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So today I took Oliver, my box turtle to the vet for the first time because I believed he had worms and wanted to deworm him. However, once there I felt as if the vet did not know what she was talking about despite her advertisement that she sees and treats reptiles. The first thing she told me was that Oliver was in fact was a female, despite Oliver having bright red eyes. She also told me the best place for a Box Turtle is inside the home and when I told her that Oliver lives in a spacious enclosure outside and sleeps inside a hut we made him she said that he required a heating lamp and uv lamp that needs to be on all the time. She said the heating lamp needed to be set at 80-90 degrees during the day and 70 during the night. Oliver has a minor respiratory infection and she gave me antibiotics for it, therefore she said Oliver can't not hibernate and must stay in his hut with the lamp and uv lamp on all the time. My confusion is that I have read and been told from experienced box turtle owners that they thrive outside and many box owners that I have come to know and have read about their experiences on box turtles they do not use heat lamps nor uv lamps. Right now we are keeping Oliver inside during the nights; however, I do not know to what to get to keep him warm or if it is needed. I also don't know how to keep him warm during the winter. Would a heating pad be enough for him during the day when he is outside instead of a heat lamp? Then bringing him inside during the night? During the winter does he need a uv light since I am thinking he is going to be in his hut during the day? When inside the house during the nights does he still need a light or a uv light? Also is it unhealthy for me not to hibernate Oliver as for the next coming winters? Do box turtles need to hibernate in order to maintain healthy when the temperature of their habitat is very warm?
Much much much help would be greatly
appreciated!!!!!! [img src="" class="mceSmilie" alt=":
Much much much help would be greatly
appreciated!!!!!! [img src="" class="mceSmilie" alt=":