Heated doggy bed - a stupid idea, what do you think?

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Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Nov 5, 2011
So I was thinking, I love my little Sheldon, and I want to hang out with him. But his enclosure is far away from my desktop computer, and that's where I normally spend my evenings! So why not set up a heated doggy bed in the living room (yes, I keep the PC there) with a towel and plop him down for a half hour every day to hang out? :O
With a place to hide, of course.

Have any of you done something so silly? I haven't yet, but I'm tempted. He likes exploring the couch already, especially if I have friends over. People-climbing on a couch is a special skill of his. ;)


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
You know, this is one of those questions that will get a wide variety of replies....:D

I personally would not let a tort couch people climb...and the main reason is that when your tort decides to poo/pee all of a sudden all over the couch inhabitants...I can see a tort go flying as some folks are not so crazy about out lovely torts/turts...you know? Also, their poo/pee would likely funk up the couch...:p:p

I believe that if you have a safe/warm spot for your tort to be near where you are and you are not causing stress to your tort (some really do appear to be calm when moved around and placed with people vs some that simply could care less where its person is until food time :rolleyes: ) then I do not see an issue...



5 Year Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Lake district, England
sometimes we have to do this with our hermann's when its too cold for him to be outside in the evenings but if we put him in the table he gets stressed trying to get out, so he has a basking spot with a towel underneath in one part of the living room where he sits quite happily for half an hour or so until he goes back to bed all relaxed...but then again lots of people might think this is bad practise as torts should be in their own environment etc...


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Feb 25, 2011
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Southwest Washington
How about an area with a lamp hanging from above, sort of boxed in, but open on one side, so he can walk in and out. Perhaps a bit of cypress mulch and a flat rock? That might seem more familiar to him?


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2012
before i take my RT out for a cruise around the house i make sure and soak him for 15min or so, he normally goes pee/poop in there, then i will kinda clean him up w/ a paper towel and he's off! you could look into those seedling mat heaters. they are like a reptile mat but larger, not as big as a pig blanket but still if you had a med sized box/tub for him you could just set the hot mat down then cover it w/ a towel. and then he has a small hot tub w/ no water kinda. my RT wont stay still normally he cruises the whole house. he's WC tho
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