Lady Hermann not her usual self


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Perhaps you could explain to the Lady that she is damaging her claws by all this digging, and she really needs immaculate painted talons to be sufficiently classy-looking for the role !
Zola has been very cross this afternoon, because the sun came out unexpectedly, and he assumed he would be going out, but it was too late and too cold - he busied himself trashing his room, and when I tried to get him to have a soothing stroke with me by the fire, he just fought and struggled until I gave up in despair. He is a wonderful little chap, and I am always rather upset when I can't give him what he wants - fortunately, he always forgives me.
Plase give our respectful and overwhelmingly admiring good wishes to the magnificent Lady Teztez -
and love to you from Angie xx and Zola xxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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Oh i I am so sorry that Zola is having a frustrating day..Teztez will be most sympathetic. She has been incarcerated in her box, under her lamp, while all the removing and general disruption has been happening. She had a huge breakfast of soggies, and has been peacefully digesting this, while all around has been chaos, dust, noise and dissolution of all her environment.
It's such a horrid shock when your home is disintegrated and loaded onto vans. The piano was the worst, still, it has been safely transferred.
Zola is so clever! I hope it is a nice day tomorrow and he can go out.
He is so lovely. It's the spring. They know.
Love from Ruth, and the enigmatic and crazy Lady Teztez xxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - How are you getting on in your new house, and how is the superb and wonderful Lady Teztez adapting ? I had some good news yesterday - I am going to start on this new headache drug next week ! I am very glad, as my headaches have been worse recently, and the various inections seem to have less and less effect. It will probably take some weeks to show much effect, though, and there are side effects, but I am very glad to have the chance to try it.
Zola is full of energy at the moment, and eating very well - we have just been to get some more whole radicchio for him from a place on Exmoor, and the drive was just beautiful. The trees are pretty much in leaf now, but you can still see the shapes of the branches - everywhere is such a bright colour - greens and oranges and dark red - all luminous and fresh-looking. I find that I marvel at trees more every year !
I do hope things are going well for you
Love to you and to the magnificent and enchanting Lady Teztez from Zola and from me xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Ruth - How are you getting on in your new house, and how is the superb and wonderful Lady Teztez adapting ? I had some good news yesterday - I am going to start on this new headache drug next week ! I am very glad, as my headaches have been worse recently, and the various inections seem to have less and less effect. It will probably take some weeks to show much effect, though, and there are side effects, but I am very glad to have the chance to try it.
Zola is full of energy at the moment, and eating very well - we have just been to get some more whole radicchio for him from a place on Exmoor, and the drive was just beautiful. The trees are pretty much in leaf now, but you can still see the shapes of the branches - everywhere is such a bright colour - greens and oranges and dark red - all luminous and fresh-looking. I find that I marvel at trees more every year !
I do hope things are going well for you
Love to you and to the magnificent and enchanting Lady Teztez from Zola and from me xxxxxx
Dear Angie and Zola,
We hope you are both doing well.
I do hope that the headache drug will work Angie. We often think of you all.
How is gorgeous golden Zola?
Teztez is settling into her new abode. It took a few days before she realised that we really had uprooted her from her familiar garden and she was quite annoyed, although we tried our best to keep her happy and warm and well fed.
She has now come to terms with her new surroundings and has accepted that she cannot wander unchecked as before, but has to stay in her run. She has thoroughly explored our new downstairs, and no doubt has mapped it all out.
We have had some very sad times recently, our eldest daughter died. She had ovarian cancer, which no one knew about until February. It was too late for the nhs to save her life. We are heartbroken, but we must carry on. We have Christian faith, so we cling to this, and the support from our family and friends.
Love to you all, from Ruth, and Lady Teztez


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Angie and Zola,
We hope you are both doing well.
I do hope that the headache drug will work Angie. We often think of you all.
How is gorgeous golden Zola?
Teztez is settling into her new abode. It took a few days before she realised that we really had uprooted her from her familiar garden and she was quite annoyed, although we tried our best to keep her happy and warm and well fed.
She has now come to terms with her new surroundings and has accepted that she cannot wander unchecked as before, but has to stay in her run. She has thoroughly explored our new downstairs, and no doubt has mapped it all out.
We have had some very sad times recently, our eldest daughter died. She had ovarian cancer, which no one knew about until February. It was too late for the nhs to save her life. We are heartbroken, but we must carry on. We have Christian faith, so we cling to this, and the support from our family and friends.
Love to you all, from Ruth, and Lady Teztez
Dear Ruth - I'm so very sorry to hear about your daughter - what a terrible thing to happen. It's great that you have faith to sustain you,and supportive people to help keep you going. Richard and I will be thinking of you a lot, and I will tell Zola, who wishes you and Teztez goodnight with me every single night anyway, that we must send lots of special thoughts to you and your family.
Much love to you all from Angie


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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 11, 2020
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El Sobrante, CA.
Ruth, My heart goes out to you and your Family. I'm caring for my old GF that is fighting the same cancer. Her CA levels have gone up, and she has been put on an additional drug, 3 weeks ago, and it is now kicking her butt . . but we carry on. She has a very progressive and . . aggressive oncologist who is very compassionate, literally we are trusting her with her life...I worry about the future....with love & hugs . . .


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - Richard thought you would like to see some photos of his new best friend (apart from Zola, of course) He has been feeding an adult robin for a long time -he was carrying off loads of mealworms - but then, a few days ago, this little baby appeared. At first, he would only eat a worm if dropped on the ground, then he allowed Richard to put his hand flat on the ground, with a worm on the edge, which he would take. Now he is happy to hang around Richard, and perches on a gas cylinder -Richard holds the worm out in his fingers, and puts it in the robin's open beak. Today he accepted 5 worms from Richard's hand, while standing on his perch. You can see the orange feathers coming on his front !!!
Zola sends his deepest regards to the Lady Teztez, and we all send much love to you and your family
Angie xxxxxxyr3.jpgyr1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
That is so lovely. Thank you for the pictures. Birds are very cheering, we are delighted to see and hear a pair of thrushes in our new garden.
Teztez is very touched by Zola's kind message. Thank you all for your kindness.
Love from Ruth and the thwarted explorer, Lady Teztez.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 11, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
El Sobrante, CA.
Dear Ruth - Richard thought you would like to see some photos of his new best friend (apart from Zola, of course) He has been feeding an adult robin for a long time -he was carrying off loads of mealworms - but then, a few days ago, this little baby appeared. At first, he would only eat a worm if dropped on the ground, then he allowed Richard to put his hand flat on the ground, with a worm on the edge, which he would take. Now he is happy to hang around Richard, and perches on a gas cylinder -Richard holds the worm out in his fingers, and puts it in the robin's open beak. Today he accepted 5 worms from Richard's hand, while standing on his perch. You can see the orange feathers coming on his front !!!
Zola sends his deepest regards to the Lady Teztez, and we all send much love to you and your family
Angie xxxxxxView attachment 372717View attachment 372718
Oh, THAT is too cute! How sweet! Thank you Richard for feeding this younin....