Help! (R.I.). (UPDATE!!)


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Aug 7, 2024
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I really could use some help. I am in an extreme moral dilemma.

I received a four month Burmese star in the mail and he got too cold during shipment and got a small respiratory infection or RNS (he was chirping, mouth breathing, irritated eyes, and had mucus from the nose) other than those side effects, he was eating, basking, and exploring. I called the breeder and told him his symptoms and he suggested that I send him back that way he can treat him there and send him back to me. He stated that a lot of vets will just jump to injections for baby tortoises and it’s typically not very good for them especially if they don’t know 100% if it’s a respiratory infection. I ended up overnighting him to the breeder last night, but the package got resorted and sent back to shipping facility near me. Now I’m debating if I should just go pick him up, bring him back here, let him go see our exotic vet or just let him stay in the box at the facility all day, let him be shipped out tonight, and get back to the breeder tomorrow (HOPEFULLY) I just worry so much about him defecating all over himself in transit, getting too cold, or the package getting redirected again. (He will have been in the package for over 40 hours IF he arrives tomorrow)

The symptoms did seem to be getting better, but I noticed them the entire time I had him.

Would you guys pick him up from the local shipping facility and send them to the local exotic vet? (They specialize is exotics) Or just pray and hope that he gets to breeder tomorrow ?? PLEASE HELP! 😓😩😭😭😭

Yvonne G

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I would send him on. It's what the breeder's expecting.

Just a note of explanation for anyone reading this thread - Runny/bubbly nose isn't always a R.I. Quite often it's caused by stress and clears up on its own once the stress is relieved. I would say travelling and getting cold was pretty stressful.
Aug 8, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Vancouver bc
I really could use some help. I am in an extreme moral dilemma.

I received a four month Burmese star in the mail and he got too cold during shipment and got a small respiratory infection or RNS (he was chirping, mouth breathing, irritated eyes, and had mucus from the nose) other than those side effects, he was eating, basking, and exploring. I called the breeder and told him his symptoms and he suggested that I send him back that way he can treat him there and send him back to me. He stated that a lot of vets will just jump to injections for baby tortoises and it’s typically not very good for them especially if they don’t know 100% if it’s a respiratory infection. I ended up overnighting him to the breeder last night, but the package got resorted and sent back to shipping facility near me. Now I’m debating if I should just go pick him up, bring him back here, let him go see our exotic vet or just let him stay in the box at the facility all day, let him be shipped out tonight, and get back to the breeder tomorrow (HOPEFULLY) I just worry so much about him defecating all over himself in transit, getting too cold, or the package getting redirected again. (He will have been in the package for over 40 hours IF he arrives tomorrow)

The symptoms did seem to be getting better, but I noticed them the entire time I had him.

Would you guys pick him up from the local shipping facility and send them to the local exotic vet? (They specialize is exotics) Or just pray and hope that he gets to breeder tomorrow ?? PLEASE HELP! 😓😩😭😭😭
Oh no. This is the same one you posted yesterday? It’s another one? Poor little baby


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Aug 7, 2024
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My heartstrings would make me want to go and get him I can’t lie😞
Mine too… 😞 I just want to do what’s right. The only reason I’m not on my way there now is because of what he said about the vet giving them injections and how it’s not the best option for babies this small


Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
I would send him on. It's what the breeder's expecting.

Just a note of explanation for anyone reading this thread - Runny/bubbly nose isn't always a R.I. Quite often it's caused by stress and clears up on its own once the stress is relieved. I would say travelling and getting cold was pretty stressful.
That’s why I’m worried about him being stuck in this box for 40 hours because of what the stress did to him during the first shipment!
But I totally agree with you
About the breeder expecting him. I’m just in such a moral dilemma.


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Dec 28, 2023
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Mine too… 😞 I just want to do what’s right. The only reason I’m not on my way there now is because of what he said about the vet giving them injections and how it’s not the best option for babies this small
That’s why I’m worried about him being stuck in this box for 40 hours because of what the stress did to him during the first shipment!
But I totally agree with you
About the breeder expecting him. I’m just in such a moral dilemma.
Yeah I’m inclined to agree on not giving injections, if you’re set up and temps are all good at home, I’d go get him and let him settle in, if he seemed to be improving that’s a promising sign, but if he declines, only then I’d get him in at the vet and let then run a test or two before prescribing. how long was he with you?


