I'm new and just need a answeri


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Nov 18, 2011
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This site is fun, people generally are all here to learn and no one at all thinks they know everything.
Typically I'm one of the fun, rambunctious, rebel hellions here on the forum. Mane you know this or not. Essentially, I'm breaking a forum rule or two here by taking your thread off topic as well as by not just sending you a pm here. So be it. Here's where I'm at. After reading my post here, you need to send Yvonne G and or Josh a pm to find out the easiest way for you to change your username. Essentially you're casting stones and poking fun/making light of a large segment of our people on the planet and your username is insensitive to say the least. If you feel you've received this in error, please feel free to pm me and state your case. If needed, I'll send you my cell number or even my address so as to enable you to fully get where you're at. Mind you, I'm not sure you were thinking of making offensive name, I figure you thought you were just being witty, when in fact you weren't. You may now go on to these important pm's you should make, and come back to your thread.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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I should have joined these forums years ago I could've asked any question and a friendly person that has a lot of experience answers and not in a mean tone like " WOW WHAT A NOOB THIS IS LEVEL ONE OF OWNING A TORTOISE IM NOT SUPRISED YOU DIDNT KNOW NOOB!" The people here just tell you what you need to know and try to be as friendly as possible and has anyone had experience with pancake tortoises if it works out with these sulcatas that's the next tortoise I'm getting and more importantly can someone give me tips on owning sulcatas because the two with extra scutes are in perfect condition it's just the one with no extra scutes I'm worried about thanks guys.

Well we are glad to hear that you perceive it that way. We do the same things with just about every new person and some people see it just the opposite of how you see it. So, I'm glad you find our blabbering helpful, and thank you for saying so!

In addition to the other links you already have, check out these:


New Member
Jul 24, 2015
I guess I have to change my username :/ and how do I do this? I mean I'm sorry to be the first person to act a little rude to someone but I don't think my username is offensive. It means I'm not completely mindless of what a reptile is. But if anybody else thinks it offensive I'll change it. I admit I know fairly nothing about tortoises, I know a few species and how to take care of some of them from people on this forum it's not like my username is "ReptileGenius", and I'm actually able to answer a few people that have questions of their own. I mean if you think that my name is offensive so be it, unless I could get kicked from this site. I mean your profile pic is 2 tortoises mating, that could be offensive to people that have no intention of breeding tortoises. I mean I'm not gonna criticize you about that because it's not like you are cursing left and right or constantly being mean to other people. I'm sorry if I don't get what's so offensive about my username.


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5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2011
Glad to hear we have another SE VA member. For raising Sullies, the SE part of VA will give a milder winter than the western part or the northern part.

I'm in Portsmouth and work in Suffolk. So, we're almost neighbors.

Good luck!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I'm buying 3 ivory sulcata tortoises from a dude in California. 2 of them have extra scutes which I'm perfectly fine with, but he is selling for 50 dollars less. The third one has "Perfect Scutes". I'm concerned with the one with no extra scutes shell it looks very dry and there are kind of like cracks but they don't go all the way through the shell. Like the indentions or pattern on our palm. The other 2 however are just as smooth as can be. Should I be worried about the one with no extra scutes or is it a simple thing to fix? I know a lot about lizards and snakes not turtles and tortoises you guys are the experts please answer.

Extra scutes are just that...extra scutes. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the tortoise. Chances are it means these two are female, because sometimes more heat in the incubator leads to aberrant scutes. Higher heat = female, lower heat = male. There's nothing to 'fix.' They will look like that, with extras, their whole life.

What you perceive to be a crack could very well be the start of pyramiding, which means these babies were raised dry. Again, not life threatening and fixable.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I guess I have to change my username :/ and how do I do this? I mean I'm sorry to be the first person to act a little rude to someone but I don't think my username is offensive. It means I'm not completely mindless of what a reptile is. But if anybody else thinks it offensive I'll change it. I admit I know fairly nothing about tortoises, I know a few species and how to take care of some of them from people on this forum it's not like my username is "ReptileGenius", and I'm actually able to answer a few people that have questions of their own. I mean if you think that my name is offensive so be it, unless I could get kicked from this site. I mean your profile pic is 2 tortoises mating, that could be offensive to people that have no intention of breeding tortoises. I mean I'm not gonna criticize you about that because it's not like you are cursing left and right or constantly being mean to other people. I'm sorry if I don't get what's so offensive about my username.

I guess it's not totally politically correct, but it doesn't offend me. If you want to change it, you have to contact our admin, Josh, at [email protected] . He is the only one who can change usernames.