Hello From Mission Viejo, CA


New Member
Oct 24, 2019
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Mission Viejo, CA

My name is Kevin. I recently received a hatchling in the mail from TortoiseTown.com

unfortunately after reading on this forum I have found that they may not be the best place to get a tort from due to other members complains, nevertheless, here I am reading these reviews after the fact.

I have lurked for about a week or so on the forums and am grateful for all the advice that everyone has put out.

1. I have noticed that taking care of these baby sulcatas is much like growing weed. Not to ruffle any feathers, but the actual control of the environment is very similar, thanks to my previous experience with growing plants indoors, I was able to create a "semi" closed chamber for my little guy.
2. I am nervous about having a hatchling, from what I am reading people do not have a lot of success with them as first time Tortoises, but my dude is happy as can be.

I used a wide tank 40 gal that has two doors on the front and a screened mesh top. I covered the top with aluminum foil and encased the ligh/che in aluminum foil as well. this keeps his tank "at tortoise level about 95 degrees and his humidity about 80% I am trying to get the humidity up to 90%, I assume this weekend I can work on adjusting the foil to hold in more humidity.

my substrate is a mix of soil and play sand. - I am going to switch it out as it has pearlite in it, that is really the only mistake I can see that I have made so far.

he eats dandelion greens since I have received him, and I am going to feed him a small amount of squash tonight to see if he likes it.

I use a CHE and a Mercury Vapor bulb for heating and UVB, but plan on taking him outside multiple times a week, however I have not yet ventured outside wth him because I want to supervise and I am at work all day.

I really appreciate all the advice put out here on the forums, and am sorry that you all have to repeat yourselves so often with new Tortoise owners.


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Hello and welcome! Have pics of Kevin? Glad you're changing out the substrate.. the play sand is no good either so don't add that into the new substrate. It can cause impaction just like the perlite.

Yvonne G

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Hi Kevin, and welcome to the Forum!

I loved your weed analogy. So fitting when it comes to sulcatas.


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Jun 21, 2016
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Hi and welcome!
I don't know much about sulcatas, but is 95 degrees kind of hot for the entire tank at surface level?


New Member
Oct 24, 2019
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Mission Viejo, CA
Hi and welcome!
I don't know much about sulcatas, but is 95 degrees kind of hot for the entire tank at surface level?
yeah, and unfortunately they have recently spiked due to my use of a CHE. currently the basking spot is 110 degrees but his hide is right about 97 degrees. I am working on regulating it with a thermostat, but like a complete idiot, didn't do it before I came to work, ambient temperature is about 112 degrese right now. needless to say I am at work and very concerned.


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yeah, and unfortunately they have recently spiked due to my use of a CHE. currently the basking spot is 110 degrees but his hide is right about 97 degrees. I am working on regulating it with a thermostat, but like a complete idiot, didn't do it before I came to work, ambient temperature is about 112 degrese right now. needless to say I am at work and very concerned.
Yes, I would be too as it really sounds too high! I hope someone more knowledgable than I will come along here and comment!


The Dog Trainer
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Hello and welcome.

Here is what I see in your posts:
  • You definitely need a thermostat on the CHE.
  • MVBs cause pyramiding, burn out or stop producing UVB prematurely, and tend to be delicate. I'd use a regular flood bulb for basking instead.
  • Babies are easy, AS LONG AS you get one from a good source and then set it up correctly.
  • Plain fine grade orchid bark is the best substrate.
  • 95-100 directly under the bulb. No lower than 80 at night, and 90-95 is good for a day time ambient with high humidity.
  • TT doesn't have a great track record here, that is true, but give it your best shot anyway. You never know how it will turn out. Your tortoise might be just fine. Weigh the tortoise weekly. You want to see steady gains, and when the baby passes 50-55 grams and keeps going, you can breathe a big sigh of relief, as that is a good indicator that its going to be fine.
I case you haven't found these yet, here is all the info in one place for you:


New Member
Oct 24, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Mission Viejo, CA
Hello and welcome.

Here is what I see in your posts:
  • You definitely need a thermostat on the CHE.
  • MVBs cause pyramiding, burn out or stop producing UVB prematurely, and tend to be delicate. I'd use a regular flood bulb for basking instead.
  • Babies are easy, AS LONG AS you get one from a good source and then set it up correctly.
  • Plain fine grade orchid bark is the best substrate.
  • 95-100 directly under the bulb. No lower than 80 at night, and 90-95 is good for a day time ambient with high humidity.
  • TT doesn't have a great track record here, that is true, but give it your best shot anyway. You never know how it will turn out. Your tortoise might be just fine. Weigh the tortoise weekly. You want to see steady gains, and when the baby passes 50-55 grams and keeps going, you can breathe a big sigh of relief, as that is a good indicator that its going to be fine.
I case you haven't found these yet, here is all the info in one place for you:

Thanks Tom! I didnt think i would get a reply from the LEGEND of the Tortoise Forum!!

