Garden chat & photos for torts and people ♫ ♫

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
While talking to my oldest son on Sunday, I found out he has 31 pots he grows things in. lol I was so impressed. lol He is so excited because he has moved in with his gf and her children and where they live has a community garden he can grow stuff in also. It's so much fun having a child who has taken an interest in gardening.
Makes me think of all the things you say about your Grandmother :) The legacy lives on!

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
I've grown Shitaake mushrooms! I ordered a kit from Mississippi Mushroom after some of their folks did a demo at our farmers market here in Covington (Louisiana). The kit is a big, partially compressed block of sawdust full of mushroom spores and nutrients for them. The instructions had you soak the block for a few hours, then tent it VERY loosely with any sort of light plastic waterproof tent, then spray it with a mister 4-6 times a day! It worked great and I got SEVERAL full crops from that one block- which is nice because shitaakes are so expensive.
I plan to do it again once I'm home more!:):):)
NEAT-O! I want to try this some time!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
YESSSSS! PLEASE!!!!! Do you remember what catalogue you saw it in??? I've heard of red celery that is actually supposed to be really good and the best for beginning gardeners, but I have yet to see it. We would LOVE growing candy striped celery!!!

"Peppermint stick celery" (scroll down about three ):

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Cool! Never heard of Rainbow Eucalyptus. Fun! It sounds soooo pretty. Do you plan on just using if for amazing decoration? Will you make tea? Is this good tort food?

No, I'll just plant them for the novelty of it. There must be 50 seeds in the pack. Now if I can only get some to sprout.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
Prairost: 1018342 said:
ha ha ha :) -They're a lot like torts! only orchid died. I hope I do better with Mavis :eek:

Im sure your wounderful with mavis and im sure if you got another orchid itwould you know there like torts


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I was going to bring in Gurney's (I think) catalog and ask if you had tried the white strawberries (they call them something else). Or perhaps the radish which are white skinned with red insides (or was that the other way around? *rubs chin*)

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
I was going to bring in Gurney's (I think) catalog and ask if you had tried the white strawberries (they call them something else). Or perhaps the radish which are white skinned with red insides (or was that the other way around? *rubs chin*)
I just got my Gurney's :) I've ordered from them and they're actually a really good little company. They gave me zero guff when I needed to replace a raspberry from them recently. I've never grown radishes. I really should though. I've started growing parsnips and sometimes people will sprinkle radish seeds with the parsnips since parsnips take so long to come up and the radishes will help mark the rows.

I know exactly which white strawberries you're talking about :) When we were staying with family going to the doctor, my SIX YEAR OLD found them in a catalogue and wanted to get them. They're called "Pineberries" I think. The white ones with red seeds are totally weird looking-which makes me like them...hee hee. If memory serves, they're only June-bearing. I prefer ever-bearing, but I may have to set aside a pot or two for freaky white pineapple flavored strawberries:D I'll post a photo. I think they're really fun looking.
white strawberry.jpg
I wonder how you would know when they are ripe?

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
Wait did you say pineapple flavored?!
Okay so, I've never tried them, so I could be full of DECEITFUL LIES...mwa ha ha... (@Jacqui probably knows more. I just know about them from my little daughter thinking they were cool looking)

These are apparently crazy hybrid/crossbred strawberries. The descriptions of the plants in the catalogues say that these strawberries supposedly have taste that resembles pineapple. I guess the taste is enough that they actually named the freak strawberries "pine"berries--as in PINEapple.:) I totally want to try some. If I end up getting some this Spring, I'll post about it once they bear crop.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Okay so, I've never tried them, so I could be full of DECEITFUL LIES...mwa ha ha... (@Jacqui probably knows more. I just know about them from my little daughter thinking they were cool looking)

These are apparently crazy hybrid/crossbred strawberries. The descriptions of the plants in the catalogues say that these strawberries supposedly have taste that resembles pineapple. I guess the taste is enough that they actually named the freak strawberries "pine"berries--as in PINEapple.:) I totally want to try some. If I end up getting some this Spring, I'll post about it once they bear crop.

oh my goodness, I need to grow some too! I'm excited that it's almost "seed starting" time! :)

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
oh my goodness, I need to grow some too! I'm excited that it's almost "seed starting" time! :)
MEEEE TOOOOO!!!! I'm actually starting some seeds TODAY. I'm excited about it, but also a wee bit stressed because I have no where to put them while we have a few endless construction projects going on. I've decided to plant FIRST and try to solve my problem later---I'm such a genius o_O

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
A little post going back to my Garden Biodiversity theme:)...

I know that I've shared my love for squirrels and have done some rehabbing (both successful and sadly "Un" ;) --I have a little imprinted guy that is stuck with me forever)
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a little older than two weeks

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look at that "happy tummy" --someone's about to be weened!

And now i'm just showing off...
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FYI: The kids certainly don't mind, but this photo actually shows that I was UNSUCCESSFUL here. I truly believe Wild animals should be returned to the wild if possible and would never advocate for keeping squirrels as pets. Happily, we love this guy dearly and he has done a good job showing other squirrels a little bit about being a squirrel.

I've been trying to make the squirrels tough it out and learn to forage etc. I try to plant in my yard in such a way to encourage natural foraging (where I want it! Leave me some corn, PLEASE!) I haven't been doing much for the squirrels in the winter. A few years ago, the winter was particularly cold and extremely harsh. By the end of the winter, I was saddened to find old, wind blown, fallen down nests with sad starved curled up dead squirrels inside. Most squirrels die their first year of starvation. It kind of drives me crazy when people put up bird feeders intended to baffle squirrels. Why should one animal starve watching other animals eat your seed? I know that's pretty debatable, but it is how I feel.

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Here's a photo of 1 of my 5 squirrel nests. Squirrels Do NOT hibernate. They are one of the few animals that use their nests year round. These guys really have tough lives during the winter.

Really tough in the winter, but not so bad in the summer...They just need to find water, keep foraging, watch out for bigger Males AND STAY OUT OF THE FRICKIN' STREET! :)

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I hope this guy lounging in the shade is one of mine!:)

Before I left town this Christmas, I put out some fruit that would go bad in my empty house and added a bunch of nuts. I hid them among the trees outside.

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Apparently, the squirrels are doing SO GREAT this year that they decided to be picky AND NOT EAT THEIR VEGETABLES!

squirrel carrots.jpg

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