Help with a central american wood turtle. Enclosure/diet


New Member
Sep 2, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Myakka City, Florida
So about 15 years ago I lived in Palmetto Florida (about 50 miles from where I currently live in Myakka City Florida) and I had a hatchling central american wood turtle that escaped its enclosure and was never found.

Several years ago, I "liked" a page on Facebook called "Turtle/tortoise identification" where ppl post pictures of turtles they find with their location and other info. Fast forward to a month ago, I was scrolling thru Facebook on my phone while waiting at a doctors office and saw a post from Palmetto Florida, someone attempting to identify a turtle they found in their driveway. Long story short, it turned out to be my lost central american wood turtle!!! And I got her back!!

As excited as I am about having her back, things aren't going so lovely. I can't seem to get her to eat anything that is recommended for this specie of turtle. She refuses greens, she will eat cantelope like crazy, and she loves superworms/earthworms. But this is literally all I can get her to eat! I know she's been "in the wild" for 15 years, in a very concreted area thats been overdeveloped and overpopulated with ppl so Im unsure of what she's been eating all this time. She seems to be very healthy none the less.

Right now I have her setup in an outdoor enclosure that's about half water, half land, with a shade net over the entire enclosure. She spends most of her time in the water or under a pile of hay/grass clippings. What I'd like to know is, am I missing anything as far as her enclosure is concerned? How deep should her water be? Right now its only about 4 inches deep but I'm not sure she's happy with that. What kind of water plants can I add to the water? And what else can I offer her to eat that she may like?

I really hope someone can help me with her, I'm doing the best I can but it doesn't seem good enough. I know she can't live off of strictly cantelope and worms!

Thank you for your time!
