I don't hate cats~!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
I may have made a horrible mistake in my behavior here. I may have left the impression that I am a "cat hater".

If so, please accept this as my deepest apologies....(tongue firmly planted in cheek)

I may have shared this before but when I was 11-12, my oldest sister brought a kitten home from college. My Dad instantly became the "keeper of the Great Kitty-Kytuu"

You have to picture this;
My Dad, a reserved and brilliant PHD in his 50's and the guy who designed the acoustics on YOUR Nuclear subs and AWACS;
on the floor on all fours, laying in wait around the corner as the Kytuu approached, then he would lunge out which making lion sounds, causing said kitty to hit it's back on the ceiling!

Okay, get it now? I think he loved the cat more than us 5 kids! He was totally out of character with that cat! LOL

One day Kytuu goes outside and gets "tree'ed" in a 70ft Locust tree in our front yard. For three days my dad called to that cat, now full grown. He even called the fire Dept....nope.

Then we get a storm.....a storm of massive proportions.....I get awakened in my bed at 11PM by Dad; "Feroni, I need to to put the extension ladder up and get Kytuu, it's raining and he's come down lower, I think you can reach him"


He wanted me to get out our 30' alum extension ladder in a tree, while it's pouring and lightning?


Condensed version; I got the cat down and myself down arms raked to the elbows, no thanks to assembled family who's ONLY interest was in the cats safety. Remember the golfer in the storm in Caddyshack? I was waiting for the lightning strike the entire time!

Yes, being forced to be fearless, that is how Superman came to be......LMAO

So no, I do not hate cats and since most cat owners I knew were all women, I never hated them either!

....but you all see what my pet choice is too....Matilda the box turtle!

Enjoy your fuzzy friends.....

Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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There is nothing wrong with disliking cats. I wouldn't say I hate cats but I do HATE the free roaming neighborhood cats and I would HATE owning and indoor kitty.

Free roaming pet cats poop in my yard, bring fleas, spray my tortoise house walls and the back doors. Not to mention the devastating damage they do to the local wildlife through unchecked and unnecessary killing.
Indoor cats will jump up on everything and as one who cooks 3meals a day, my kitchen counters must remain pet hair free. Plus the litter boxes...no thank you.

If I come visit you at your house, I'll happily pet your cat (fi I'm wearing clothes I don't mind getting covered in hair) but doubt I'll eat your homecooked food. I'll also detect the litter box despite your assurances that your home is the only one that "doesn't have the litter box smell".

My son wants a cat. I told him I'll buy him his first 2 when he moves out.

If for some strange reason I ever "had to" have a pet cat. I'd designate a cat room. Wall platforms and jungle gym galore with access to a large outdoor catio, complete with potty sandbox! That's the only way I could do it. Hence WHY I don't have a cat.

Give me 10,000 cockroaches in a bin on the closet shelf but I'll pass on all things cat.

Your dad loved his cat. That's cool. You saved his cat at your own expense and with great risks. That's even cooler. You don't hate cats. But I don't blame you for not wanting to be the next kitty-papa LOL

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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I never said for one minute I want a cat. In fact I don't. I don't hate them either. I have a cat I take care of because my developmentally disabled deaf brother insists on having a pet cat. Joe reminds me of the people that just let them roam the neighborhood and get hurt. I have no respect for that kind of pet parent whatsoever. So I decided to only bring a cat home for him if I had control of the kitty's care. I couldn't have picked a better one though. Dilly's interesting even if he is a physco 😜


10 Year Member!
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I dislike cat owners. The owners who's irresponsible keeping have their cats using my yard, my garden and my enclosures as their toilets. And use my fish ponds as hunting areas.
I also dislike cats. But not enough to harm any of them. Not even as they pee on my truck and sharpen their claws on the roof of my wife's convertible.
No one would tolerate my dog living in their yard and wreaking havoc. Why do they think this behavior is acceptable?

I dated one woman who had a cat. (A fiance actually) Her apartment smelled like a cats rear end. Whenever I'd stay over, the cat seemed to wait for me to go to sleep and then would run, jump and pounce on me. The headboard and the window blinds. The woman slept through it. That cat was diabolical.

There was another woman I dated very briefly who said that I had to pass her "cat test". Her cat hated just about anyone. This woman lived with her grandmother who also had several cats. Before our 2nd date, I was asked to come Into their house for the test. (Apparently she trusted her cats impressions over her own.) I sat on the plastic covered couch and before anyone could say anything, the cat came out of nowhere and jumped up on my lap, purring. The woman and the grandmother gasped...
Unfortunately over the next 48 hours I found out that both she and her grandmother were totally insane. Things got very strange after I had "passed the test"!
That cat was cool.