1. I went home yesterday and put the thermostat on the CHE, I set it to 97 degrees
2. about the MVB, bummer, i bought it from some recomendations on here, but i do have a pack of flood bulbs from a post I read from you on here and i can change it out. i did it mainly because my little guy is so small i didnt want to take him outside quite yet and i wanted him to have the benefit of the UBV - does the flood bulb produce any UVB?
3. yeah I think he is pretty easy to take care of, but I am unsure if he was healthy when he arrived. He is active, eating pooping and peeing, but i have noticed that after bathing he gets bubbles on his nose. this morning he had bubbles on his nose and the closed chamber has been over 95 consistently for the entire time i have had him.
4. ill get the orchid bark as well, is the REPTI Bark bad or just not as good as the Orchid Bark?
5. My temps and humidity seem to be on point, maybe a little hot, but he appears to like it a bit hotter. if i cool it down he tends to sit under the heat lamp alot and sleep.
6. ill start weighing him once i get my scale and calibrate it. its so funny how when you first get them you assume they need time to settle in. once they are settled in you have this realization "i got a baby tortoise, had it shipped across the country in a box and i expected him to thrive right away. I assumed because I set up the enclosure correctly that nothing could go wrong, but now i realize the breeder plays a huge part in this and it is a gamble, even if the breeder was awesome, because some of these babies just might not be the ones that nature selected to make it. it is tough, but it makes me feel a bit better that if he is sick, it is not my fault, and just hope for the best.

Thanks Tom!!!


The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
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Southern California
Thanks Tom! I didnt think i would get a reply from the LEGEND of the Tortoise Forum!!

1. I went home yesterday and put the thermostat on the CHE, I set it to 97 degrees
2. about the MVB, bummer, i bought it from some recomendations on here, but i do have a pack of flood bulbs from a post I read from you on here and i can change it out. i did it mainly because my little guy is so small i didnt want to take him outside quite yet and i wanted him to have the benefit of the UBV - does the flood bulb produce any UVB?
3. yeah I think he is pretty easy to take care of, but I am unsure if he was healthy when he arrived. He is active, eating pooping and peeing, but i have noticed that after bathing he gets bubbles on his nose. this morning he had bubbles on his nose and the closed chamber has been over 95 consistently for the entire time i have had him.
4. ill get the orchid bark as well, is the REPTI Bark bad or just not as good as the Orchid Bark?
5. My temps and humidity seem to be on point, maybe a little hot, but he appears to like it a bit hotter. if i cool it down he tends to sit under the heat lamp alot and sleep.
6. ill start weighing him once i get my scale and calibrate it. its so funny how when you first get them you assume they need time to settle in. once they are settled in you have this realization "i got a baby tortoise, had it shipped across the country in a box and i expected him to thrive right away. I assumed because I set up the enclosure correctly that nothing could go wrong, but now i realize the breeder plays a huge part in this and it is a gamble, even if the breeder was awesome, because some of these babies just might not be the ones that nature selected to make it. it is tough, but it makes me feel a bit better that if he is sick, it is not my fault, and just hope for the best.

Thanks Tom!!!

I'm only a legend in my own mind...

1. The CHE is only to maintain ambient temp day and night. Set it to 80.
2. During the day, the basking bulb should raise the ambient up to the high 80s or low 90s. You don't want it 97 all the time. They need it cooler at night, but cooler should be 80 ish.
3. Bubbles are a bad sign. Hopefully when the temps get stabilized, those will disappear.
4. Repti-bark is orchid bark with an XL price tag on it. And a pretty label with reptiles on it.
5. Good to watch the behavior. You've got the right idea there. Since he might be fighting a respiratory infection, set the thermostat to 85 and leave it that way until two weeks after you see the last bubble.
6. ALL of them survive if you start them correctly. 100%. The whole "some just aren't meant to make it..." thing is a way to excuse incorrect husbandry and starting techniques. Every year, all of the babies I hatch survive and thrive. ALL of them. Ask the people who say that phrase, "How come none of Tom's hatchlings just weren't meant to survive?" Its not luck...


New Member
Oct 24, 2019
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Mission Viejo, CA
I'm only a legend in my own mind...

1. The CHE is only to maintain ambient temp day and night. Set it to 80.
2. During the day, the basking bulb should raise the ambient up to the high 80s or low 90s. You don't want it 97 all the time. They need it cooler at night, but cooler should be 80 ish.
3. Bubbles are a bad sign. Hopefully when the temps get stabilized, those will disappear.
4. Repti-bark is orchid bark with an XL price tag on it. And a pretty label with reptiles on it.
5. Good to watch the behavior. You've got the right idea there. Since he might be fighting a respiratory infection, set the thermostat to 85 and leave it that way until two weeks after you see the last bubble.
6. ALL of them survive if you start them correctly. 100%. The whole "some just aren't meant to make it..." thing is a way to excuse incorrect husbandry and starting techniques. Every year, all of the babies I hatch survive and thrive. ALL of them. Ask the people who say that phrase, "How come none of Tom's hatchlings just weren't meant to survive?" Its not luck...

