Has my Herman tort died


New Member
Jun 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Hi, I’m wondering if I can get opinions on this. Last night, my one year old Herman tort, semi buried himself under his hollowed out log. This morning, he was still there so I changed his water (he had pooped so I cleaned that), turned his light on and went to work. Later that day, when I got home, he hasn’t moved so I took him out. His head was in the shell. And limbs out. Eyes are closed and he’s unresponsive. That was over 4 hours ago. I’ve bathed him and put him under his light and he’s not moved at all. He’s not floppy, not stiff. Just not moving!


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2013
Hi, I’m wondering if I can get opinions on this. Last night, my one year old Herman tort, semi buried himself under his hollowed out log. This morning, he was still there so I changed his water (he had pooped so I cleaned that), turned his light on and went to work. Later that day, when I got home, he hasn’t moved so I took him out. His head was in the shell. And limbs out. Eyes are closed and he’s unresponsive. That was over 4 hours ago. I’ve bathed him and put him under his light and he’s not moved at all. He’s not floppy, not stiff. Just not moving!
The tortoise didn't move at all while in the water? That seems very unusual. If you pull on the legs can you feel the tortoise trying to pull back against you? With the legs not being in the way, you can try to pull the head out of the shell to see if it resists that. If not, there is a good chance the tortoise has died. It may not be stiff yet if rigor mortis has not yet set in (or has already subsided).


New Member
Jun 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
The tortoise didn't move at all while in the water? That seems very unusual. If you pull on the legs can you feel the tortoise trying to pull back against you? With the legs not being in the way, you can try to pull the head out of the shell to see if it resists that. If not, there is a good chance the tortoise has died. It may not be stiff yet if rigor mortis has not yet set in (or has already subsided).
Thanks for replying. No I’m afraid not, no movement at all. I can’t get to his head either. I think you’re right and he has died. So sad and confusing because there has been no change at all. I’ve had him from a tiny a baby to this handsome young man (I actually don’t know the sex) so I’m so wracking my brains what I’ve done wrong


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Thanks for replying. No I’m afraid not, no movement at all. I can’t get to his head either. I think you’re right and he has died. So sad and confusing because there has been no change at all. I’ve had him from a tiny a baby to this handsome young man (I actually don’t know the sex) so I’m so wracking my brains what I’ve done wrong
Are you able to post some pictures of the enclosure? Maybe we can see where it could have gone wrong?
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