Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Fortunately my work has camera's. And we more or less know who it is. So hopefully I will not need to go through my insurance. My insurance does not like me, as I have had a few accidents before (all not my fault - from people driving into me) which was why I said I must be a magnet which just draws other cars into driving into my car. At least this time I was not in the car.
Ignore my last post - glad you caught the culprit!
If there's any problem with him/her tell them the police wouldn't be too happy about him/her leaving the scene of an accident!!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Whahaha. My work is about 7.5 km away from where I work. And my walking speed is very slow, so I would probably have to leave about 5am to get to work on time. Although if I walked I would miss having to sit in traffic - that would be the upside of it. But it would be a killer walking home, as it is far too hot.
....take it from me walking along roads can be dangerous too!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
...that's just what my house looks like at the moment with chairs for me to kneel on all over the place.
At least they're not stacked on the table though!!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
So pleased you are feeling better Linda, carry on resting though to catch up with some much needed rest.
My sister does toad and frog patrols in her village too armed with a bucket to help move them off the roads.
Some areas here on busy bends have placed barriers which are closely monitored, The toads and there frogs gather but can't cross until they are carried over.
I love to see them but I'm not sure I could pick them up, although I used to think that about slow worms but I managed to move 70ish of them.
That's so neat! I wish that was as important in our country.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
It's raining and coming down at a pretty good clip. Right when I'm ready to go out and feed, water and care for the outside critters. Misty won't go out when it's raining. I wonder how come dogs can "hold it" for so long and people can't?

My daughter got me an umbrella hat last year, and it works real well, however, it won't stay on my head! I complained it was hard to hold the umbrella, the tortoise food, etc and still administer to the tortoises, so she got me the umbrella hat. I'm going to get it out and see if there's an adjustment to keep it on my head better.
Can you add some elastic or ribbons to tie under your chin?
Stay dry!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Okay. Let us see if I can remember what is going on in the CDR.

It was Dan, Lena's and Linda's Birthday this month.

Sabine is very busy with her animal family. Ma & Mo are growing at the rate of knots and her new dog is settling in nicely, although is taking up a lot of her time with training.

Yvonne, has had rain, wind and visitors ( not necessarily in that order). Found homes for a few critters.

Heather has been very busy lately. Her daughter found a job. Her son has helped her build an awesome enclosure for Toretto. There was a lot of digging, nailing and painting going on. But it is now done, just needs some plants which will be taken care of in the spring.

Cathie G, wants a pink umbrella and handbag , which she is planning on talking her brother into giving up.

Lena has been awol for a while , first for her birthday (but while she wasn't looking a frog jumped into her throat) and then for a sore throat. She got better (slightly) and then got worse. Along with that her daughter then also got sick, so the two of them were able to commiserate with each other. However she is now back and entertaining us with her clever punning and fantastic quips.

Ray thought it would be cheaper to send his wife on a cruise so he would not have to spring for dinner and flowers, although he still had to give Opo flowers for valentines. He only has to pay 50% for his mani/pedi as he is missing an arm and a leg. I guess someone took the quip of costing an arm and a leg too literally (I know that you can take a joke Ray). However Ray seems to be stuck in the desert on a horse with no name and not knowing his own name and possibly has buzzards flying over his head. [emoji33]

Mark has been stuck with snow, sleet and rain. With a few sunny days in between and has managed to fit in a kayak trip or two. He has found some cedar wood tree which fell over and is appropriating some pieces for a few to be revealed projects to wow us with.

Kathy has finished building her turtle fish pond, which is gorgeous I might add. And has gone camping this weekend. She has also had rain and wind visiting them. Was a bit concerned about driving with the wind blowing on their camping trip. But we are all convinced that she will be fine and have lots of fun.

Lyn had an accident where a jerk drove into her while she was crossing the road (I think). She had to stay in hospital, then went home but eventually had to go stay with her sister for a few days. She did not enjoy it very much as she was worried about Lola too much. They are both now home, Lola is still with her at home all be it in a smaller room but they are getting by and both waiting for the healing to be over.

Anne has been busy trying to get a new routine in place as hubby got a new job with different working hours. The cats are still all around and giving Anne a run for her money. The Bearded Dragon is ...well chilled and the turtles are now in a 20 gallon tank and loving it. They have even gone so far as to redecorate their digs to their own liking because they were not totally sure about Anne's skills as a decorator.