HAHA, well from what I have read on here other people tend to think highly of you and your advice. I greatly appreciate it.

1. will correct the ambient temp tonight, I guess I didn't realize it was way too hot for him, but it makes perfect sense.
2. yes I have definitely noticed the ambient temps increasing with the basking bulb and CHE on - making it difficult to regulate, once I put the CHE on the thermostat it settled.
3. yeah, I have gathered that they are a bad sign, bummer. Im hoping to cure it with the right temps
4. I figured it was just way overpriced, but you know how it goes, when in need!!!
5. yes I have been monitoring his behavior, and its pretty tough to gauge since this is my first Tortoise. I have noticed that he is very active throughout the day, eats all the time, then sleeps. He has exhibited some neck stretching, and a few days ago he was making some small squeaking sounds. That has stopped completely, the bubbles actually stopped a few days ago, but came back last night. Oddly, the temps have been fairly high.
6. I gathered that much. I mean it doesn't make sense really to go to a vet with such a young guy. I know that might sound cruel to some, but with such a tiny animal, at such a young age I would assume the drugs they pump into him may be too much for him to handle. I have read your posts over and over again - the vet may provide a solution for the sickness, but never addresses the issue and that is what conditions the Tort is kept in. I hope to do a great job with his environment, but it is a bit tougher than I envisioned, just like growing weed, I used to grow hydroponics in a closed room and had it dialed in, unfortunately those plants were a bit more forgiving than this little tortoise - if a plant was sick, I knew what to do to remedy the situation, and it typically had to do with heat, humidity and food. Just like the Tortoise.

anyhow, thank you again for the advice. I am going to review my setup again and make sure it is air tight for the humidity and to maintain heat. perhaps I will insulate the sides of it.



The Dog Trainer
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... but with such a tiny animal, at such a young age I would assume the drugs they pump into him may be too much for him to handle.

This. Right here. You are wise beyond your tortoise years. Little babies usually were either already going to die, or they get killed by vets injecting them with stuff their tiny little system just cannot handle. The best "medicine" for babies is daily soaks, the correct temperatures, high humidity, and a variety of good foods.

Over the years there have been several people who think I'm a great big jerk. Some don't like what I say, some don't like the way I say it. I'm no diplomat, so it is somewhat understandable. Most people appreciate the help and say "thanks". My reward is seeing healthy tortoises. A friend of mine and I have a running joke. I watched a youtube video describing the traits and characteristics of a narcissist. Apparently, I am a "self-aggrandizing narcissist". Self diagnosed, of course. She constantly harasses me about it now. We have a lot of fun pointing out my flaws.


New Member
Oct 24, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Mission Viejo, CA
This. Right here. You are wise beyond your tortoise years. Little babies usually were either already going to die, or they get killed by vets injecting them with stuff their tiny little system just cannot handle. The best "medicine" for babies is daily soaks, the correct temperatures, high humidity, and a variety of good foods.

Over the years there have been several people who think I'm a great big jerk. Some don't like what I say, some don't like the way I say it. I'm no diplomat, so it is somewhat understandable. Most people appreciate the help and say "thanks". My reward is seeing healthy tortoises. A friend of mine and I have a running joke. I watched a youtube video describing the traits and characteristics of a narcissist. Apparently, I am a "self-aggrandizing narcissist". Self diagnosed, of course. She constantly harasses me about it now. We have a lot of fun pointing out my flaws.

Hey, some people cant take any criticism whatsoever. I on the other hand prefer criticism over praise, so at least I can figure out if I am doing something wrong. I certainly wouldn't bet the life of a little creature on my intuition, I would rather use sound and tested advice, which you have. Thanks again for all the advice, and hey, sometimes a little narcissism is a good thing, I wouldn't call it that. I would call it confidence in your trade, built via years of trial, error and experience.

Thanks again Tom. the little guy woke up today, no bubbles, no signs of any issues at all really. The lower temps seem to have made him happier overall!

Have a good day!


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Welcome and I really wish you the best with your baby. Literally at this point I feel like babies in general suck.. I got 2 (a sulcata and a leopard) about 5ish years ago and both died after about 3 months. I already had frank who was a rescue and was already 2 years old, I was able to help him survive mbd but I can not keep two healthy babies alive. Now years later I’m trying hatchlings again with 2 leopards and 2 Sulcatas and I’m only two months in and having issues already. I’ve owned snakes, lizards, very difficult frogs, and even some more difficult animals/reptiles/birds and yet my worst animals have been these damn torts. I really hope that you have better luck with yours. Whatever happens don’t get discouraged. I honestly don’t know how there is such an overpopulation problem when I can’t seem to get one baby to survive into adolescence let alone adulthood. Listen to Tom and the others here on the forum and you should be ok.