HI ... bernation

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Sep 25, 2011
Hi. This is actually Footso's "dad".
My names Andrew and we live in Hampshire, England.
Our torsoise is at least 50 years old and generally lives outside. A few weeks ago we had a period of quite cool weather. Becuase its nowhere near the time her would normally start hibernating, we brought him inside in the morning to "bask" under a heat lamp, then he'd eat and wander about outside. Dispite doing this, the last week he hasn't eaten and has just gone to his "house" to sleep.
A few days ago, he was wandering about indoors, setteld into a quiet, dark corner and "went to sleep". I know he was alive, because he moved every so often. The weather was quite chilly and even if the heating is on, the corner he was in would still be cool.
So, I got his usual hibernation box sorted out - he hiberanes in the garden shed - and put in in it. As usual he "burried" himself down into the hay.
How, we are having a heatwave, with temperatues expected to reach the mid 20's (low-mid 70's), which is Footso's favourite temperature range. So, do I jusy leave him in hibernation and check to see if he is still "asleep", or "wake him up" and then let him hiberanate properly in a couple of weeks time?
Hoping from some advice, please.

Another post made by Andrew thinking the first had not gone thru...

A question for tortoise owners in England...

Have any of your adult tortoises gone into hibernation yet?

If so, what do you plan to do in this week's heatwave if your tortoise can detect the temperature in its hibernating place?

Mine did the usual slow-down, not eating, then 3 days "asleep" pre-hibernation routine a couple of weeks ago. At least a month early, but, if that's what he wants to do. So I put him in his hibernation box in the garden shed.

Despite the increasing temperature, he has not "surfaced" - hwta he usually does at the end of a hibernation in spring. But, with temperatures due to go up the the high 20's later this week, what do I (we?) do?

Hoping from some good advice, please.
Alton, Hampshire, England


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Hi and welcome to TFO! :D I would watch him and if he comes up, by all means let him back out. So he usually only goes for three days not eating before his hibernation? What species is he?


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Hello im in,
North West Lancashire UK
sorry cant help you my tort sub-species does not hibernate...but welcome?


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Sep 25, 2011
Jacqui said:
Hi and welcome to TFO! :D I would watch him and if he comes up, by all means let him back out. So he usually only goes for three days not eating before his hibernation? What species is he?

Thank you Jacqui

Before his 3-day "sleep" started, he probably hadn't eaten for 3-4 days. Usually, its hard to tell how long he goes without eating before hibernation because he lives outdoors in an area with grass, dandilion, clover, etc, so he can "graize" whenever he wants. We "feed" him pear, apple, nectarine, lettice, etc. Sometimes in the summer he'll go 1-2 days without eating what we leave out for him.

I have no idea what species he is. Can you tell from my avatar? I'll also put another photo on.


Do you think he'll be too far "under" to be affected by the heatwave? His hibernation box is very well insulated, to protect him from the very cold winter weather.
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Yvonne G

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Hi Andrew:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Footso said:
Do you think he'll be too far "under" to be affected by the heatwave? His hibernation box is very well insulated, to protect him from the very cold winter weather.
Well if it is well insulated, then yes it will certainly help keep it from getting the same higher temps of the room, too. My thought was didn't you say it was too early for him to go under compared to normal? Let us know, what does happen, okay?


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5 Year Member
Sep 25, 2011
Hi again Jacqui

Yes it is a bit early for him to hibernate. Perhaps in a bout another month's time would be right.

Despite ongoing temperatures around 26C he hasn't moved. I did put a thermometer in his box and that read 18C.

Do tortoises also "judge" the time they have been awake? Irs just that he came out of hibernation a bout a month before he usually does - we had an exceptionally warm period in early March.
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