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5 Year Member
Dec 27, 2011
Hello I am Rick, from Vancouver.

new to this website, and the internet forums in general.

Been an animal person since I was a young kid.
always catching frogs, and snakes, walking dogs, hunting deer, scuba diving, plenty of time around animals in my life.
Turtles/tortoises are my favourite animal no doubt.
I have 1 sulcata tortoise, a gecko, as well as a Shiba Inu dog.
The tortoise is the dominant animal for sure.

4 years ago, I saw my tortoise in an east-asian supermarket. It was so cute, and I felt the urge to rescue him from a fate in a pot of turtle soup. Wasn't sure what exactly he was so I just called him turtle. I still had a gecko that I got as a kid, so I wasn't clueless on the care of reptiles. Did a couple of Google searches found out he was a tortoise. The word tortoise just seems awkward to me and I continued to call it a turtle. I planned on giving it to my high school biology teacher for a class pet or what ever, thats why I didn't name him. I got attached, and ended up keeping him myself, stuck with the name turtle, or just T or Mr.T. He was about 4" when i got him, He is 6" now, only grown 2" since I've had him. 2 years ago I bought anouther sulcata tortoise about the same size, named him jabba in the 2 years that i had him he doubled in size almost, while 'turtle' still stayed small. Jabba started to get aggressive, so I separated them and this past september I sold him. Turtle is a happy little guy, I let him run freely through my place when I'm home, but keep him in a 75g aquarium while I'm at work. When the weather allows I have tortoise-proofed a large section of my yard. weather permits he lives outside 24/7. but its only 4 or 5 months out of the year. He seems like a happy little guy to me, he is very active, and has an obsession for strawberries that I seldom feed him, he likes exploring and moving around, and chasing my dog.








The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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That is a nice looking sulcata you have.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi Rick:

You've done a nice job with Turtle...he's a good-looking sulcata.

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!
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