Got my RT but not the one promised

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Dec 18, 2011
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The above is my post in health asking basic advice on his condition and what I can do for him.

Now let me fill you in some more. I got to the pickup point early, the guy bringing him was late. He had thi guy in an empty cardboard box and his car heater was broken. It was 33 F and snowing. Hegot out, hands the box to me and says, I got $200 for the other 4, they wanted a breeding uad so I gave them the other male. You get thi one. Apparently they all lived in one cage that was 8x ft floor space with two heat lamps at one end. This little guy is supposedly 2-3 years old, and I need a ruler but I do not believe this tort is more than 4.75 inches. He told me he fed the torts half a romaine leaf each and 1/4 cup defroted frozen veggies each once everyday. I looked at the poorthing and knew I could not walk away leaving him with that guy. I paid a fee of $35 for him and put him in my boxI hjad lined with a fleece blanket that had a heat pack (like for shipping) tucked so he could not get to it. I stopped briefly at two shops on my way home besides the petco talked about in the other post to get good foods for him.

Even though thi is not the male russian I expected I am still choosing to call him Talison. I love the name and I feel extremely protective of this poor guy. I am thinking that in this condition being on cypress mulch may not be the best, but I was expecting the healthier and older male, honestly I did not know this guy exsisted. Before the guy left he told me about his 9 bearded dragons, 1 leopard tort, 2 redfoot torts, 9 crested geckos, 12 leopard geckos, and 2 ball pythons. After hearing about their enclosures I had to leave or I was going to be ill for all but the cresties. To the best of my knowledge theirs are the only ones he had done well. :( He said he has the leo with the redfoot torts, am I right in thinking that's bad?

By the by, thereare photos of Talison on the other thread. I'm so glad to havethis forum to turn to.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I didn't think he looked too bad from all the pictures I saw. Looks to me like old shell damage on the carapace, perhaps even from his life in the wild or capture. There may be some shell rot on the plastron, but it looks old. It's not soft, smelling, or off color is it? I think he is just needing some soaks, a good diet, and proper care. As for the Leopard in with the Redfoots, it's not highly recommended, but many folks (and zoos do it).

You made quite a trip, where was this tortoise from?


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i wonder if he takes those animals in and resells or where he get them from> > ? some people jst dont care.. all they see are $$$$


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Dec 18, 2011
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No,none of the cracks or holes were soft or stink, I did have to clean some moldybedding from the fold on his neck. I'm following advice to treat the areas as a precaution. When he finished eating he went close to the uvb as he could get even though I turned off his lights he's still sitting in the basking spot. Perhaps he's just worn out? Oh, and after re-reading I realized how that sounds, while I did indeed drive 100 miles to get to him, its because I had an appointment just before that, I apologize. The guy lives in Kansas and I about 70 miles southeast (via highway) of Kansas City. We met at a gas statpion close to 435 and Warnall in KC on the missouri side. He was only rehoming the russians, or so he says. I am extremely relieved to hear he doesn't look too bad. He is my first tortoise.


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Well I am sure glad you took him. Sounds like he really needed to warm up. Keep us posted on how he does.


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Found him still in the basking spot this morning, turned the lights onand an hour later he was still there. When I brought his salad though, he moved to a corner and dug in :( Poor guy. He moves faster than I thought they could too. I'll let him be until 2pm my time when I plan to give anther soak and reapply the ointment to his shell. Oh, there are signs he was in his water dish at some point, I'm thinking that having not had water in the past, he just may come to like it. When I put him his soak yesterday he spread his legs, stretched his neck and sank into the water until I pulled him out to clean him up.


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I think he's beautiful....lucky you two found one another :D. What ointment are you applying to his shell and what for?


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Clotrimazole, I found some fuzzy white mold looking stuff onhis neck, had it pointed out it was on his shell, and few moments ago found it on his tail. I'm keeping him fairly clean and using thi until my vet is back from vacation to take a look. Doing this was advised to me on my health thread I linked to in this thread's first post ;) I adore this little guy!

Oh boy, just realized they recommended this stuff: Clorhexadine not this: Clotrimazole. The second is what I used to get rid of scale rot in snakes. Seemsto be working, one spot I treated last night doesn't looks as fibery. There is no kind of pain meds in it, it basically just athlete's foot cream.


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If you post pics of the areas you are treating, some can probably advise you on what it is, which would help treatment.


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carnivorouszoo said:
I did in the thread I linked to in the first post. Thanks :)

Sure you did! :rolleyes:
Also some good advice in that thread.
Won't hurt to treat it as shell rot and have the damaged area looked at when you can, hopefully by a Reptile Vet.
Some of it might be scarring from previous injury. Maggie's advice is great, along with the soaking.
It might take him awhile to warm up and realize he is now safe, finally. Just keep doing what you are doing!
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