And Noel had eye surgery to correct her double vision. It was the last time we spoke, slightly worse but apparently her eyes have to feel worse (after the op) before they will feel better. It has something to do with the problem being corrected and now her eyes have to readjust. And we get our daily comedy fix from Noel with the funny pics she
Posts for us. Some of them are really good.

Bambam has been awol for a while now, as she is moving and working on her art projects. Not sure if you saw, but she shared a gorgeous picture (pencil drawing) she did of a lion with us.

Granpa144 and blackdog have both popped in to say hi. And Todd is busy with work and Murphy and Marge and snap and his other turtles I would imagine.

Tidgy's Dad has popped in to say Hi in his special way and then left again leaving us wanting more.

We have Meerkats again, however they have been trying to summon the Dark Lord. For what purpose I don't know.

Montgomery has also been struggling with the demand for hot drinks and has had Hot toddys' on the menu for a while now, but too many people have been sick to even take him up on his offer.

Silly and Willy have been hiding away since Sabine has not had a chance to visit too often.

The jellyfish have been playing with us and giving us light shows.

The Leprechaun has been borrowing money from Ray and not giving it back, he did however give Ray a horse with no name ( although I do speak under correction)

The one legged pirate ... well he is the one legged pirate.

The wool spider (if she exists) cannot keep up with the demand for rain jackets and hats.

The ghost shrimp have been ghosting around and trying to scare us. But it takes a lot to scare us. Although just mention cruises, sharks and nibbling fish and I will run for the hills.

I am trying to create a bioactive environment for my torts. I just need more isopods. I have managed to find two which I put in their enclosure, but I have yet to see the two at the same time. So either the first one escaped and I caught him again thinking he was number two. Or the first one is really good at hiding. Or it was eaten [emoji33] .

If I have left anybody out I sincerely apologize. I will be in corner 3 if you want to come and bonk me on the head.

Just perfect. Thank you so much Carol [emoji177]

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning all.

I think I need one of Carol’s summary posts to bring me up to speed on what has happened to whom since the new year. I am feeling very out of touch.

Today I will be getting my birthday present from JoesDad. We are going to Marlow in Buckinghamshire - on the River Thames to the West of London - where we will be having dinner at the Hand & Flowers, a pub run by chef Tom Kerridge who has 2 Michelin Stars. This isn’t your standard pub, or your posh and pretentious Michelin starred restaurant either, so it should be good. :)

JoesDad told me that he booked it nearly a year ago and has been quietly panicking through my chest infection that I wouldn’t be well enough to go. Thank goodness that I am.
I like watching Tom Kerridge on TV he seems a pretty down to earth bloke and he has done so well with his weight loss!
I never try any of his recipes of course. I also have loads of cookery books and I just like looking at the pictures in those too.
Enjoy your special meal!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Okay. Let us see if I can remember what is going on in the CDR.

It was Dan, Lena's and Linda's Birthday this month.

Sabine is very busy with her animal family. Ma & Mo are growing at the rate of knots and her new dog is settling in nicely, although is taking up a lot of her time with training.

Yvonne, has had rain, wind and visitors ( not necessarily in that order). Found homes for a few critters.

Heather has been very busy lately. Her daughter found a job. Her son has helped her build an awesome enclosure for Toretto. There was a lot of digging, nailing and painting going on. But it is now done, just needs some plants which will be taken care of in the spring.

Cathie G, wants a pink umbrella and handbag , which she is planning on talking her brother into giving up.

Lena has been awol for a while , first for her birthday (but while she wasn't looking a frog jumped into her throat) and then for a sore throat. She got better (slightly) and then got worse. Along with that her daughter then also got sick, so the two of them were able to commiserate with each other. However she is now back and entertaining us with her clever punning and fantastic quips.

Ray thought it would be cheaper to send his wife on a cruise so he would not have to spring for dinner and flowers, although he still had to give Opo flowers for valentines. He only has to pay 50% for his mani/pedi as he is missing an arm and a leg. I guess someone took the quip of costing an arm and a leg too literally (I know that you can take a joke Ray). However Ray seems to be stuck in the desert on a horse with no name and not knowing his own name and possibly has buzzards flying over his head. [emoji33]

Mark has been stuck with snow, sleet and rain. With a few sunny days in between and has managed to fit in a kayak trip or two. He has found some cedar wood tree which fell over and is appropriating some pieces for a few to be revealed projects to wow us with.

Kathy has finished building her turtle fish pond, which is gorgeous I might add. And has gone camping this weekend. She has also had rain and wind visiting them. Was a bit concerned about driving with the wind blowing on their camping trip. But we are all convinced that she will be fine and have lots of fun.

