the Bishop, 5 monasteries, and 13 parish churches. As such, it was a seat of power, and most Danish monarchs were laid to rest over the years in Roskilde Cathedral (a tradition that is maintained to this day).

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Things took a dramatic turn since the 1660s. The seat of Bishop was moved to Copenhagen, and Roskilde, having lost its prominence in the making of Danish history -- and much of its business, turned into a provincial town.
Terrific photographs and a very interesting story.
Thanks for sharing, Lena. :)

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Just called the office. Well, the lady said it was canceled and they were going to call me this morning. The app was this morning. No charges!! Yay!
I better lose some weight with all this sweating. [emoji29]
Oh, dear, Kathy! :(
I hope you're feeling much better by the time you read this. :)
HUG :<3:
(even though you may be slightly sticky and I might catch something;))

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