Years ago, I moved back to South Carolina to marry my old High School sweetheart.
Things went bad fast. And part of that was about a 6 toed orange cat that didn't belong to her. It was actually a neighborhood cat. But she fed it and occasionally interacted with it. It was friendly enough. But I made the mistake of joking about making him dissappear after he'd gotten into the house and killed my step daughters bird....BIG MISTAKE! Because a few days later the cat DID DISSAPPEAR. Nothing I said or did would convince my wife of my innocence. And this was the last straw for our relationship. It was a truly awful marriage anyway.

Fast forward. The cat returned a week before I left to go back to Florida. We heard that he'd been living in our neighbors house the whole time.

I just don't have any good experiences associated with cats.
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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I dislike cat owners. The owners who's irresponsible keeping have their cats using my yard, my garden and my enclosures as their toilets. And use my fish ponds as hunting areas.
I also dislike cats. But not enough to harm any of them. Not even as they pee on my truck and sharpen their claws on the roof of my wife's convertible.
No one would tolerate my dog living in their yard and wreaking havoc. Why do they think this behavior is acceptable?

I dated one woman who had a cat. (A fiance actually) Her apartment smelled like a cats rear end. Whenever I'd stay over, the cat seemed to wait for me to go to sleep and then would run, jump and pounce on me. The headboard and the window blinds. The woman slept through it. That cat was diabolical.

There was another woman I dated very briefly who said that I had to pass her "cat test". Her cat hated just about anyone. This woman lived with her grandmother who also had several cats. Before our 2nd date, I was asked to come Into their house for the test. (Apparently she trusted her cats impressions over her own.) I sat on the plastic covered couch and before anyone could say anything, the cat came out of nowhere and jumped up on my lap, purring. The woman and the grandmother gasped...
Unfortunately over the next 48 hours I found out that both she and her grandmother were totally insane. Things got very strange after I had "passed the test"!
That cat was cool.

Years ago, I moved back to South Carolina to marry my old High School sweetheart.
Things went bad fast. And part of that was about a 6 toed orange cat that didn't belong to her. It was actually a neighborhood cat. But she fed it and occasionally interacted with it. It was friendly enough. But I made the mistake of joking about making him dissappear after he'd gotten into the house and killed my step daughters bird....BIG MISTAKE! Because a few days later the cat DID DISSAPPEAR. Nothing I said or did would convince my wife of my innocence. And this was the last straw for our relationship. It was a truly awful marriage anyway.

Fast forward. The cat returned a week before I left to go back to Florida. We heard that he'd been living in our neighbors house the whole time.

I just don't have any good experiences associated with cats.
You need to watch a bunch of cat videos on Youtube. They're just so darned cute!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 22, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Norwich CT
I dislike cat owners. The owners who's irresponsible keeping have their cats using my yard, my garden and my enclosures as their toilets. And use my fish ponds as hunting areas.
I also dislike cats. But not enough to harm any of them. Not even as they pee on my truck and sharpen their claws on the roof of my wife's convertible.
No one would tolerate my dog living in their yard and wreaking havoc. Why do they think this behavior is acceptable?

I dated one woman who had a cat. (A fiance actually) Her apartment smelled like a cats rear end. Whenever I'd stay over, the cat seemed to wait for me to go to sleep and then would run, jump and pounce on me. The headboard and the window blinds. The woman slept through it. That cat was diabolical.

There was another woman I dated very briefly who said that I had to pass her "cat test". Her cat hated just about anyone. This woman lived with her grandmother who also had several cats. Before our 2nd date, I was asked to come Into their house for the test. (Apparently she trusted her cats impressions over her own.) I sat on the plastic covered couch and before anyone could say anything, the cat came out of nowhere and jumped up on my lap, purring. The woman and the grandmother gasped...
Unfortunately over the next 48 hours I found out that both she and her grandmother were totally insane. Things got very strange after I had "passed the test"!
That cat was cool.

Years ago, I moved back to South Carolina to marry my old High School sweetheart.
Things went bad fast. And part of that was about a 6 toed orange cat that didn't belong to her. It was actually a neighborhood cat. But she fed it and occasionally interacted with it. It was friendly enough. But I made the mistake of joking about making him dissappear after he'd gotten into the house and killed my step daughters bird....BIG MISTAKE! Because a few days later the cat DID DISSAPPEAR. Nothing I said or did would convince my wife of my innocence. And this was the last straw for our relationship. It was a truly awful marriage anyway.

Fast forward. The cat returned a week before I left to go back to Florida. We heard that he'd been living in our neighbors house the whole time.

