Hello Peanut Here


New Member
Oct 30, 2016
I am super excited I found this site . I have been preparing myself with many videos, and forums so I can have a clue what I'm doing
if "and when" my wonderful Hubby is able to decide and say *yes* to a Sulcata "
Phoenix reptile Expo is next month (extreamly Excited) and if he is able to tag a long, I'm sure then we may have a new addition into our family .
Till then I'll keep learning and be fascinated with all the info all you provide


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Oct 26, 2011
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Hello and welcome to TFO

Sulcatas grow rapidly into 100lb bulldozers that cannot hibernate so being super-prepared is really important.

Have you read the TFO guides for keeping Sulcatas? They're written by species experts working hard to correct the outdated information frequently found on the internet and from pet stores and, sadly, by some breeders, vets and expos too.

Beginner Mistakes

How to raise a healthy Sulcata


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2016
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Saginaw, Michigan, USA
I can't recommend the links that JoesMum posted enough. They should be required reading for new sulcata owners.

Welcome to the forum, good luck on convincing your husband on this endeavor.

Male sure to keep us updated.

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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A warm welcome to the forum.

Hope you can convince your husband to get a tort. Good luck!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I am super excited I found this site . I have been preparing myself with many videos, and forums so I can have a clue what I'm doing
if "and when" my wonderful Hubby is able to decide and say *yes* to a Sulcata "
Phoenix reptile Expo is next month (extreamly Excited) and if he is able to tag a long, I'm sure then we may have a new addition into our family .
Till then I'll keep learning and be fascinated with all the info all you provide

Hello and welcome.

Most of the people raising sulcatas start them far too dry. In AZ in particular a lot of breeders leave them outside in the AZ sunshine all day, and this is bad for babies. You are not likely to find a properly started baby at any reptile show. Instead buy one from a breeder who takes the time to soak daily and keep them in a humid environment simulating the natural African monsoon season that they would hatch into in the wild. A large percentage of the babies that hatch here in the US die weeks or months later because of what the breeder does or doesn't do, right after the baby hatches. It is a heartbreaking experience and I'd like to help you avoid that. When you get to the show, you will see dozens if not hundreds of cute little active babies running about, seemingly calling out to you, "Take me home…" Everything will seem perfect, but many of them are little ticking time bombs that are going to die in a few weeks or months, no matter what anyone does. No one can save them after the damage is done and no amount of money or vet care can changes this fact either, and there is no way to tell which ones will live and which ones won't.

Most of the info available out there is old, incorrect and based on false assumptions about the wild.

Read this to see what you might be in for if you buy a dry started baby:

Then read this one to see how babies SHOULD be started. This will tell you what questions to ask. As you walk around the show, you will be disappointed to find that not one of the breeders there has the right answers to your questions:

Finally, once you do get your hands on a properly started baby, here is the care info:

Also be aware the most of the product offered for sale at reptile shows will be unsuitable and overpriced for your new baby. It would be good to grab the CHE, thermostat, and long UV tube at the show, but the substrate, food and water bowls, light fixtures, thermometer/hygrometer, humid hide, light bulbs, etc… are better found at the hardware store and garden center. It all explained in more detail in the threads about.

And don't let a seller talk you into a pair. They should not be housed in pairs. They do not need or want another tortoise in their enclosure. Groups can sometimes work, but not pairs.

Remember that the people selling at that show spent a bunch of money to get there and rent that booth. They need to sell stuff to make their money back and turn a profit. We here on this forum don't want your money. We aren't selling anything. Our interest is helping a new tortoise hobbyist have a positive tortoise keeping experience and a healthy baby that brings many years of happiness.

Glad you found us. You may have just saved yourself from a tragedy by joining and posting here. :)


New Member
Oct 30, 2016
Yes I have read many of the forums on here.
It is awesome that so many care about us beginners. I love it , makes us feel welcomed.
I love animals . personally have two dogs , leeches, fish and a Kenyan Sand Boa.
Grew up with chicken , iguanas , peacock/birds and horses

I'm Going To the Reptile Expo to see so many different reptiles at the show , it is my number one reason for going and also because a place called
Arizona Tortoise Compound will be there this year.

They take care of the tortoises and do an amazing job (have done my reasearch) so far I like them and
I was willing to drive not to far to there location but since the Expo will soon be here why not have a win win situation and see them and also others while I'm there . I won't be persuaded into buying a pair since I only want one and it will pretty much do better going solo instead of maybe play fighting with the other one
Many probably get there tortoises from Arizona tortoise compound and have them ship to them . No need for me to ship siince I'm in Az.
Thank you so much for your concerns so I am perfectly ready before and if I get one I love all the feedback


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Yes I have read many of the forums on here.
It is awesome that so many care about us beginners. I love it , makes us feel welcomed.
I love animals . personally have two dogs , leeches, fish and a Kenyan Sand Boa.
Grew up with chicken , iguanas , peacock/birds and horses

I'm Going To the Reptile Expo to see so many different reptiles at the show , it is my number one reason for going and also because a place called
Arizona Tortoise Compound will be there this year.

They take care of the tortoises and do an amazing job (have done my reasearch) so far I like them and
I was willing to drive not to far to there location but since the Expo will soon be here why not have a win win situation and see them and also others while I'm there . I won't be persuaded into buying a pair since I only want one and it will pretty much do better going solo instead of maybe play fighting with the other one
Many probably get there tortoises from Arizona tortoise compound and have them ship to them . No need for me to ship siince I'm in Az.
Thank you so much for your concerns so I am perfectly ready before and if I get one I love all the feedback

All I can do is offer information...

Ask Andy if he soaks the babies every day. Ask him if the babies are housed mostly indoors in a warm humid enclosure that simulates the monsoon season that sulcata babies hatch into, or if they are housed outdoors all day and night in the AZ desert sun. Ask him how many of his babies are purchased for resale from other breeders that don't start them as they should be started.

Andy is a nice guy and I like him. He's a trustworthy guy and runs his business well. His website is great. But I wouldn't buy a baby from him.

Read those threads. The answers are all there. I wish you best of luck and happy torting, whatever you decide.


New Member
Oct 30, 2016
All I can do is offer information...

Ask Andy if he soaks the babies every day. Ask him if the babies are housed mostly indoors in a warm humid enclosure that simulates the monsoon season that sulcata babies hatch into, or if they are housed outdoors all day and night in the AZ desert sun. Ask him how many of his babies are purchased for resale from other breeders that don't start them as they should be started.

Andy is a nice guy and I like him. He's a trustworthy guy and runs his business well. His website is great. But I wouldn't buy a baby from him.

Read those threads. The answers are all there. I wish you best of luck and happy torting, whatever you decide.
Than you Tom for all you do and the help/information

Tidgy's Dad

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Hello, Peanut, and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum. :)
Hope you enjoy the show and get your new addition to the family.