Hey guys I need help...my little guy is very sick


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 21, 2015
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I am very saddened to announce that my little guy died yesterday at around 8:30 p.m...
I feel very angry at this because I feel like I could have done things better and maybe that could have saved him from getting weak. I will not let him die in vain, I have learned so much from this experience and if one day i decide to buy a new reptile I will make sure to not make the same mistakes I did and give him a good life. Rest In Peace little guy..

When these babies dont get started right in the first few days and weeks, before most owners even get the torts, they dont have much of a chance and you shouldnt take that on yourself, if you had been given a healthy baby it would be fine right now. This is not your fault.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 8, 2017
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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
I am very saddened to announce that my little guy died yesterday at around 8:30 p.m...
I feel very angry at this because I feel like I could have done things better and maybe that could have saved him from getting weak. I will not let him die in vain, I have learned so much from this experience and if one day i decide to buy a new reptile I will make sure to not make the same mistakes I did and give him a good life. Rest In Peace little guy..

No, I can't let you go feeling like this!

There was nothing you could have done better that would have saved him! There are always things all of us could have done better. I'm not saying your care was perfect.

What I'm saying is that all of the blame for him being so sick is on the breeder who either doesn't know better methods or knows and doesn't care. Some people get set in their ways and refuse to modify their husbandry even with absolute proof in front of them that a different way is better.

Now you have the knowledge to make sure this doesn't happen to you again. You really cared about this little shelled creature...please don't let this horrible experience stop you from getting another baby.

We have excellent breeders right here on this forum. They know how to start them correctly and then the baby comes straight to you. No pet store in between to add to the poor care from the breeder.

This baby's fate was sealed the day he hatched. You cannot take on any guilt for the time before he came to you, and he was already terminal. Don't do that to yourself!

If I sound angry, it's because I am! We see this exact same scenario time after time after time...I am so angry with these breeders who refuse to change! So much of this suffering, both tortoise and human, would never happen if they would listen to reason.

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