I just don't have any good experiences associated with cats.
I am a responsible dog owner. I have 3 Golden Retrievers that are either in a fenced in yard or on a leash. My husband carries bags to pick up their poop on walks and we pay the fees to register them with the city.
My neighbors have a cat that roams the neighborhood, uses my gardens as a litterbox and kills the birds that come to my feeders. There are all kind of ordinances about dog ownership and none about cats.
Oh, and it’s the neighbors’ 2nd cat. The last one was hit by a car and died…


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I am a responsible dog owner. I have 3 Golden Retrievers that are either in a fenced in yard or on a leash. My husband carries bags to pick up their poop on walks and we pay the fees to register them with the city.
My neighbors have a cat that roams the neighborhood, uses my gardens as a litterbox and kills the birds that come to my feeders. There are all kind of ordinances about dog ownership and none about cats.
Oh, and it’s the neighbors’ 2nd cat. The last one was hit by a car and died…
I did forget to mention that whenever I walk my dog, I do carry a wad of paper towels to pick up poop.
Luckily my dog is tiny and her poop is the size of a Hersheys "kiss". She's funny though and doesn't usually poop just anywhere


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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It's funny how I feel about others cats. I have 3 cats, more than I normally have but sh*t happens. I feel about outside cats and cat keepers the way all you "cats people haters" seem to feel, and for the same reasons. But I personally hate dog walkers. Your dog craps on my lawn or in my flowerbeds and you say you pick it up...except for the poop smear, and you can't pick up urine and you DON"T pick it up every time. I live in a manufactured home community with 200 houses and more than half walk dogs. They crap and pee all along the walk and I freakin hate it. Why doesn't your dog crap in it's own yard and not on MY lawn? I have a sign on my lawn that reads...NO DOG WASTE...so the male dogs pee on the sign...I am very vocal and will charge out of my house to yell at you and your damn dog. My cats don't bark all night, my new neighbor has 2 bullies he breeds...They are smallish dogs with a bark like a St Bernard. If their barking wakes me up, why don't the dog keepers hear that bark? I seriously doubt if cat haters hate cats and cat people, as much as I seriously hate dog walkers. I have been known to come running out of my house screaming at the old f*ing dog walkers...KEEP YOUR DOG OFF MY LAWN.
Good morning all...time to go see if I trapped the neighbors outside cats...I've been setting my trap to catch a new cat...
I love cats, but I hate outside cats and go to any length to relocate them...trapped one neighbor's cat and dropped it off in New Mexico on my way to Texass. And it bothers me inside to do that to a cat because it's keeper is a selfish idiot. And I punish the owner and hurt the cat...so I am a mass of mixed emotions


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Well-Known Member
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Jun 30, 2018
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Suffice it to say whether it's a tiny jumping spider, a bird or an anaconda (my secret desire), we all love our pets, and we all have an opinion on the subject, a very diverse group, we all are so supportive when one of us loses a beloved pet. I made it thru Bob by the last hair on Y's head and this group. That's the one thing we all agree on...and for that I am forever grateful

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Suffice it to say whether it's a tiny jumping spider, a bird or an anaconda (my secret desire), we all love our pets, and we all have an opinion on the subject, a very diverse group, we all are so supportive when one of us loses a beloved pet. I made it thru Bob by the last hair on Y's head and this group. That's the one thing we all agree on...and for that I am forever grateful
Wow, perfectly stated!!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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It's funny how I feel about others cats. I have 3 cats, more than I normally have but sh*t happens. I feel about outside cats and cat keepers the way all you "cats people haters" seem to feel, and for the same reasons. But I personally hate dog walkers. Your dog craps on my lawn or in my flowerbeds and you say you pick it up...except for the poop smear, and you can't pick up urine and you DON"T pick it up every time. I live in a manufactured home community with 200 houses and more than half walk dogs. They crap and pee all along the walk and I freakin hate it. Why doesn't your dog crap in it's own yard and not on MY lawn? I have a sign on my lawn that reads...NO DOG WASTE...so the male dogs pee on the sign...I am very vocal and will charge out of my house to yell at you and your damn dog. My cats don't bark all night, my new neighbor has 2 bullies he breeds...They are smallish dogs with a bark like a St Bernard. If their barking wakes me up, why don't the dog keepers hear that bark? I seriously doubt if cat haters hate cats and cat people, as much as I seriously hate dog walkers. I have been known to come running out of my house screaming at the old f*ing dog walkers...KEEP YOUR DOG OFF MY LAWN.
Good morning all...time to go see if I trapped the neighbors outside cats...I've been setting my trap to catch a new cat...
I love cats, but I hate outside cats and go to any length to relocate them...trapped one neighbor's cat and dropped it off in New Mexico on my way to Texass. And it bothers me inside to do that to a cat because it's keeper is a selfish idiot. And I punish the owner and hurt the cat...so I am a mass of mixed emotions
I'm going through all of that too. I've carried grocery store bags to the owners and ask them to pick it up. Cat owners: who in the heck are you when you let your cat lose to be hurt or killed. Your house and yard should smell like my yard and flower beds or clean up after your adopted pet. I have no respect for irresponsible pet parents. They can't be that stupid. And not understand that someone else is having to try and clean up after pets they don't even own. Those people don't love their animals and they could care less about their neighbors.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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I am a responsible dog owner. I have 3 Golden Retrievers that are either in a fenced in yard or on a leash. My husband carries bags to pick up their poop on walks and we pay the fees to register them with the city.
My neighbors have a cat that roams the neighborhood, uses my gardens as a litterbox and kills the birds that come to my feeders. There are all kind of ordinances about dog ownership and none about cats.
Oh, and it’s the neighbors’ 2nd cat. The last one was hit by a car and died…
In Jamaica, we get lots of dead cats on the roads due to being hit and/or crushed by cars. Far too many. Too many flat cats.😢


