Is it cruel...

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Cloud 9

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stephiiberrybean said:
Cloud 9 said:
not sure if this has already been addressed but does the "prefer being solitary" apply to all species of tortoises?

would this also apply to red foot tortoises as well?

I think someone mentioned somewhere that some seem to get on better in company. Think the redfoot was mentioned.
I'm sure I read somewhere also that said that Redfoots do better in company than most other species of tortoise.

ahhh okay, thank you :).

edit: also noticed Jacqui's post as well! oops :).


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Cloud 9 said:
stephiiberrybean said:
Cloud 9 said:
not sure if this has already been addressed but does the "prefer being solitary" apply to all species of tortoises?

would this also apply to red foot tortoises as well?

I think someone mentioned somewhere that some seem to get on better in company. Think the redfoot was mentioned.
I'm sure I read somewhere also that said that Redfoots do better in company than most other species of tortoise.

ahhh okay, thank you :).

No problem.
Am sure someone far more knowledgeable will be along shortly to tell you more- perhaps even correct me if i'm wrong :)


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See, that is what is misleading. Two is not good. You either need one, three, or more than three, and preferably female heavy.

What a lot of it boils down to is that when you first start out, you really should start with one. That allows you to get some experience and have time to learn what their needs, habits, and mannerisms are. It does no one any good to go out and buy three babies and then watch all of them decline.


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I agree with Kristina. I'd also add that when the time comes and the decision is made to add more animals serious consideration needs to be made about the amount of space that you will be able to devote to a group. They require a lot space compared to an individual in order to maintain peace within the group.

A group isn't always ideal (or possible) for everyone's situation. Much of it depends upon your resources such as location, space, time and money. Sometimes a solitary animal is better for some keepers. Just a pair is rarely a good idea with most species.


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Thanks for the replies.

I get where your coming from Kristina and GBtortoises.
I know how annoying it is to watch someone who knows nothing about horses go out and buy a top of the range thoroughbred and then watch them sell it a few months down the line because its "not right" When in actual fact it just hasn't been looked after or treated right!

I just wanted to know if it was kind to keep them alone.
As all other animals i've had (bar hamsters!) have had to live in pairs or groups! So its strange to think of one being on its own and not getting lonely.

However after all my research and everyone's replies. I've decided to start with one tortoise :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I am glad you decided that. Did this also teach you that with tortoise, there is really no right or wrong answer? Each of us experience something just a little bit different and special with our animals. I may because of the species we keep, the area we live, how our enclosures are set up and how big they are, and then our own individual tortoises likes and dislikes along with our own. ;)


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Jacqui said:
I am glad you decided that. Did this also teach you that with tortoise, there is really no right or wrong answer? Each of us experience something just a little bit different and special with our animals. I may because of the species we keep, the area we live, how our enclosures are set up and how big they are, and then our own individual tortoises likes and dislikes along with our own. ;)

It certainly has.
I guess it's like that with most things though. It's certainly made me calm down a lot about not getting thing perfect.
I'd have to be a pretty terrible pet owner to get things terribly wrong and we're all going to get the odd thing wrong from time to time with any pet we own.

I think it also comes down to personal preference as well as tortoise preference.
One owner might do something different to another owner because it suits that animal better or because it suits that style of enclosure, living or whatever better :)
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