I need help picked a Lizard pet!

Wretched Luck

New Member
Jun 29, 2021
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Fort Collins
NOTE: I know this isn't a huge Lizard place but I thought I might ask anyways, if this isn't allowed I'll delete this post right away.

Hello everyone! I've been researching for weeks on a bunch of different lizards and I just feel like I'm going in circles now. Here are some things I wanna say first:

I am not a complete beginner, I've cared for Giant Day Geckos, Ball Pythons and Breaded Dragons. I know none of these are super advanced, however I believe I can care for an intermediate reptile now. (Please go ahead and tell me I am wrong if I am.)

Next thing I want to say is I am very picky on what Lizards I like, and this time I do want to get a Lizard/Gecko. Since I am fairy picky I'll let you know the look I like, Monitors and Tegus are my favorite looking reptiles. The biggest problem is that even the smaller Monitors and Tegus seem to be too big for my cage. I have a 4-2-2 in feet that's 47-18-19 inches (in case I'm putting the numbers in the wrong order it's in, length, width and the height order.) Also I suck at math so if that conversion wrong please please let me know.

Note: I'd like to be able to handle this pet, I am willing to work on this and "tame" the pet if they are more shy or slightly aggressive.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2013
NOTE: I know this isn't a huge Lizard place but I thought I might ask anyways, if this isn't allowed I'll delete this post right away.

Hello everyone! I've been researching for weeks on a bunch of different lizards and I just feel like I'm going in circles now. Here are some things I wanna say first:

I am not a complete beginner, I've cared for Giant Day Geckos, Ball Pythons and Breaded Dragons. I know none of these are super advanced, however I believe I can care for an intermediate reptile now. (Please go ahead and tell me I am wrong if I am.)

Next thing I want to say is I am very picky on what Lizards I like, and this time I do want to get a Lizard/Gecko. Since I am fairy picky I'll let you know the look I like, Monitors and Tegus are my favorite looking reptiles. The biggest problem is that even the smaller Monitors and Tegus seem to be too big for my cage. I have a 4-2-2 in feet that's 47-18-19 inches (in case I'm putting the numbers in the wrong order it's in, length, width and the height order.) Also I suck at math so if that conversion wrong please please let me know.

Note: I'd like to be able to handle this pet, I am willing to work on this and "tame" the pet if they are more shy or slightly aggressive.
How about a Blue Tongued Skink? Not sure how much you want to spend, but here is a nice one: https://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=761657

Here are some nice looking babies for less $$: https://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=761327


The Dog Trainer
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NOTE: I know this isn't a huge Lizard place but I thought I might ask anyways, if this isn't allowed I'll delete this post right away.

Hello everyone! I've been researching for weeks on a bunch of different lizards and I just feel like I'm going in circles now. Here are some things I wanna say first:

I am not a complete beginner, I've cared for Giant Day Geckos, Ball Pythons and Breaded Dragons. I know none of these are super advanced, however I believe I can care for an intermediate reptile now. (Please go ahead and tell me I am wrong if I am.)

Next thing I want to say is I am very picky on what Lizards I like, and this time I do want to get a Lizard/Gecko. Since I am fairy picky I'll let you know the look I like, Monitors and Tegus are my favorite looking reptiles. The biggest problem is that even the smaller Monitors and Tegus seem to be too big for my cage. I have a 4-2-2 in feet that's 47-18-19 inches (in case I'm putting the numbers in the wrong order it's in, length, width and the height order.) Also I suck at math so if that conversion wrong please please let me know.

Note: I'd like to be able to handle this pet, I am willing to work on this and "tame" the pet if they are more shy or slightly aggressive.
Hello and welcome!

We have an "other pets" section with a lizard subform just for this sort of inquiry. And you found it!

With your enclosure and your listed parameters, You have just perfectly described what Zovick recommended. You cannot beat a BTS. They are personable, handleable and friendly, super easy to feed and care for, easy to house, very hardy and long lived. I think they are the best pet lizard there is. Get a Northern Blue Tongue Skink. Many of the forum members there have them. They are just wonderful, fun, and easy. They make life with them enjoyable, not stressful.

Do a forum search for Blue Tongue Skink and you can read all about them. Great care info here too: https://www.bluetongueskinks.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=20&sid=06a5d4811c055aefc57560a035bcc22b

If you really like the monitors, look in to getting a red or yellow Ackie. They are wonderful and usually tame down nicely. They can live as an adult in the size enclosure you mentioned. Their care, feeding and set up is a bit more extensive and involved than a BTS, but some people like that sort of involvement. I had a bunch and I loved them. Recently sent mine to a better home than what I was offering, but I had them for several years. You'll need a roach colony or two to keep them well fed.


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I have had great experiences with leopard geckos. I like anything with a fat tail. But they live an extremely long time, are easy to tame and handle. You can hand feed them and they can be very personable. But I don't recommend breeding them, because the female definitely got beat up a bit. I sold my breeding pair a few years ago, but I miss them.

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