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 22, 2020
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Norwich CT
In Jamaica, we get lots of dead cats on the roads due to being hit and/or crushed by cars. Far too many. Too many flat cats.😢
In our family we have a saying: “If you wouldn’t let your toddler do it, then your pet shouldn’t be doing it!”
(i.e. running in traffic, bouncing around a car, pooping and peeing in the neighbors yard, etc).

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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In our family we have a saying: “If you wouldn’t let your toddler do it, then your pet shouldn’t be doing it!”
(i.e. running in traffic, bouncing around a car, pooping and peeing in the neighbors yard, etc).


Active Member
Aug 9, 2021
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oh my goodness, i love all animals. i have several types.
people are the problem, people need to be responsible for their animals and not subject others to them. spay/neuter, train, contain, clean...there is a lot of work involved.
of all my animals, my torts are the best. we joke they are like houseplants that walk. my chickens come in a close second. i tell my friends i have a dinosaur ranch:)

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
In Jamaica, we get lots of dead cats on the roads due to being hit and/or crushed by cars. Far too many. Too many flat cats.😢
I am not surprised, only shocked that more people are not killed as well but you guys learn quick, by age 2 me thinks!

The 2nd to the last time I thought I was going to die(Life #26 used of 31), was in the back of a Jamaican cab, with Kerry, laughing our heads off!

Eric the Jamaican driver will never be forgotten....fastest 50 yr old driver I ever met......no fear, just speed....thank God we got divine intervention and made it out of his cab in one piece!

For those that don't know it, NASCAR should be in Jamaica searching for it's next superstar. I've ridden in taxi's there who's drivers ONLY chose to pass other cars, on blind outside bends. THAT, takes a skillset (& size of stones) most do not have. More excitement at 80kph there than at 140mph on our large highways! Those guys make NY taxi drivers look like pure rookies! I have been to a lot of places on this side of the planet....and those guys are the best, by a long shot!

To shock everyone here but Tammy, I will also point out that there is no "road rage" in Jamaica......none....THAT is why their system works so well and accidents are far fewer than we see here in the US. They are fast AND laid back....and Kerry wonders why I want to move there.....ya mon!

We went from cats to cars! Love it!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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I am not surprised, only shocked that more people are not killed as well but you guys learn quick, by age 2 me thinks!

The 2nd to the last time I thought I was going to die(Life #26 used of 31), was in the back of a Jamaican cab, with Kerry, laughing our heads off!

Eric the Jamaican driver will never be forgotten....fastest 50 yr old driver I ever met......no fear, just speed....thank God we got divine intervention and made it out of his cab in one piece!

For those that don't know it, NASCAR should be in Jamaica searching for it's next superstar. I've ridden in taxi's there who's drivers ONLY chose to pass other cars, on blind outside bends. THAT, takes a skillset (& size of stones) most do not have. More excitement at 80kph there than at 140mph on our large highways! Those guys make NY taxi drivers look like pure rookies! I have been to a lot of places on this side of the planet....and those guys are the best, by a long shot!

To shock everyone here but Tammy, I will also point out that there is no "road rage" in Jamaica......none....THAT is why their system works so well and accidents are far fewer than we see here in the US. They are fast AND laid back....and Kerry wonders why I want to move there.....ya mon!

We went from cats to cars! Love it!
Yes, all true about the taxi drivers Jeff. But I can tell you that there is indeed Road Rage. We just take it all out on the cats!

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