Indoor cage

Macy Fidler

Oct 30, 2014
ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1430327007.924056.jpg
This is the current indoor habitat for my russian tortoise. It is a 5'x3'.
I know it needs to be expanded on, and I plan to do so here shortly!
He is kept outside most of the time though, because the weather has been sunny and 75+ where I live. I just thought I would share his indoor enclosure and am open for comments!! :)


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Jul 11, 2014
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It is a bit small, but as long as he is outside a lot, it appears functional. More plants would help keep the humidity up. The water bowl could be replaced with a terra cotta saucer. It poses less of a tipping hazard. Would love to see pics of your outdoor enclosure.

Macy Fidler

Oct 30, 2014
It is a bit small, but as long as he is outside a lot, it appears functional. More plants would help keep the humidity up. The water bowl could be replaced with a terra cotta saucer. It poses less of a tipping hazard. Would love to see pics of your outdoor enclosure.
Thanks!! I am looking for a spider plant and can't seem to find one. That's my next investment though! And the water is actually like a pool and I've sunk it into the substrate with dirt around it. He seems to be able to get in and out pretty easily. But will do!! ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1430328120.648315.jpg


The Dog Trainer
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Love this. I think 3x5' is fine for indoors for a Russian in a warm climate that spends most of its time outside during the day.

About the water bowl. We had a member do a post a few months ago about that exact same ramped water bowl. She came home and found her russian upside down and drowned in it. They are a major hazard for tortoises. I would remove it right away and just soak your tortoise every other day or so, until you can replace it with something more suitable like the sunken terra cotta plant saucer that Jodie mentioned.

Another thing I'm noticing upon closer inspection. I would take a straight edge razor and trim off the excess on your foam seam sealer there. Your tortoise will probably eventually try to eat that and it might be bad for them.

Otherwise, great job! I love the buried tunnels.

Macy Fidler

Oct 30, 2014
Thank you!!!
Really? Wow... I had no idea. I will for sure replace it asap. Thank you for telling me!!! And thank you! :)

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