Lyn had an accident where a jerk drove into her while she was crossing the road (I think). She had to stay in hospital, then went home but eventually had to go stay with her sister for a few days. She did not enjoy it very much as she was worried about Lola too much. They are both now home, Lola is still with her at home all be it in a smaller room but they are getting by and both waiting for the healing to be over.

Anne has been busy trying to get a new routine in place as hubby got a new job with different working hours. The cats are still all around and giving Anne a run for her money. The Bearded Dragon is ...well chilled and the turtles are now in a 20 gallon tank and loving it. They have even gone so far as to redecorate their digs to their own liking because they were not totally sure about Anne's skills as a decorator.

And Noel had eye surgery to correct her double vision. It was the last time we spoke, slightly worse but apparently her eyes have to feel worse (after the op) before they will feel better. It has something to do with the problem being corrected and now her eyes have to readjust. And we get our daily comedy fix from Noel with the funny pics she
Posts for us. Some of them are really good.

Bambam has been awol for a while now, as she is moving and working on her art projects. Not sure if you saw, but she shared a gorgeous picture (pencil drawing) she did of a lion with us.

Granpa144 and blackdog have both popped in to say hi. And Todd is busy with work and Murphy and Marge and snap and his other turtles I would imagine.

Tidgy's Dad has popped in to say Hi in his special way and then left again leaving us wanting more.

We have Meerkats again, however they have been trying to summon the Dark Lord. For what purpose I don't know.

Montgomery has also been struggling with the demand for hot drinks and has had Hot toddys' on the menu for a while now, but too many people have been sick to even take him up on his offer.

Silly and Willy have been hiding away since Sabine has not had a chance to visit too often.

The jellyfish have been playing with us and giving us light shows.

The Leprechaun has been borrowing money from Ray and not giving it back, he did however give Ray a horse with no name ( although I do speak under correction)

The one legged pirate ... well he is the one legged pirate.

The wool spider (if she exists) cannot keep up with the demand for rain jackets and hats.

The ghost shrimp have been ghosting around and trying to scare us. But it takes a lot to scare us. Although just mention cruises, sharks and nibbling fish and I will run for the hills.

I am trying to create a bioactive environment for my torts. I just need more isopods. I have managed to find two which I put in their enclosure, but I have yet to see the two at the same time. So either the first one escaped and I caught him again thinking he was number two. Or the first one is really good at hiding. Or it was eaten [emoji33] .

If I have left anybody out I sincerely apologize. I will be in corner 3 if you want to come and bonk me on the head.
You deserve a medal Carol!!
Well done for remembering all that!!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good morning ladies... it’s only 4am here and I hate that I’m awake.. on a Saturday no less.... I’m going back to bed I hope! This way I can “Good Morning” again in a few hours.[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Hope you were able to go back to bed! :eek: 4am is inhumane!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Ah. . . my room is all done. It smells so good in there! And I found a package of scented wax that you put into a light bulb type diffuser. I put one of the squares into a folded up piece of foil and placed the foil on the lid of the cast iron tea pot that sits on my wood stove. It's melting and making the rest of the house smell good too! Tomorrow I'll clean another room. My out of town guest will be coming next week-end.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening all.
Hope everyone is having a good Saturday.
My hospital appointment was fine.
One doc still wasn't happy that the infection in the small wound had cleared up, but his boss said it would be OK.
I have another new plaster which feels pretty uncomfortable compared to the last 2 - it feels like the soft dressings under the plaster have bunched up and are pressing into my heel and the bottom of my foot. :(
They don't want to see me for 3 weeks and I am hoping the next time I go the xray will be fine and they will give me a boot and let me start weight bearing.
I may have to go back to get the cast checked though as the last thing I want is pressure sores as well, but I'll see how it feels by Monday.

Lola has been refusing to come out of his hide and eat the past 2 days, but he seems OK and keeping his beady eyes on me when I go near.
My nephew hasn't been down today so I haven't tried to lift Lola out for a soak, that will be first thing on the list for the morning when I have help.
Lola thinks my cast with my toes sticking out is some strange type of tortoise and when he was out the floor other day he kept trying to barge it - maybe that's why he won't come out now!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
I would sure take you! Make sure you pack up the whole family and plan to stay a while. I may leave it with you and move on [emoji16]

Good idea...we could use a trusted house/tort sitter a few times/year. House comes with one nice Sully, close to cultural sights in Washington DC, Baltimore, Annapolis, metro access, Marylands Eastern Shore and the “ocean” is not too far away.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Okay. Let us see if I can remember what is going on in the CDR.