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Aug 7, 2024
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Yeah I’m inclined to agree on not giving injections, if you’re set up and temps are all good at home, I’d go get him and let him settle in, if he seemed to be improving that’s a promising sign, but if he declines, only then I’d get him in at the vet and let then run a test or two before prescribing. how long was he with you?
I got him on Thursday and sent him back yesterday


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That’s why I’m worried about him being stuck in this box for 40 hours because of what the stress did to him during the first shipment!
But I totally agree with you
About the breeder expecting him. I’m just in such a moral dilemma.
Are you sure he is going to get shipped out right away? You should call the breeder and ask him what he would want you to do. He may say get him, give him a few days and then ship
But, next time, take in account what Yvonne said. Normally if they are acting normal otherwise, the correct temps and some down time will fix the problem. Always try that first and never running to a vet, that should be the last resort.


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Aug 7, 2024
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Are you sure he is going to get shipped out right away? You should call the breeder and ask him what he would want you to do. He may say get him, give him a few days and then ship
But, next time, take in account what Yvonne said. Normally if they are acting normal otherwise, the correct temps and some down time will fix the problem. Always try that first and never running to a vet, that should be the last resort.
Thank you!


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Aug 7, 2024
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Shout out to all the lovely workers at UPS who helped me get my baby! After talking with the breeder, we decided it would be best to pick him up and ensure to keep his temps high and ensure he has as little stress as possible! My main focus right now is making sure he stays happy and healthy! I had to drive 40 minutes to the UPS facility to grab him and my heart was racing the entire time! Never been so relieved to see such a sweet little faceIMG_8367.jpeg

Alex and the Redfoot

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Shout out to all the lovely workers at UPS who helped me get my baby! After talking with the breeder, we decided it would be best to pick him up and ensure to keep his temps high and ensure he has as little stress as possible! My main focus right now is making sure he stays happy and healthy! I had to drive 40 minutes to the UPS facility to grab him and my heart was racing the entire time! Never been so relieved to see such a sweet little faceView attachment 379452
This little cutie is definitely worth of 40 minutes drive :)

As breeder advises against vets, you can ask him what he was going to do with this baby to help him recover. Also, you will need some quarantine measures (e.g. disposable gloves for handling) until symptoms are gone.


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Aug 7, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
This little cutie is definitely worth of 40 minutes drive :)

As breeder advises against vets, you can ask him what he was going to do with this baby to help him recover. Also, you will need some quarantine measures (e.g. disposable gloves for handling) until symptoms are gone.
Thank you!! Will go get disposable gloves!


Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
This little cutie is definitely worth of 40 minutes drive :)

As breeder advises against vets, you can ask him what he was going to do with this baby to help him recover. Also, you will need some quarantine measures (e.g. disposable gloves for handling) until symptoms are gone.
If you don’t mind explaining what the importance of the gloves does? I would really appreciate it! It’s very fun learning all of this stuff.


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If you don’t mind explaining what the importance of the gloves does? I would really appreciate it! It’s very fun learning all of this stuff.
You can either wear gloves or just wash your hands in-between doing anything for this new one and touching anything to do with your other one. Do not share anything between the two either. It's a caution to keep any possible contamination from this one to your other one
Glad you decided to call the breeder to see if they wanted it picked up or not. Seeing it was still at the UPS it's likely he hay not have lasted for however long it was going to take to get him back to the breeder.
Daily warm soaks, all correct temps, and put the daily over all temp around 85 and leave them for day and night until all seems cleared up and normal. If he doesn't eat, add baby food carrots or squash to the soak water and piedialyte.
Good luck, keep us posted.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
You can either wear gloves or just wash your hands in-between doing anything for this new one and touching anything to do with your other one. Do not share anything between the two either. It's a caution to keep any possible contamination from this one to your other one
Glad you decided to call the breeder to see if they wanted it picked up or not. Seeing it was still at the UPS it's likely he hay not have lasted for however long it was going to take to get him back to the breeder.
Daily warm soaks, all correct temps, and put the daily over all temp around 85 and leave them for day and night until all seems cleared up and normal. If he doesn't eat, add baby food carrots or squash to the soak water and piedialyte.
Good luck, keep us posted.
Thank you so much! I put their enclosures in separate rooms just to be extra cautious! Thank you all so so much.

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