Lethargic and not eating


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I would say the mucus is clear with a hint of yellow. Kinda looks like when you blow your nose to be honest.
I started noticing these red spots on his shell last night and took him to the ER. They think he is septic and gave an antibiotic and vitamin A shot. Hoping to get him in with a specialist tomorrow morning.
Those vets don't know tortoises. Vitamin A shots are for turtles, not tortoises. This is a tell-tale indicator that a vet doesn't know tortoises and is reading from a handbook or website in the back. Those injections into a tiny tortoise that is already compromised are likely to hasten its demise.

No vet can save this tortoise. It is a complete waste of money. There is nothing they can do. Offer the correct conditions and temperatures, soak daily, and try to do your best. Some make it and some don't. There is nothing any vet can do. The damage was done by the breeder and or seller, and that damage can't be undone no matter how much you spend at the vets office.


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Apr 8, 2024
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We got a call from the vet this morning that he is looking around and opening his eyes. A lot more curious. The swelling in his limbs have gone down. They were going to let him rest and tube feed him tonight

Unfortunately the next call we got in the afternoon was Bowser passed away. I’m heartbroken but glad to hear he was feeling better in his last hours before he passed. Thank you all for your love, help, and kindness through this stressful week.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2013
We got a call from the vet this morning that he is looking around and opening his eyes. A lot more curious. The swelling in his limbs have gone down. They were going to let him rest and tube feed him tonight

Unfortunately the next call we got in the afternoon was Bowser passed away. I’m heartbroken but glad to hear he was feeling better in his last hours before he passed. Thank you all for your love, help, and kindness through this stressful week.
Very sorry to hear this news. Do you plan to get another tortoise and try again?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 22, 2018
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I would very much like too. I’m considering getting maybe a 6 month old+ instead of a hatchling.
If you get another tortoise you should sanitize anything the first tortoise touched with high strength hydrogen peroxide (12%). Anything you can’t clean like bedding should be discarded.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I'm sorry to hear this. I know you only had him a short time, but I know that he wormed his way into your heart during that time. It's a tough pill to swallow.