Honduran Wood Turtle

Angel Carrion

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Douglassville, PA
Hey, y'all. I'm trying to help someone on facebook with a Honduran Wood turtle, but I honestly don't know much about them. I keep asking this person for her humidity levels and the important temps, but she keeps saying she mists the tank often, so isn't that good enough? Ha. She posted in a turtle & tortoise group I'm a member of because the edges of her turtle's carapace are turning up at the edges. The people there are telling her it's rapid growth. So we're trying to get her to add a cuttlebone which she is hesitant on. She also only has a very small water dish for the turtle (it's big enough for the turtle to get in and soak, but considering this species is semi-aquatic, I believe it is way too small).

So, thoughts? Care sheets? Tips?

Angel Carrion

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Douglassville, PA
They deleted my last comment because evidently the lady didn't like me saying that just misting the enclosure and not monitoring any temps or humidity levels was not enough, and that a specific humidity range and temp ranges for specific sides/spots/etc was needed. Literally this lady isn't monitoring humidity or temps at all and I'm the only person trying to tell her that this is important to do. It looks like she has the turtle in like a ten or twenty gallon tank. I hate this.


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Don't give up. Be extra kind in the way you say things. This one sounds like the many out there that just won't admit they have been doing it wrong. Even explaining how the older outdated info has been changed and we now know there are better ways, etc. I don't know their care, so I don't know what all she is doing wrong, except the tank size, ugh.
Another member that might be able to help is @Anthony P
Good luck.

Angel Carrion

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Douglassville, PA
The thing is she asked what she was doing wrong so I asked her what these ranges and levels were, and she wouldn't answer the question. She just kept saying she mists it so it's good enough and that there's a water dish so humidity is fine. So I said okay, but what are the levels and ranges? Misting isn't enough, nor is having a water dish. Instead of answering any of this, she just kept saying the misting was enough, then asking what she was doing wrong. I kept thinking, "HELLO?! I'm trying to tell you, but I need this info first!"
Then the admin came on and deleted my comments and said there would be no bullying, then PM'd me saying "Angel if you don't agree with how we run our groups that is fine, but please don't argue with our members and bully them.. We have our own care sheet and only share ours and Sandy Barnetts, info.. Thank you.."
I wasn't arguing though. All I did was say that it is important to monitor these levels and ranges to make sure they are correct for the species you have, and if they are not, it can cause illness. On another person's post asking about box turtle hatchling care because they had five dumped on them I had mentioned this forum and said how it was very up-to-date and a great place to talk to people all over the world and that researching and reading as much information as possible is important. Evidently this group believes the only information ever needed is theirs and everyone else is always wrong. At least on here, if someone comes on with information from elsewhere and it is correct, we go "yay!"