First step just arrived today!

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5 Year Member
Aug 3, 2009
I just got my 7.5' x 7.5' x 4' (chain link) kennel delivered today! I am super excited.

Here's a pic of the kennel:

When it comes time to do his hides, someone sent me a link before that gave a couple ideas on constructing underground burrows. One was using a metal garbage can. First off, won't that rust out kinda quick? It said to cut it in half but I was thinking about just burying the whole thing at an angle and filling with dirt and letting Squirt burrow how he wants in there. That way he can't dig past the can and I can still get to him if I need to. Maybe I would drill some holes along the sides to allow for air flow/humid in, humid escape/heat or coolness flow. I would do 2 of those facing different directions and then maybe a clay pot buried for another shallow like one. Would you recommend something like this?

I really want to make everything be NO dig out/get out proof for Squirt because of my Chihuahua and also all the Oleander bushes I have in my yard. I love all the thoughts you give me so I can ponder them.

Kennel construction:
I know I have to block his view out but do I have to do something on the inside? Can it just be some blocks along the outside? Will he get hurt being able to come in contact with the fencing? If I do need something on the inside, please read the rest on some other ideas I came up with.

I have been racking my brain lately on how I am going to construct all this. I was thinking about doing the concrete blocks on the inside of the pen to block Squirts view out but someone suggested doing just smooth board on the inside so it won't take away any space. Good idea. Now what kind? Just regular plywood? I want to do something that will last, so another thought was maybe the skinny cap blocks that you put on top of walls? I would stand them on their edge and bury one and stack the other on top. Do those sound okay to use and that will last some?

Here's a pic of those blocks:

And then I want to still do something on the outside perimeter because I have a boy Chihuahua that (like boy dogs do) pee's on everything and I don't want him doing that on the outside edge and it getting in the pen at all. So I was thinking about doing the blocks along the outside to help with that issue. But then how am I going to open the gate? Ah ha! I build the wall snug along the sides that don't have the gate and extend the blocks out further on the side with the gate. That way I can open the gate and have a backup enclosure in case the gate is ever left open. Does that sound ok so far?

Yvonne G

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You can opt for a plastic garbage can instead of aluminum. And don't drill air holes, instead, drill a few holes in the bottom so water drains out. I suggest the redwood or cedar 1"x12" boards for the inside sight barrier. You can either stake them in place or drill small holes in the corners and wire them in place. Sounds good! Squirt is a lucky tortoise.



10 Year Member!
5 Year Member
Jul 28, 2008
We did a very similar setup for our outdoor pens and I used retaining wall bricks on one side of the interior with corrigated awning sheets on the other - I preferred the corrigated awning sheets (we used the plastic green type because the aluminum ones "whistled" with the wind and drove me nuts (I know its really a short putt:) We staked them with wooden stakes to make it easier to move them if necessary. Have fun:)


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5 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
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southern cal.
Lucky tort indeed, But the cold season is near.Oh I think your plans are great, it just takes what you think will benefit squirt and what looks for your yard
post pics when its complete, id like to see!

Looks good* °_°
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