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mrs strong dozer

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5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2012
I bought a Russian tortoise about a year ago had her checked at vet and she got a clean bill of health:D
We feed her fresh leafy greens, kale, mustard greens, spring mix mostly d/t limited variety of organic greens in our small community. She also loves bell pepper and apple for treats. And she gets fresh distilled water everyday.
Her shell and skin appear healthy but I still concerned she isn't getting all she needs. I also have cuddle bone and keep Timothy hay available if she wants. Anything else she may need? Suggestions for more variety?
She is very active digs, pushes her rocks, house and food dish all over (hence her name) and atleast every other day we take her out of habitat and let. Her roam in house. Her habitat is round and about 4ft across with rocks and sand/cocoanut husk that I spray down daily to keep humidity at 30-40%. I also have UVB light that's on 12hours and heat lamp that's on all the time.

Besides food suggestions i am concerned that I'm not keeping habitat warm enough. The cool side runs about 67-70F and under heat lamp it stays between 72-82F dependant on temp in house/ outside. Is this okay as long as she's active or could she be so active because she's looking for warmer enviroment?
Sorry so long but concerned I'm not caring for her well enough
Thanks daisy


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Apr 10, 2011
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At the least you really need to provide a much warmer basking spot--95-100 would be more desirable...along with the cooler side for the ability to cool (regulating their own body temp is necessary)....that site is a good one to check out as well.

mrs strong dozer

New Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2012
Thank you! Actually the web site you recommended is excellent and that's how I found this forum. And question her habitat temp and diet.
I also have been reading some of the threads on here and questioning if mrs dozer isn't a Mr.
I will post pictures of dozer soon and maybe you guys can tell me what you think!!


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Cool side is fine, basking spot needs to be warmer.

Stop using distilled. They NEED the minerals in water. Spring water is fine, but most of us just use plain untreated tap water.

The diet should be mostly broad leaf weeds. You can grow your own or go collect them from chemical free areas. Grocery store stuff is not great. To make it better add a product called "Salad Style". Both the Salad Style and a great Testudo seed mix can be bought from my friend Tyler at tortoisesupply.com. Look in the plant ID section for a weed ID guide.

I wouldn't use any sand for substrate. Impaction risk and eye irritant.

I wouldn't let her roam the house. Far too many dangers and too cold down there on the floor. Strip down to your birthday suit, lay on the floor, and see how long it takes for your teeth to start chattering.

They need it dark at night and Russians benefit from having cooler nights. One of our very experienced Russian experts here recommends a temp drop down as low as 55-60 every night for them. Room temperature should be fine too.

mrs strong dozer

New Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2012
Thank you Tom! And everyone else.

Tom I live in the pacific northwest and not much growing right now. But I do have area in yard that is specifically for his food I have signs for no spray to prevent people from being "neighborly" and try and treat with weed killer or pesticides
I read that tap water that's treated with chlorine can harm him? And we have awesome water for city water but it's treated with chlorine I can smell it
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