Help!! Cracks in plastron?


New Member
Mar 26, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
West Midlands
Hi folks,
I’m back from uni for Christmas and, as I’m the only one who cares about our tortoise (or so it seems), I was checking him to make sure he’s still doing ok. We’ve had some issues with pyramiding and poor diet, etc, and I’ve tried to get my family to change that.
However, I’ve noticed Stan has some cracks? chips? Along his plastron. I’ve attached some photos. Any idea what we can do about these, or what’s causing them? I’m trying to persuade my mum to take him to a vet at the moment. B0101FBD-F5C0-4A32-B0AA-89A86E62D28E.jpegB0101FBD-F5C0-4A32-B0AA-89A86E62D28E.jpegC25C1562-66DF-421A-85CD-87BA2EC3BDC3.jpeg905C14E8-9FE2-4F89-B162-8CBB39A21953.jpeg


New Member
Mar 26, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
West Midlands
Those are normal lines. When is the last time you soaked your tort and how humid do you keep the enclosure. Also your tort needs a beak trim asap before it fractures off. This is a guide care guide

thank you!!! All these things I’ve been saying to my mum for literally months about soaking him, humidity, and his beak, but the humidity isn’t monitored - they actively dislike keeping his enclosure damp - and my mum ignored me whenever I text her to give him a bath. He was last soaked about 4 days ago, I try to do it every 4 days.
Are you sure the lines are normal? They seem like the shell has splintered a bit.


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thank you!!! All these things I’ve been saying to my mum for literally months about soaking him, humidity, and his beak, but the humidity isn’t monitored - they actively dislike keeping his enclosure damp - and my mum ignored me whenever I text her to give him a bath. He was last soaked about 4 days ago, I try to do it every 4 days.
Are you sure the lines are normal? They seem like the shell has splintered a bit.
It is very dry. Some 30 minutes soak is warm water (35 Celsius) daily will help. As far as the beak you can use nail clippers and do a little at a time if a Vet visit is out. As far as damp the substrate should be slightly damp not wet


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It's sad that your family refuses to care for him. Maybe you need to look for someone to foster him until you're done with school.

Maybe make a thread on this forum 'looking for foster'. Somebody in your vicinity may be able to help.