HELP !! bubble/foam

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Feb 27, 2013
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jacksonville fl
[/b]Hey guys,
So when I came home from work tonight I put my RF in for their soak while I cleaned their area and got their dinner ready.
But I noticed when I put them in their pen, Rose one of my 8 inch had bubbles/ foam at it's mouth not making any odd sounds eyes are clear nose is dry. the other 2 started chowing down right away but Rose just walk all over the place not slowing down not eating just walking with the bubble at it's mouth.
I never seen this before I just checked on them and Rose was standing on the food dish not sure if he'd eaten but still had the bubbles I keep wiping them off.
what can I do how long will this last?

Thank you



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Feb 5, 2013
Char said:
[/b]Hey guys,
So when I came home from work tonight I put my RF in for their soak while I cleaned their area and got their dinner ready.
But I noticed when I put them in their pen, Rose one of my 8 inch had bubbles/ foam at it's mouth not making any odd sounds eyes are clear nose is dry. the other 2 started chowing down right away but Rose just walk all over the place not slowing down not eating just walking with the bubble at it's mouth.
I never seen this before I just checked on them and Rose was standing on the food dish not sure if he'd eaten but still had the bubbles I keep wiping them off.
what can I do how long will this last?

Thank you

anyone? new to tortoises but did he/she got overheated due to light? i hav two lil stars n they had bubbles too was coz my mother left them in balcony n they got over heated..later i soakd them in cold water n they were fine...


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Double check temps and humidity. I would also separate her so you can keep an eye on her to know if she is eating, pooping, etc.


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Still foaming at mouth call around to all the herp vet 2 of which were close today and a other the vet that would see tortoise does not work Wednesday what do they have against Wednesdays **@#$#@/.. 2 vets that were list one no longer has a reptile vet and the other place the lady said the vet was on lunch and she would ask if he'd see him.. I asked if he's a reptile or a vet that sees a few reptile since she paused to think about the answer I thanked her and hung up... I will call the places that were closed today for apt on Friday I work a 11-7 shift tomorrow and no one will be opened when I get off..
I have upped the heat a little, same with humidity and when I got home from work I soaked him..
He is still breathing fine, eyes clear nose clear very active stumping all around their room just keeps foaming at the mouth.. other 2 guys are perfect..


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What is the temp in the enclosure? What age is the tort? Does the tort have access to outside---grazing?

Yvonne G

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Please let me know which vets I need to remove from our list.


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I don't know the age of my tortoise I've had them all for about a year. 1 is 4 inch the other 2 8 inches
No they are in side at this time.
Temp it 70 cool area 85 hot
humility 60- 70
they also get soaked every 2-3 days

So I was able to get into see the vet at Coastal vet Hospital this morning before work I took all 3 in since last night I saw my little guy had bubbles at his nose, my 3rd one is fine but took him in as well better safe then sorry
the 2 of them both have R I , I was given shots for them I need to give the vet was very nice she had me watch her give Rose his shot then she watched me give Wizard his and gave me some tips of how to hold the needle. (I've never given a shot before) I need to alternate legs each day. So I made a chart and hung it just to be sure I get it right everyday..
I'm still very scared I read about the survival chances with R I although the vet said she had got recover rates with this med.
I'm not sure if when the electric was out the other day when it was cold if the temps dropped to low and that's what happened
but I'm so worried for my guys
Ps Vlad is fine although she does have meds waiting for him if he shows signs she doesn't believe in giving meds if she doesn't have to so as of now only 2 are on them.


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How are things going?


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Can't stop crying just went in to give Rose and Wizard their soaking and Rose has passed. she was looking okay when she was soaked 2 hours earlier I don't know what I'll do if I loss Wizard.. I still not sure how they got sick been over and over it in my head.. and I got them to the vet as soon as I could after I saw signs something was wrong which was less then 24 hrs.
I upped the heat, the humidity, and have been giving warm baths ever couple hours. and was giving the shot the vet gave me but sadly..............


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im's sad to have a pet passed away within our care.Im so sorry to hear that :'(


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Oh I'm so sorry! :( it's devastating to lose a baby! :(


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Sorry for your loss. What did the vet give you for meds? Baytril or Fortaz?


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they were both getting shots of Baytril. I'm taking Wizard in tomorrow morning for an x ray to see how he's doing I wish I had enough money to take Vlad in as well for an x ray just to be sure he's not sick... I plan on making him a n apt for on after I get paid Friday.


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Dec 12, 2012
I am not a fan of the injections. From what I have read on the forums also, it seems the injections put more stress on them then actually help them recover. Is your other tortoise still on them? Maybe switch to the oral medication instead. I had good results with my tortoise recovering from RI using oral Baytril.


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Wizard had an x ray today at his check up he has pneumonia he was but in a nebulize box to get antibiotics in to the lungs.
he goes back in tomorrow morning along with Vlad. I ask for Vlad to be x rayed even though he has no signs to be sure he's not hiding something and if he's sick he's going in the box with Wizard.
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