How much is too much?


New Member
Mar 27, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Ludlow, Shropshire
I have just become the proud new owner of a 15 month old female hermanns called Betty.

She was my brother in laws, but as he works away a lot of the time, he has asked me to have her as I already have an older male. She's still tiny (55g) so obviously has her own enclosure ect.

She seems very happy and active. My only question really is , is it possible to overfeed a tortoise this young and small who is sill growing? She seems to be constantly grazing on whatever I give her. Mainly weeds from the garden, dandelions, clover and plantain and the occasional flowers. When she has eaten all, I'll give her a top up and she runs to eat more, every time. I give her about a handful of leaves every time and she hardly ever wastes any. I probably give her 4-6 handfuls in a day. She poos and wees once a day or sometimes more. Usually when I give her a bath.
Should I keep feeding her this much or is it too much? She just always seems hungry and grateful when I give her more.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello and welcome! I wouldn’t worry about feeding too much, as a general rule of thumb we say to offer an amount they can graze throughout the day, if she wants more that’s ok, she’s a growing baby🥰is she in a closed chamber?

Please feel free to check out this housing thread, I cover correct equipment, levels, appropriately maintaining humidity, there’s lots of visual examples for everything and a good diet link to check out!

This one is good to familiarise with too, it will help you avoid the wrong bulbs, substrates, housing etc, feel free to double check purchases on here too!

Hope this helps! Any more questions, please ask away!🐢💚


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No, you can't really feed to much. They can only get over weight if they don't have a proper sized enclosure to roam and exercise.
She should be in a closed chamber, high humidity until around 3 years of age.
She should never be put with your other one. Tortoises should never be housed together in a pair.

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