Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Hello, nobody in particular.
Welcome to Tidgy's Dad's Cold Dark Room.
Not expecting a lot of visitors in this pointless place, but this is where I live now.
It's good in here.
If anyone does visit, please feel free to say what you want( within forum guidelines, of course) and I will be happy to be silly, slightly insult you or ignore you completely which you are most welcome to do to me.
I will of course venture out occasionally, when I think I can be useful or annoying, but otherwise I live here now.
No advertising, let's see who spots me.
This is where i belong.
Tidgy is most unconcerned.

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Two points for Barbara, one for being first to reply and one for being marginally confused.
Oh and a bonus point for being polite and saying thank you.
if you do need anything, just ask, and I will be happy to say 'wibble'.

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Because she's the one who put you into the cold, dark room? (note use of only 1 question mark)

(Where's the button to light the fire?)
No fires, Cold Dark Room is already 100°F.
No,wifey left the room without permission.
And is now insisting on coffee.
2 points to Yvonne. And an extra for use of only 1 question mark and - 1 for pointing it out to me.

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