It was Dan, Lena's and Linda's Birthday this month.

Sabine is very busy with her animal family. Ma & Mo are growing at the rate of knots and her new dog is settling in nicely, although is taking up a lot of her time with training.

Yvonne, has had rain, wind and visitors ( not necessarily in that order). Found homes for a few critters.

Heather has been very busy lately. Her daughter found a job. Her son has helped her build an awesome enclosure for Toretto. There was a lot of digging, nailing and painting going on. But it is now done, just needs some plants which will be taken care of in the spring.

Cathie G, wants a pink umbrella and handbag , which she is planning on talking her brother into giving up.

Lena has been awol for a while , first for her birthday (but while she wasn't looking a frog jumped into her throat) and then for a sore throat. She got better (slightly) and then got worse. Along with that her daughter then also got sick, so the two of them were able to commiserate with each other. However she is now back and entertaining us with her clever punning and fantastic quips.

Ray thought it would be cheaper to send his wife on a cruise so he would not have to spring for dinner and flowers, although he still had to give Opo flowers for valentines. He only has to pay 50% for his mani/pedi as he is missing an arm and a leg. I guess someone took the quip of costing an arm and a leg too literally (I know that you can take a joke Ray). However Ray seems to be stuck in the desert on a horse with no name and not knowing his own name and possibly has buzzards flying over his head. [emoji33]

Mark has been stuck with snow, sleet and rain. With a few sunny days in between and has managed to fit in a kayak trip or two. He has found some cedar wood tree which fell over and is appropriating some pieces for a few to be revealed projects to wow us with.

Kathy has finished building her turtle fish pond, which is gorgeous I might add. And has gone camping this weekend. She has also had rain and wind visiting them. Was a bit concerned about driving with the wind blowing on their camping trip. But we are all convinced that she will be fine and have lots of fun.

Lyn had an accident where a jerk drove into her while she was crossing the road (I think). She had to stay in hospital, then went home but eventually had to go stay with her sister for a few days. She did not enjoy it very much as she was worried about Lola too much. They are both now home, Lola is still with her at home all be it in a smaller room but they are getting by and both waiting for the healing to be over.

Anne has been busy trying to get a new routine in place as hubby got a new job with different working hours. The cats are still all around and giving Anne a run for her money. The Bearded Dragon is ...well chilled and the turtles are now in a 20 gallon tank and loving it. They have even gone so far as to redecorate their digs to their own liking because they were not totally sure about Anne's skills as a decorator.

And Noel had eye surgery to correct her double vision. It was the last time we spoke, slightly worse but apparently her eyes have to feel worse (after the op) before they will feel better. It has something to do with the problem being corrected and now her eyes have to readjust. And we get our daily comedy fix from Noel with the funny pics she
Posts for us. Some of them are really good.

Bambam has been awol for a while now, as she is moving and working on her art projects. Not sure if you saw, but she shared a gorgeous picture (pencil drawing) she did of a lion with us.

Granpa144 and blackdog have both popped in to say hi. And Todd is busy with work and Murphy and Marge and snap and his other turtles I would imagine.

Tidgy's Dad has popped in to say Hi in his special way and then left again leaving us wanting more.

We have Meerkats again, however they have been trying to summon the Dark Lord. For what purpose I don't know.

Montgomery has also been struggling with the demand for hot drinks and has had Hot toddys' on the menu for a while now, but too many people have been sick to even take him up on his offer.

Silly and Willy have been hiding away since Sabine has not had a chance to visit too often.

The jellyfish have been playing with us and giving us light shows.

The Leprechaun has been borrowing money from Ray and not giving it back, he did however give Ray a horse with no name ( although I do speak under correction)

The one legged pirate ... well he is the one legged pirate.

The wool spider (if she exists) cannot keep up with the demand for rain jackets and hats.

The ghost shrimp have been ghosting around and trying to scare us. But it takes a lot to scare us. Although just mention cruises, sharks and nibbling fish and I will run for the hills.

I am trying to create a bioactive environment for my torts. I just need more isopods. I have managed to find two which I put in their enclosure, but I have yet to see the two at the same time. So either the first one escaped and I caught him again thinking he was number two. Or the first one is really good at hiding. Or it was eaten [emoji33] .

If I have left anybody out I sincerely apologize. I will be in corner 3 if you want to come and bonk me on the head.

