EBT doesn't move unless taken out of his spot


New Member
Jun 3, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Memphis TN
Detailed (possible?) issue:

Mike here (Male EBT) doesn't like to ever move unless we actually pick him up and move him or entice him with food. Sometimes we take him out for walks in the backyard and instead of walking around he immediately runs to any cover. Maybe not full speed but he doesn't take his time. He will climb the entire fence trying to get through it looking for a dark area. He is familiar with his enclosure and atleast somewhat familiar with the yard. If I take him out his spot to feed him he will eat and then go back immediately or go to a different covered spot. Sometimes he digs into his own area and sometimes he goes into the hollow log thing we have for him. I have almost never seen him come out of cover on his own.
What makes this more weird is that he's a wild boxie, he was gotten from a forest before given to us and he looks pretty old like maybe 50.

His living conditions in detail:
His enclosure pretty closely mimics local weather (Eastern Tennessee). 80-90 degrees, 30-50% humidity. He gets UVB/A from Arcadia T5 Forest bulb and good heat from an Infrared heat projector. I think his diet is pretty good. He eats live earth worms, mealworms, crickets, romaine lettuce, green beans, carrots, peas, dehydrated beetles, tomato, pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, cantaloupe, banana, bok choy, and some other stuff that I can't remember. Also just bought some flukers box turtle food without any food coloring in it, haven't made him eat any of it yet. We feed him 3-4 times a week. Also he will chase crickets sometimes but won't try very hard usually.

We got him like last spring and I don't think he's been captive in winter at all, so I can't say if he's brumating or not. Anyways is this normal behavior? I read about it being normal but he doesn't even go for water. I do spray him a lot though so maybe he doesn't need to. Also he doesn't poop very often and when it does it's very dry looking. Maybe he's constipated, maybe once a week at most.

BTW: He climbed to that heat lamp by himself. I did take him out and he just climbed up there for some reason and went back down shortly after.


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New Member
Jun 3, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Memphis TN
Oh forgot to add the main question: He has been in the same spot for 3 full days now. Same exact spot. He sleeps at night and wakes the whole day and he does move his head around a bit. He will stay in the same spot until we move him. I am thinking of not moving him at all and just setting food out where he can't see? So he has to actually go "hunt"? Not sure if it's a good idea. Thanks guys


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Jun 10, 2016
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He needs a larger terracotta saucer. Is his food bowl is on that bridge? I put Paxton food more hidden close to him. He will drag food to his hide or water saucer. Mine doesn't like being in an open area outside because the are another animal's meal. The saucer is what you use under a plant. You probably need more plants. It makes mine feel secure and explore more.


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New Member
Jun 3, 2024
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Memphis TN
He needs a larger terracotta saucer. Is his food bowl is on that bridge? I put Paxton food more hidden close to him. He will drag food to his hide or water saucer. Mine doesn't like being in an open area outside because the are another animal's meal. The saucer is what you use under a plant. You probably need more plants. It makes mine feel secure and explore more.
Hi I can't really see whats going on in the pictures. Do you have any reccomendations for the type of plants? I recently planted those micro greens in there hoping they will continue to grow. Maybe bigger plants are better. Also I don't know what type of bowl/saucer you're talking about


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I have pothos and a couple of different kind of wandering jew plants in there. I have a layer of eco earth on the bottom of the enclosure then I have the forest floor on top. I make more of a mound of the eco earth and put the plants directly into it. Then forest floor over it. No dirt. It works for me. I'm still trying to find a spot that works well for a spider plant. Make sure your plants don't have pesticides. I'm not an expert, just a desert box turtle owner.


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Dec 31, 2015
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i didn't read all the reply, but that guy looks way too dry........ spray a hose or something in his enclosure ..... he's probably waiting on some rain to come out... i'd guess that guy is wild caught...... do you have a yard you can keep him outside????? heck, dry will kill baby box turtles........


New Member
Jun 3, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Memphis TN
i didn't read all the reply, but that guy looks way too dry........ spray a hose or something in his enclosure ..... he's probably waiting on some rain to come out... i'd guess that guy is wild caught...... do you have a yard you can keep him outside????? heck, dry will kill baby box turtles........
Hey it looks dry but it's really not the humidity is high and I spray him like 5x a day. Always watering the plants, the dirt is usually almost mud


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could be , i do know humidity isn't what they're looking for , they're looking for water........ outside is the best place for him........ when we get a dry spell they hardly move , soon as it rains they're all out , the harder it's raining the more they like it ......


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as mentioned a large water container with cover he can hide under while in the water ..... how long you had him?


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Jun 3, 2024
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Memphis TN
Had him for around 10 months now. He has a water dish maybe I should add another. He very rarely goes in there by himself though. Again only goes when I put him in there.


Jun 20, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
NE Kansas
My eastern is a hiding machine. They love being under cover. This is a setup that he really enjoys: a big container full of water with a cover over part of it. He will just sit around in the water for days.
Think more pond like, not water dish. That made a huge difference for how my guy interacts with his world.
This guy has been captive his entire life, is about 8 now. I could imagine a wild caught turtle is used to survival and hiding is his best bet. More cover, more water would be my best guess.


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Jun 3, 2024
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Memphis TN
View attachment 379384
My eastern is a hiding machine. They love being under cover. This is a setup that he really enjoys: a big container full of water with a cover over part of it. He will just sit around in the water for days.
Think more pond like, not water dish. That made a huge difference for how my guy interacts with his world.
This guy has been captive his entire life, is about 8 now. I could imagine a wild caught turtle is used to survival and hiding is his best bet. More cover, more water would be my best guess.
Interesting. Our space here is limited and I can't really build a good enclosure in the yard. I will have to sacrifice his current space to add more water. Should I do that?


Jun 20, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
NE Kansas
Maybe try to divide his space up so you use 1/4 or so as a pond. A storage container that he can get in and out of that will allow him to full submerge if he wants to would be a good option. They do deserve a good amount of space, but right now you want that space to work best for him until you determine what could be a good permanent spot for him. Outdoors would be best like @mark1 said.
You may have to put a rock or something in the “pond” so he can climb out easily. And the area of his enclosure that is not water can be mounded up to help him get to the water spot so it’s like sliding into a pond.
Others that have been keeping these guys for decades longer may have other options, but a pond-like option is my vote along with more cover for natural hiding.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
I use a plastic bin with a brick in it so Matt can always right himself. He climbs the fence and falls into his pool. This keeps him drownproofed!

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