HELP! (need basic care instructions)

susan o'hara

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5 Year Member
Oct 25, 2014
i was given a hatchling by my neighbor! I am so confused on what to do! He is about 4-6 weeks old. Every site says something different. I believe he is a desert tortoise. I need basic instructions for the next week or two. Everything I have done so far isn't right. Ok not everything!


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Aug 6, 2014
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Northern California, bay area
can you tell me the care you are been providing him? what are you feeding him? what type of substrate are you using? how often do you soak him? whats his cage light and cage temp? can you post some pics of his enclosure?:)

susan o'hara

New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 25, 2014
can you tell me the care you are been providing him? what are you feeding him? what type of substrate are you using? how often do you soak him? whats his cage light and cage temp? can you post some pics of his enclosure?:)
Kale spinach veg. Got an idea of food now. He is in a box with water small box to hide in. Just learned about soaking, haven't yet. No lights yet. Had one as a child and he was older so easier. This guy so little. Should he hybronate? Inside outside? Omg

susan o'hara

New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 25, 2014
Kale spinach veg. Got an idea of food now. He is in a box with water small box to hide in. Just learned about soaking, haven't yet. No lights yet. Had one as a child and he was older so easier. This guy so little. Should he hybronate? Inside outside? Omg
I have to go to bed. Leaving early to visit daughter in college. Will reply tomorrow. Thx!

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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Hi and welcome to the forum. Don't'll get the help you need here. I can tell you torts need very warm weather, light, and the sun. Take care of your's so cute-GOD bless. GOD bless, and keep us updated with what you do.


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Sep 28, 2014
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Hello and welcome! What a cute little one you have!

The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum has excellent info compiled by reptile specialist veterinarians who care for the museums desert tortoises and other reptiles:

native foods list:

also good:!care-sheets/c217k

I soak hatchlings daily, leaving out a very shallow water dish that they can get in and out of on their own. I find they will go in and out several times in the day. The water needs to be shallow enough that the hatchling can easily breathe while sitting in the water. (About a quarter of an inch is usually enough.) I know this is different than what is mentioned for adults in these care sheets, but I'm just more comfortable doing it this way for hatchlings. It gives them a chance to cool off should they need to. Sunlight is really important when it's warm enough to put them in the sun. They always need a shady spot to go to when they're given an opportunity to sun bathe. And they need a safe area where dogs, raccoons, birds or coyotes won't be able to get to them.

In their indoor terrarium or bin, it is important that they don't get overheated. Over 95° for too long can cause brain damage. This can happen if the tortoise lands on its back, as many babies tend to do, and can't get itself back upright. I have usually made the warm area 85 to 90°. This has worked quite well. They also need to have to a cooler area they can walk to that could be in the range of 75 to 80°.

Feel free to ask whatever questions you have, as many as you have. I know I have a lot of questions when I was starting out.


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Celcius? Where in the world are you located?
Sorry – you're right were not all in the US. So the temperatures I was discussing my last post are all Fahrenheit, not Celsius.


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Aug 21, 2013
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i was given a hatchling by my neighbor! I am so confused on what to do! He is about 4-6 weeks old. Every site says something different. I believe he is a desert tortoise. I need basic instructions for the next week or two. Everything I have done so far isn't right. Ok not everything!

Here is a basic care sheet to use.