Wow, Carol! Have I already told you how amazing you are?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Okay. Let us see if I can remember what is going on in the CDR.

It was Dan, Lena's and Linda's Birthday this month.

Sabine is very busy with her animal family. Ma & Mo are growing at the rate of knots and her new dog is settling in nicely, although is taking up a lot of her time with training.

Yvonne, has had rain, wind and visitors ( not necessarily in that order). Found homes for a few critters.

Heather has been very busy lately. Her daughter found a job. Her son has helped her build an awesome enclosure for Toretto. There was a lot of digging, nailing and painting going on. But it is now done, just needs some plants which will be taken care of in the spring.

Cathie G, wants a pink umbrella and handbag , which she is planning on talking her brother into giving up.

Lena has been awol for a while , first for her birthday (but while she wasn't looking a frog jumped into her throat) and then for a sore throat. She got better (slightly) and then got worse. Along with that her daughter then also got sick, so the two of them were able to commiserate with each other. However she is now back and entertaining us with her clever punning and fantastic quips.

Ray thought it would be cheaper to send his wife on a cruise so he would not have to spring for dinner and flowers, although he still had to give Opo flowers for valentines. He only has to pay 50% for his mani/pedi as he is missing an arm and a leg. I guess someone took the quip of costing an arm and a leg too literally (I know that you can take a joke Ray). However Ray seems to be stuck in the desert on a horse with no name and not knowing his own name and possibly has buzzards flying over his head. [emoji33]

Mark has been stuck with snow, sleet and rain. With a few sunny days in between and has managed to fit in a kayak trip or two. He has found some cedar wood tree which fell over and is appropriating some pieces for a few to be revealed projects to wow us with.

Kathy has finished building her turtle fish pond, which is gorgeous I might add. And has gone camping this weekend. She has also had rain and wind visiting them. Was a bit concerned about driving with the wind blowing on their camping trip. But we are all convinced that she will be fine and have lots of fun.

Lyn had an accident where a jerk drove into her while she was crossing the road (I think). She had to stay in hospital, then went home but eventually had to go stay with her sister for a few days. She did not enjoy it very much as she was worried about Lola too much. They are both now home, Lola is still with her at home all be it in a smaller room but they are getting by and both waiting for the healing to be over.

Anne has been busy trying to get a new routine in place as hubby got a new job with different working hours. The cats are still all around and giving Anne a run for her money. The Bearded Dragon is ...well chilled and the turtles are now in a 20 gallon tank and loving it. They have even gone so far as to redecorate their digs to their own liking because they were not totally sure about Anne's skills as a decorator.

And Noel had eye surgery to correct her double vision. It was the last time we spoke, slightly worse but apparently her eyes have to feel worse (after the op) before they will feel better. It has something to do with the problem being corrected and now her eyes have to readjust. And we get our daily comedy fix from Noel with the funny pics she
Posts for us. Some of them are really good.

Bambam has been awol for a while now, as she is moving and working on her art projects. Not sure if you saw, but she shared a gorgeous picture (pencil drawing) she did of a lion with us.

Granpa144 and blackdog have both popped in to say hi. And Todd is busy with work and Murphy and Marge and snap and his other turtles I would imagine.

Tidgy's Dad has popped in to say Hi in his special way and then left again leaving us wanting more.

We have Meerkats again, however they have been trying to summon the Dark Lord. For what purpose I don't know.

Montgomery has also been struggling with the demand for hot drinks and has had Hot toddys' on the menu for a while now, but too many people have been sick to even take him up on his offer.

Silly and Willy have been hiding away since Sabine has not had a chance to visit too often.

The jellyfish have been playing with us and giving us light shows.

The Leprechaun has been borrowing money from Ray and not giving it back, he did however give Ray a horse with no name ( although I do speak under correction)

The one legged pirate ... well he is the one legged pirate.

The wool spider (if she exists) cannot keep up with the demand for rain jackets and hats.

The ghost shrimp have been ghosting around and trying to scare us. But it takes a lot to scare us. Although just mention cruises, sharks and nibbling fish and I will run for the hills.

I am trying to create a bioactive environment for my torts. I just need more isopods. I have managed to find two which I put in their enclosure, but I have yet to see the two at the same time. So either the first one escaped and I caught him again thinking he was number two. Or the first one is really good at hiding. Or it was eaten [emoji33] .

If I have left anybody out I sincerely apologize. I will be in corner 3 if you want to come and bonk me on the head.

Nice recap. You missed the giant pot of gold i dug up.

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