Dessert Box Turtle Mom


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Ft. Lauderdale
Greetings All.

In October we acquired a baby Dessert Box TURTLE (not tortoise), unfortunately I was not there when she was picked up. We were told she was 2 months old. Right away I noticed some concerns and she wasn't in the best shape. The tiny bit of the tip of her tail appeared injured and within the week it came off, when I say the tip I mean like millimeters, but quite noticeable since she was so tiny. I then noticed after giving her a much more thorough look that she was missing toes. Several. She has only one toe nail on the back left foot, two on the right, and missing a middle claw on the front left. I also noticed she had a white marking on her shell, and it appears to have spread to a few other scutes. Sent the husband to get some iodine and chlorhexidine. I've never had to treat for shell rot, thankfully all the turtles I've cared for were always very healthy.

I am here today to find some encouragement and answers while we battle with this baby. Thankfully she is active, eats well. I do have prior turtle experience, having raised sliders as a kid, and working with turtles in my career, however never a baby boxie. I've cared for Florida box turtles, Terrapins, Sliders, even Sea Turtles but this is my first hatchling boxie. All advice welcome.


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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Baby box turtles are quite cannibalistic. If you (the keeper) don't keep them well fed they try eating each other. Your baby will be fine without a few toes and part of his tail. I've even had some with bites out of the edges of their shell. I don't know what has caused the slight bleaching of the shell, but it's not shell rot. It's probably nothing to worry about.


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I agree with Yvonne. Doesn't look in too bad of shape for whatever it did go thru.
Stop using iodine. Once is fine, but too much use and it hinders healing.


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Ft. Lauderdale
I agree with Yvonne. Doesn't look in too bad of shape for whatever it did go thru.
Stop using iodine. Once is fine, but too much use and it hinders healing.
Just got the chlorhexidine today and brushed her shell. The white came off, I looked at her belly and there was quite a bit there too. She was not too happy with me, and opened her little mouth to bite. 🥹 She's normally a perfect little angel.


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Welcome to the forum. I too have a desert box turtle. Paxton is a little over year old. He was probably one month old when I got him. I received a lot of help on the forum with his diet and enclosure plants. Paxton has a great personality too.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Greetings All.

In October we acquired a baby Dessert Box TURTLE (not tortoise), unfortunately I was not there when she was picked up. We were told she was 2 months old. Right away I noticed some concerns and she wasn't in the best shape. The tiny bit of the tip of her tail appeared injured and within the week it came off, when I say the tip I mean like millimeters, but quite noticeable since she was so tiny. I then noticed after giving her a much more thorough look that she was missing toes. Several. She has only one toe nail on the back left foot, two on the right, and missing a middle claw on the front left. I also noticed she had a white marking on her shell, and it appears to have spread to a few other scutes. Sent the husband to get some iodine and chlorhexidine. I've never had to treat for shell rot, thankfully all the turtles I've cared for were always very healthy.

I am here today to find some encouragement and answers while we battle with this baby. Thankfully she is active, eats well. I do have prior turtle experience, having raised sliders as a kid, and working with turtles in my career, however never a baby boxie. I've cared for Florida box turtles, Terrapins, Sliders, even Sea Turtles but this is my first hatchling boxie. All advice welcome.
Hello and welcome. Sounds like this turtle is in good hands.


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Ft. Lauderdale
Greetings All.

In October we acquired a baby Dessert Box TURTLE (not tortoise), unfortunately I was not there when she was picked up. We were told she was 2 months old. Right away I noticed some concerns and she wasn't in the best shape. The tiny bit of the tip of her tail appeared injured and within the week it came off, when I say the tip I mean like millimeters, but quite noticeable since she was so tiny. I then noticed after giving her a much more thorough look that she was missing toes. Several. She has only one toe nail on the back left foot, two on the right, and missing a middle claw on the front left. I also noticed she had a white marking on her shell, and it appears to have spread to a few other scutes. Sent the husband to get some iodine and chlorhexidine. I've never had to treat for shell rot, thankfully all the turtles I've cared for were always very healthy.

I am here today to find some encouragement and answers while we battle with this baby. Thankfully she is active, eats well. I do have prior turtle experience, having raised sliders as a kid, and working with turtles in my career, however never a baby boxie. I've cared for Florida box turtles, Terrapins, Sliders, even Sea Turtles but this is my first hatchling boxie. All advice welcome.
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