Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
We've had several threads lately about "Lost" tortoises. I thought it would be refreshing to read about a "Found" animal.

This is my back yard, looking from in front of my back door:

found 1.jpg

And over to the right is the gate I would go out to get to my box turtle yard:

found 2.jpg

Then through the gate and past the garden shed:

found 3.jpgfound 4.jpg

But, going back into the back yard, the chain link you see directly in front of me in the first picture is where my Radiata lived before they went to live with William. Then, through to gate:

found 5.jpgfound 6.jpg

This a.m., as I stepped through this gate into the yard to water the plants in the greenhouse, I looked down and found this:

found 7.jpgfound 8.jpgfound 9.jpg

He must be about three years old, judging from the size. The Radiata yard is totally turtle proof, so I have NO idea how he got in there. . . let alone how he got out of the box turtle yard and into either the back yard or the Radiata yard. Believe me, the fence is secure, no gaps, no spaces under it. Or how he managed to live from hatch to current size with no special human attention.


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Now that you've found Love, what are you gonna do... with it? 😍

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Oh it will go back into the box turtle yard, but first I'll give the yard a good inspection to make sure it's as secure as I thought it was.


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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
He must be about three years old, judging from the size. The Radiata yard is totally turtle proof, so I have NO idea how he got in there. . . let alone how he got out of the box turtle yard and into either the back yard or the Radiata yard. Believe me, the fence is secure, no gaps, no spaces under it. Or how he managed to live from hatch to current size with no special human attention.
Well, maybe a bird passing overhead dropped... Isn't this what we always say when we haven't any idea how something got to where it was?

However it happened, he's an adorable little guy with lots of grit and determination. A keeper for sure!


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Jun 30, 2018
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I think she was small enuf to fit right thru the holes in the chain link, she did all her traveling when she was a baby...and because I know your property...I say she wasn't a year old when she started escaping, easier for a baby than a 3 yr old...


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
For a second there, I thought you were going to say you found a baby Rad. That would be a miracle depending on how many winters ago you gave them up.
I'm with Maggie, I think she wanted to be all by herself, so she hiked it thru the links when little and had all the old Rad yard to herself.
Nice find.

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