Growth lines or something concerning? (Redfoot)


New Member
Jun 14, 2024
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Orlando, FL
Hey all! New red foot owner here and have had this little guy for a month or two now. This week I did notice a few lines or maybe streaks is a better way to describe it on its shell in a few places. I searched and saw white lines are usually just growth lines but most of the pictures I saw of those don’t look like these, these are almost vertical and only a few.

Just want to make sure I’m taking care of the little guy as best as I can and catching anything early. No signs of it bothering him (or her) looks and acts healthy.


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Chubbs the tegu

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Looks like he got some shell fungus happening on his plastron. It happens when kept on constantly wet substrate. You can gently clean the area and apply some cheap athetes foot cream once a day to the affected area. Should see improvement within a few days


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello and welcome to the forum!🙂
Would you mind possibly answering a few questions here, it’s just good for us to know how new members are keeping their tortoise when advising on things😊

What size enclosure is that you’re keeping him in?
What are you using for substrate? Is that moss I can see mixed in in the photos? If so that should be removed immediately, if eaten it can cause impactions.
What are you using for lighting?
What is your UV situation?
What are you overall temperatures? A good way to check those is both monitors and a temp gun.
Lastly, what are your humidity levels?

I agree with @Chubbs the tegu in that it does look like some sort of fungal infection on their plastron, following their advice should take care of it. I think this spot I’ve circled here could possibly be some too but I could be wrong(pic attached) the other markings, to me anyway, looks like a little marbling pattern unless I’m not looking in the right spot you’re on about

If you could post a photo of his full set up that’d be great!


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Also besides the fungus, seems I can see some moss. Remove it ASAP, it can cause blockage and entanglement. Replace with coconut coir on the bottom with orchid or fir bark on top of it. Then dampen the coir by pouring warm water into the corners to dampen the coir while keeping top dry
This will help prevent shell rot and fungus. Also he needs to be in a closed chamber so high humidity stays steady.


New Member
Jun 14, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Orlando, FL
Full enclosure picture attached it’s 124 quart tote. Substrate is coconut coir and forest floor mixed together. Yes that’s moss, so I’ll be sure to remove that.

I live in central Florida so I currently have him outside on my screened in porch since the temps are pretty perfect for him. I have a temp prob under his hide on the right to track it with high and low temps. Highest it’s been is 92 and lowest 80. Lowest humidity I’ve seen has been a dip to 70% which I know is a little low but it’s usually over 85%. To do have a uvb hood light (t5) it’s 10.0 but I’ve hung it a little higher because of that. Otherwise he gets sunlight just through the screen and not direct (would be too hot).

I’ve attached a zoomed in image of what I was concerned with, he’s got a couple like this. One on each side and on the back now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Full enclosure picture attached it’s 124 quart tote. Substrate is coconut coir and forest floor mixed together. Yes that’s moss, so I’ll be sure to remove that.
View attachment 372138

I live in central Florida so I currently have him outside on my screened in porch since the temps are pretty perfect for him. I have a temp prob under his hide on the right to track it with high and low temps. Highest it’s been is 92 and lowest 80. Lowest humidity I’ve seen has been a dip to 70% which I know is a little low but it’s usually over 85%. To do have a uvb hood light (t5) it’s 10.0 but I’ve hung it a little higher because of that. Otherwise he gets sunlight just through the screen and not direct (would be too hot).

I’ve attached a zoomed in image of what I was concerned with, he’s got a couple like this. One on each side and on the back now.
View attachment 372145
Glad you’re removing the moss, humidity dips aren’t ideal especially for a hatching, it’s quite important your hatchling has 80-85% humidity 27/4, the best way to achieve this is a closed chamber set up, I think you’ll need to upgrade that size in no time so figured I’d include a great cost effective way you could set up an upgrade at some point, a greenhouse style set up is perfect for a red foot and can be made to be very cost effective! And your humidity won’t be a worry!

Most people make their own good sized base, an 8x4 should last you till your guy is ready for a big outdoor enclosure🙂lined with pond liner, or lying a bookcase flat with liner or even a lined flower bed base. Then secure a greenhouse frame on top, you can even hang your lights on the frame! Wrap the wires round so they’re the height you need them at(18-21inches for the uv have I believe, and check with heat gun for the right height of your heat bulbs)then wrap cable ties around the wire to secure in place🙂
If you can’t find the perfect fit greenhouse for your base, simply place it over like the one with the white base in the photo, but I’d put some liner under the base and cover to stop condensate getting on your floor.
If you’re sticking with this box for a bit, perhaps you could fashion something like in the third photo(doesn’t have to be that roof shape)and hang your lights from that frame.

Ignore whatever else is in these exclosures pictured, they’re just photo examples of a greenhouse set ups to give you a better idea👍🏻

As for that photo, those spots kind of look like some sort of shell damage to me but I’m not 100% sure so I’m going to tag @ZEROPILOT who can hopefully help🙂


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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Oh also I’d switch out that water dish for a shallow terracotta, they’re considered safest especially for babies, the one you’re using lacks grip in the event the baby flips themselves, they’ll struggle to flip back, hope this helps, they’re pretty cheap🙂

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hey all! New red foot owner here and have had this little guy for a month or two now. This week I did notice a few lines or maybe streaks is a better way to describe it on its shell in a few places. I searched and saw white lines are usually just growth lines but most of the pictures I saw of those don’t look like these, these are almost vertical and only a few.
View attachment 372132

Just want to make sure I’m taking care of the little guy as best as I can and catching anything early. No signs of it bothering him (or her) looks and acts healthy.

If I get it right, you are concerned about light spots on top of his shell. The growth looks healthy and white spots are probably "marbling" - some redfoots (especially cherryheads) have more of it, some less. For the most redfoots it will darken and disappear with age, some retain it in adulthood.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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If I get it right, you are concerned about light spots on top of his shell. The growth looks healthy and white spots are probably "marbling" - some redfoots (especially cherryheads) have more of it, some less. For the most redfoots it will darken and disappear with age, some retain it in adulthood.
This is what they’re concerned about, what do you think? It kind of looked like some sort of shell damage to me but I’m not sure


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Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
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This is what they’re concerned about, what do you think? It kind of looked like some sort of shell damage to me but I’m not sure
To me it looks like healthy growth. It's not 100% smooth (not pyramiding but "ridges"), I guess because keratin grows a bit faster than bone underneath.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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To me it looks like healthy growth. It's not 100% smooth (not pyramiding but "ridges"), I guess because keratin grows a bit faster than bone underneath.
Interesting, I’d not seen anything like it so was hard to tell, least it’s just isolated to their plastron, which op is already addressing🙂