Help with what tortoises I have

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b16 vas

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Those appear to be Iberian Greeks to me. The pyramiding is pretty bad. What do you feed them and what is your enclosure set up like?


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Mar 7, 2012
if you could get better close up pics of their tails we could probably be able to tell what sex they are. just from the video im goin to say either both are males or possibly have a pair. the second one in the vid tail looked a little shorter than the 1st one. try to get close up or even turn them over to get a better shot

b16 vas

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tortadise said:
Those appear to be Iberian Greeks to me. The pyramiding is pretty bad. What do you feed them and what is your enclosure set up like?

We feed them mainly romain lettuce, dandelion leaves and spinach.

They don't seem to eat strawberries and they do rarely have a cucumber or two but they are full of water so I tend to steer clear.

What do you recommend? Also can I reverse the pyramiding?

I feel that the pyramiding is due to them being together when they shouldn't. The little one gets bullied every now and then as you can see in the video and is probably under stress because of it. He (so I thought) sleeps longer and eats less, is smaller and is pyramiding. :(

Akronic said:
if you could get better close up pics of their tails we could probably be able to tell what sex they are. just from the video im goin to say either both are males or possibly have a pair. the second one in the vid tail looked a little shorter than the 1st one. try to get close up or even turn them over to get a better shot

I think I have two males.

Initially we thought a male and female when they were young but obviously we couldn't tell. Now they both seem to be males, tomorrow I shall try and get belly pictures and better pictures of their tails.


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2 males of many tort species usually do not get along. If the one tort is being bullied, you will need to separate them or the bullied tor will be miserable, become ill and decline.
You can't reverse the pyramiding, but you can stop it, by improving their conditions.
Are you able to keep them outside during the summer, so they can be exposed to sunlight?
Do they have access to a cuttlefish to nibble on, and/or calcium/D sprinkled on their food 2x per week or so?
Do they have exposure to UV?
Do they have access to water, and get soaked a couple of times per week in warm water when they are inside?
How about the substrate; it looks like soil, which is fine.
Their diet should be varied; a mix of greens and weeds. I believe in the UK you can call it Rocket Mix; it can be used as a base in winter when fresh produce is harder to come by. Then get 1-2 other greens from the list and change these out every week:

Good luck!


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Hi, i'm new in this forum and i want to ask maybe someone know what tortoise i have. I know that my Liza :tort: is girl and testudo graeca, but i want to know what subspecies she is? I think she is Testudo Graeca Graeca, but meybe she is Testudo Graeca Ibera or somebody else :(


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Jan 22, 2012
spinach? really??no wonder its pyramid at this age


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Pyramiding would not be a result of them being together..also you mentioned you don't feed strawberries due to they have too much water? Water intake is a good thing, however fruits as a normal part of a diet have too much sugar :D

Also as lynnedit shared...if bullying is going on then you do really want to set them up in separate enclosures so the tort being bullied can get some relief and begin to settle into a calm routine of his own...

The pyramiding, in my opinion, has to do with diet, environment and hydration along with a steady rate of growth...others will have their own beliefs on this as well...the more the merrier...:D
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