Hanging out at the Wall

Len B

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
Around the time we started getting 11 hours of daylight Walker has been spending most of his outside time at this wall.KIMG2052.JPGHe knows what's on the other side and would like to get to it. He doesn't try to climb over the wall, in fact he has never gone over a 12 inch barrier this one is 18 inches. KIMG2051.JPGThis is Galloper and she is what he senses on the other side. Thomas who is only 3 years old also knows she's there. A couple weeks ago I watched him climbing the wall separating him from her and getting over the wall and getting in her yard. Fixed that problem immediately. A while back, a little after Christmas I was talking to another forum member and offered to give Galloper to her. Talked to her yesterday and she wants her. She has been here to see my setups for the sulcatas and sent me pictures of Gallopers new home. Doing this will make my life simpler and give me room for another male that may need a home in the future.

Yvonne G

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It's hard to re-home them. Especially when you've raised them from a tiny little thing. She's a beauty. That Forum member is very lucky to get her.

Len B

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
Galloper is on her way to her new home. It's about an hour from here. Hopefully the males will settle down now. She has grown greatly since getting here. I'm going to move Thomas over to her area and remove the barrier separating Squiggy from Thomas. That will give them both more room wander.