Eggs breaking when laid.


New Member
Jun 9, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Racine wisconsin
My girl has been laying random eggs past few days. When I find them they are torn/cracked, probly from catching on her rear top shell. I move her grazing area around every couple days so she, they her and my male, have fresh grass to mow down. My guess is since she is laying them on flat ground they get crushed a bit? should I make her a den to lay egg in? I dont plan on keeping the eggs since there are too many unwanted torts already. Is there potential health issue if I dont have a den for her and she just lays them as she has been? No health or behavior change. She is eating drinking and following me around as normal. Still getting into the 50's at night here so I have to bring them in at night so I cant really just let her be to dig ect. This is first year that she has laid more then 1 egg. last year and year before she only laid 1 each year. been 5 so far this year.


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Calcium is really important for strong bones, shell, claw and beak and will help egg strength. Add more calcium into the diet.


New Member
Jun 9, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Racine wisconsin
I give them both cal/vits every 3rd or 4th day. Urates are good. Stool is moist. Egg shells seem to be pretty thick. Inside seem have have large yolks. I guess my main concern is, is laying eggs not in a den going to cause her issues. And is it normal for sulcatas to lay eggs over multiple days?


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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I give them both cal/vits every 3rd or 4th day. Urates are good. Stool is moist. Egg shells seem to be pretty thick. Inside seem have have large yolks. I guess my main concern is, is laying eggs not in a den going to cause her issues. And is it normal for sulcatas to lay eggs over multiple days?
Its time to make a heated insulated night box and leave her outside full time in the warmer months. Lock her in the heated shelter each night and pop the door open each morning. She needs to be able to dig a nest and lay these eggs. Her inability to do so is likely to result in egg-binding and death.

If she starts laying and it is getting cool, place a CHE or infrared heat lamp over her to keep her warm enough, long enough to finish laying eggs. I do this all winter long with several species with night tmps dropping into the 30s. I use 250 CHEs in large domes, and I set the height VERY carefully to avoid burns.

Also, they should never live in pairs. They should be separated ASAP. If you don't want eggs and babies, you should not let the male have access to the female, ever. Breeding season for sulcatas starts around January 1st, and ends around December 31st of each year.

Here are two night box examples and ways to safely and effectively heat them:



New Member
Jun 9, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Racine wisconsin
How come zoo's, sanctuaries, rescues and other professional type establishments keep their males/ females together? Are they all doing it wrong? should they be reported to peta? Ill have to build a den indoors. We have trump supporters near by who think that because they are from africa that they are secret antifa agents / democrat lizard people. Not a joke.