
Dammit Dahlgren

New Member
Mar 7, 2015
I was wondering if anyone can post a picture of their tortoise's new growth ring on its shell? I am wondering if this looks normal on my tortoise Weiand. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago (the light tan line was a lot smaller then). She also started shedding last week. Is there anything else you that you can do to help the shedding process? Ive had her for a few months now, and since her living here, her shell on top is less "flaky" and "peeling" looking. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated! Thanks!20150430_153048.jpg20150430_153212.jpg20150430_153212.jpg20150430_153048.jpg 20150430_153212.jpg

Yvonne G

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All that flakey, peely stuff is the old shell. It would be comparable to the part of your fingernail that is attached to the finger. Nothing you do to it will change its appearance. You can influence the new growth, but you can do nothing about the flakey/peely part. Quite a few of the store-bought Russian tortoises look like yours because they're wild caught and have endured great hardships getting from capture to homeowner. The tortoise looks just fine. Nice, healthy new growth. Does he get any sun?


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If he doesn't, a nice large outdoor enclosure for warm days would be nice. As for the new growth, sometimes they are finer lines, sometimes wider. Not really sure the reason, maybe a larger growth spurt, or eating more during that time.

Dammit Dahlgren

New Member
Mar 7, 2015
She doesnt get any sun [yet] because I live in Michigan. I do have plans for her outdoor summer enclosure this year. Temps are starting to average 60* now. How much new growth can you expect during her "growth spurt"? Im sure that also has factors to weigh in too [how much she eats, her lights, etc], but just curious on what to expect. And too, how often do they have these spurts?

Dammit Dahlgren

New Member
Mar 7, 2015
If he doesn't, a nice large outdoor enclosure for warm days would be nice. As for the new growth, sometimes they are finer lines, sometimes wider. Not really sure the reason, maybe a larger growth spurt, or eating more during that time.
She does seem to eat a lot throughout the day! Lol! I know I feed her a good 4-6 times a day!