Javari's Beautiful Shell Colors

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Apr 14, 2012
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:) Javari has constantly amazed us with growing very fast, eats everything like a little piggy :p always on the go and very outgoing and mostly the changing shell color is just stunning. These are the shell color changes since baby Javari came home in April.
When first came home shell color and markings.

Few weeks after,

Then here comes all the white.:p

and even more white,

and then looky all the black comming back in, just BEAUTIFUL!!! :D Pic was taken about 10 days ago.

and now pic taken yesterday wow even more black.

Wonder how much more black will come in over time. :tort:

Will update this thread in another month or so just to compare the color again..;)


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Wow, that is amazing. I never would have thought the black would come back like that. Will be interesting to see what he ends up looking like in another year or so.


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wellington said:
Wow, that is amazing. I never would have thought the black would come back like that. Will be interesting to see what he ends up looking like in another year or so.

wellington, we didnt know the black would come back in like that neither, we are wondering how much more black is gona come back in would be wild if he/she gets alot more black.:p None the less Javari is STUNNING!!:D:tort:


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I agree, very stunning in all the color phases.


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That is one amazing looking tortoise.

It'll be interesting to see what he looks like fully grown.

Would you mind giving some extended details on your care? Feeding menu and schedule, temp and humidity levels, type of equipment you're using (light bulbs) etc...


The Dog Trainer
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I second Neal's request.

That is one good lookin' leopard.

Alan RF

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Aug 10, 2012
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Beautiful looking leopard and it's great to see the change! Fabulous and stunning !


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Apr 14, 2012
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:) Thanks everyone..

Neal, Tom heres how there all 3 raised nothing special. :p

The bedding i use is a mix of coir/forest floor bedding, moisted then nuked on high for 8 mins to kill all bactieria/bugs ect ect ect, then cooled and placed in there home its just over 2 1/2 inches deep except for there humid hide hut its deeper. Lights over table/tote they live in are as fallows, Basking corner light is Zoomed UVB powersun 100 watt temp under that is 110 they have a flat part of drift wood on which the sit on for basking under the light once a day i pour a small amount of water over that drift wood, then other corner from that is the dryer side temp at 90 humidty there is 70% as once a day i lightly moisten that area as well since its stays dry most the time,they love going to that area to sleep durring the day once i moisten it but most the time it stays dry as i like them to have a dry area. Next is the middle section where food and water dish area is, lights over that are Exo Terra Sun Glo Day Light Neodymium 150 watt and no this is NOT a twisty bulb. Temp in that section is 89 humidty at 70% This light goes off at night so one whole half of there enclosure is completey dark at night for sleeping. The end with humid hide hut is more moist, inside the hut temp is 87 and humidty is way up there at 90%, i re moisten that every day, they love to sleep in there at night and will dig down in the bedding once in there, i have a heat pad under the outside of that corner of the enclosure which keeps there hide hut warmer.
As for food they get everything i can possible get for them, in the morn they get mix of greens Romaine/Boston/Endive/Frisee/Radicchio/red leaf and green leaf lettuce/small amount of collard greens. At night i try to do a diffrent varietty for them of the greens that has other stuff in it. Durring the day they get 4 hrs outdoor sunshine/exersize and grazing with whatever weeds they find and eat, mostly grasses, clovers, diffrent types plantain and other weeds.:p 3 times a week they get a mix of cucumber/yellow squash/green pepper/kiwii-very small amount/Zucchini/water cress/cactus pads and pulled leafs from Brussels Sprouts. I only leave that in there long enough for them to eat once there done i pull the rest out. Mositen Mazuri 3 times a week.
ONCE every 8 days they get a funky concoction i make up for them as a little treat its moistend purina lite dry dog food, few chunks /moisted Exo Terra Adult Iguana mixed with very small amount of /parsley/kale and very very tiny amount of Mango. They go NUTS over this stuff and know when im bringing it to them befour i even get to there enclosure there little sniffers are working over time when it comes to this treat they get. LOL!!:tort:

There soaks are twice a day, the mornning soak they get vitamins in there water along with liquid cal, 3 times a week i also add some essential probiotics. They always have cuttle bone and zoomed tortoise block. My hubby says they eat better than we do LOL!!:D Thats pretty well much how we care for them even though theres things in there folks will frown upon. I also use Vita Shell right after a soak bath once a week.

There feeding schedual is as fallows, at 7am they get there first feeding with soak bath, then 10am to mid day there out grazing, then back in durring hottest part of the day, back out at 4 pm to 6pm for more grazing, then back in for soak and night time feeding which is at 8pm and then after that i turn lights out at 10pm.

There schedual goes according to mine but its pretty stedy and then they stay in on cold or bad weather days and will be completely housed indoors for the winter months. Hope that helps.;)


The Dog Trainer
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Wow. That is quite a routine. Beats anything I do. The results certainly speak for themselves. I guess your tortoise is living proof that dog food does not cause pyramiding.


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Tom said:
Wow. That is quite a routine. Beats anything I do. The results certainly speak for themselves. I guess your tortoise is living proof that dog food does not cause pyramiding.

Thanks Tom ;) Its not just that dog food causes pyramiding its how sparingly you use it and what type you use and how high the protine content is along with how much junk is in the very poor quilty food they use, try to use a high quality dry food with low protine and use it sparingly. Im using the Purina light right now as thats what my Boston Terrier is currently on, normaly i use a better quility food. The problem was and is that some folks whom are not imformed properly use crappy dry dog food everyday and very little anything elseas they dont know torts need other foods/greens and such, not dry dog food. Im not telling everyone to run right out and do the same things i do, its just something i do and have done in the past with awsome results with sick rescues and also non rescues. BUT i NEVER use it all the time its ONLY a treat once every 8 days at most 4 times a month.

With any sick rescue torts that are not eating its a way to help get food into them without over taxing them and sick animals need protine and to eat to help build strenght mixing it with some form of greens helps and or with any type meds or powderd vitamins/cal. I dont use powderd vitamins/cal, i use liquid cal/vitamins/B12 as it gets into there systom faster. Everyone has there own methods and ways of doing things..;)

Tiny Tikii is a survivor due to our methods and care we give.:D:tort:


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5 Year Member
Apr 14, 2012
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Harrietta, MI
:) Thanks everyone..:tort:

jesst, Javari is 11 months old, when Javari came home the breeder had stated he/she was 7 months at the time that was back in April.
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